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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

For those who doesn't know,

AR has ants in her pants

when bitten by ants, she starts her rants

so, nobody cares what she says II

A real good watch.

A whole lot of waffling.

she has not quoted any figures or any facts.

Her theme is that one should not exploit the earth for minerals or dam the rivers.

She rejects the idea of Nations state, as per the interview.

She says that one cannot build dams, mining or anything.

She says one cannot take the land for development.

In short she is suggesting that India and then she goes to mention the world should go back to earlier time so to say!

The title of the thread is sensationalist, but what she has said that all progress should be stopped and we care about indigenous people.

Indeed, we should go back to the Stoneage as per Arundhuti Roy!

BTW aeronaut have you listened to this interview?

If so, who agree with what she says?
You can have her Too :lol:

Well shes ur countrymen not mine so why should i hav it. try to accept the reality instead of deniying it. we know that in easteren part of india there is zero level of development thats the major reason of 36 independence movemements across the india. i

A real good watch.

A real good watch because she is lying and talking against India? Thats why? This is just an example how much frustrated you are. :lol:

Roy is a kind of person who don't celebrate sunrise, coz she knows It will set by end of day.....

We need some person who don't get dishearten of sunset, coz it will rise again....

Arundhati don't need any attention...
For her the whole world is like hell there is nothing good here.
Roy is not lying per se. she is waffling.

Stating generalised things and does not even say what the damages that will occur if mining is done or dams are built!

Nowhere has she mentioned anything about the economy or its success!!

It is like a speaker in a debate who has not prepared the speech but has to say something and so says something!

I wonder what was the message this thread aimed at, when it was started?

Was it to embarrass India?

I am afraid, it has only embarrassed the person who started the thread and went gleefully having seen the title and without having even seen or heard the content!!

What a way to start a thread!!
Well shes ur countrymen not mine so why should i hav it. try to accept the reality instead of deniying it. we know that in easteren part of india there is zero level of development thats the major reason of 36 independence movemements across the india. i

:blah::blah::blah: Stop Posting Crap
And if you People admire Her so Much , Your country can Invite her to be citizen - we dont Need Her
wat facts does she have to claim that indian economic sucess is a lie???
Did IMF ,World bank lie....??

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