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Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare

Difference in fast by Gandhi, Anna Hazare: Mahatma's great grandson

Holding that Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement has an element of "populism" about it, Mahatma Gandhi's great grandson Tushar has said there is difference in the way the two leaders have used fasting as an instrument of protest.

He also feels that while for the Mahatma fasting was a means to "reform an adversary", in case of Hazare, a self-professed Gandhian, it was like targeting an "enemy".

"Hazare's fast is different because Bapu's fast was to reform an adversary into a friend, while Anna's fast is against an enemy. It is like a me versus you kind of thing," Tushar Gandhi said.

"Hazare has become an icon of the desperation being felt by the people in India. However, there is an element of populism in the movement," he said.

"What we are seeing since yesterday is concern of people about democratic rights. There is a sense of disconnect between the people and the government. That is reflected in this whole movement," he added.

Asked how would have the Mahatma viewed Hazare's agitation, Tushar said, "Bapu would have never allowed the situation to reach this level. He would have become active when the disease (corruption) was at a nascent stage and not when it has reached alarming proportions."

Difference in fast by Gandhi, Anna Hazare: Mahatma's great grandson - Times Of India
grandson of mahatma gandhi is just another indian
he is free to say whatever he wants within constitution
media reported him because he was born in gandhi family nothing more so doent matter what he says what matters is what mass publi says

---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

I wish there were more people like this woman on both sides of our border she always make thought provoking interesting comments
we are happy with one hope u get many like that
DM, Did you even try to read Janlokpal Bill draft? Your first qn was to give too much of power to Lokpal. Yes the draft gives that. You can write a complain in single piece of paper and send it to Supreme court and SC has to finish the complain against lokpal with in 3 months. Isn't this power to people?

Do you know any process where I can complain against PM, Chief justice, MPs etc? I will complain to CBI/CVC and they have to give them show cause notice to the culprit. Am I kidding? No this is current process.

Yes I know a way you can complain, dont vote for them. We voted this government into power, so its our choice. The PM does not have time to listen to individual complains. In a democracy the best way to complain is to vote for the right person, that is the ONLY way anything will chance. I have read enough about the lokpal bill to comment, its very amateur and still needs to be refined a lot.
Any comparisons between Gandhi and Anna are absurd, hope no Indian does that. There is no comparison between them. Gandhi fought with a clear agenda and knew what his goals were. Anna is fighting to clear out corruption with no plan other than a dreamy draft which is not feasible in a democracy. Rather than that fight to change the Indian population which has now become so used to bribing and taking the easy way out. We are so corrupt ourselves, how can we then dream to change the system.
she aint as controvertial as herself. We all know the fate of tasreer

You don't know much about her, do you? She talks about Baloch Liberation publicly. Arundhati Roy said the same thing about Kashmir, & was charged with sedition. What happened to that crime reporter that got shot in Mumbai?
she aint as controvertial as herself. We all know the fate of tasreer

Pervez Hoodhboy - is an intellectual who rights passionately against our nuclear programme which more than 90% of Pakistanis are in favor of, and he is living freely and then there is Mr Sethi he also is passionate and controversial, so don't judge us, after all indian people murdered their founder of their state.
Pervez Hoodhboy - is an intellectual who rights passionately against our nuclear programme which more than 90% of Pakistanis are in favor of, and he is living freely and then there is Mr Sethi he also is passionate and controversial, so don't judge us, after all indian people murdered their founder of their state.

Umm... Big figures in US history like MLK jr, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by their own people. Does it mean they are hated by the majority??

Any comparisons between Gandhi and Anna are absurd, hope no Indian does that. There is no comparison between them. Gandhi fought with a clear agenda and knew what his goals were. Anna is fighting to clear out corruption with no plan other than a dreamy draft which is not feasible in a democracy. Rather than that fight to change the Indian population which has now become so used to bribing and taking the easy way out. We are so corrupt ourselves, how can we then dream to change the system.

Of course it's silly.
Yes I know a way you can complain, dont vote for them. We voted this government into power, so its our choice. The PM does not have time to listen to individual complains. In a democracy the best way to complain is to vote for the right person, that is the ONLY way anything will chance. I have read enough about the lokpal bill to comment, its very amateur and still needs to be refined a lot.


Its easy to say that public themselves are to be blamed for current situation of corruption with argument that, they dont cast vote, they don't choose right candidates etc.

Why are you forgetting the ground reality ? Is it possible for a common honest person without money and/or muscle power to get a ticket of any party to contest an election?

In such a scenario where every party has fielded corrupt or tainted candidates (more corrupt or less corrupt is irrelevant), what should a common voter do ? Does he has the Right to reject all the candidate?

I am not saying that this situation is present in each and every constituency;however majorty are facing such problem and this trend is increasing day by day, sadly.

Since all political parties are same, in not having any intention to even look into this issue (Background Screening of candidates to remove corrupt aspirants before alloting ticket) , people are fed up and their frustration is being refleted in Support for the movement as they are hoing for any positive change.
Yes I know a way you can complain, dont vote for them. We voted this government into power, so its our choice. The PM does not have time to listen to individual complains. In a democracy the best way to complain is to vote for the right person, that is the ONLY way anything will chance. I have read enough about the lokpal bill to comment, its very amateur and still needs to be refined a lot.

DM, I think you are missing a bigger picture here. We voted and elected people because we dont have a "Sane" choice. When I need to elect a person among a bunch of lunatics or criminals, I cant do a justice. If we elect BJP, it would be communal. So all parties are same.From where we are going to get a choice by which we feel better, Sorry but I dont find anyone.

Now what is resolution? Resolution is to make an independant body who is accountable to people and not to the GoI. That is possible with strong Lokpal Bill.

If you find it amateur, I will love to discuss them one by one here.
"While his means may be Gandhian, Anna Hazare's demands are certainly not," Roy said.
What kinda bullsh!t is this?? She needs to be put in a canoe in crap creek without a paddle! Jeeez! :tdown:
not possible in Pakistan. she will be stoned to death if she made such comments in Pakistan

so much stupidity come from you and MODs have so much mercy on you divya? its BS if you don't know asma jahngeer hood bhai and other hardcore anti Pakistan elements here .just look around before open mouth enough scrap ok .

---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

she aint as controvertial as herself. We all know the fate of tasreer

learn the name first its taseer lolz name ata nhi chaly sikhany .:tdown:
Any comparisons between Gandhi and Anna are absurd, hope no Indian does that. There is no comparison between them. Gandhi fought with a clear agenda and knew what his goals were. Anna is fighting to clear out corruption with no plan other than a dreamy draft which is not feasible in a democracy. Rather than that fight to change the Indian population which has now become so used to bribing and taking the easy way out. We are so corrupt ourselves, how can we then dream to change the system.

With all due respect to our father of Nation, I reject your comments. Many of Bapu's fights were absurd. I will quote some history pages for you. In year 1922, Gandhi said first time that India will be free on 1st january 1923 but he does not have any agenda or action plan. People started assembling and supporting for him that this gentlemen is going to give us freedom. But then happened "Chauri Chaura Kand". Most of the people in large India do not know about where is "Chauri Chura" and what was the incident but then bapu find it so "Huge" that he left revolution.

Regarding all Metaphors for "Sachin being God" or "Anna as Gandhi" is simply media made literatures. I also reject them.
The people here have very good scientific knowledge but it seems few fundamentals regarding group dynamics and human nature (psychology) are being overlooked.

Usually I just read the comments but today I was not able to refrain myself from replying. I believe that his action of Anna Hazare will set a great precedent (may be for good or bad) for the world and therefore we all should have a proper understanding.

There were points that this method is not democratic and few even term as non-gandhiyan and then there are other points which seem too divergent.
1) Democracy - is defined by people support, it implies the rule of majority. The large support that he is receiving from the people automatically makes it democratic. There has been a lot of protest and fasts. Few months back a Sadhu died in Haridwar fasting against the Ganga pollution it did not affect the government much reason it lacked the amount of support Anna's has. I partially agree with all those who call it anti-government, as it does not seek to replace government but disagree with few steps of it. Mr. Ghandi protest were most against government or government policies.

2) Few in this forum have stated that the bill shall lead to oligarchy i.e. rule by few. In that context I would like to say that all form of government is in essence oligarchy. Also I would love to point out that so called majority rule or democracy is highly imperfect (witch hunt and Galileo’s episode) we knew there are instances in islamic countries where the people acquitted by court have been lynched by mobs. This video shall help to clarify (Since I do not have permission to post links).

Check [watch?v=jRQ76FYvw7M] i.e

Types of Government Republic vs Democracy vs Oligarchy on YouTube

3) Few people on the forum suggested that its upto the society weather they are corrupt or not. I would point out that corruption is a function of the power that the system gives to a person, his own character and the check that the system has on that person. If we compare contries in the world we can say For most of the societies the character (i.e. the cuture and standards of the society) do varies, but then there are other factors that also govern the amount of corruption i.e. the system structure the associated rewards and punishments.
If a system is self correcting system(i.e. Correct rewards and benefits and a situation of plenty) the society gets more righteous or if its opposite it becomes corrupt. (As an atheist I discount religion). Most of the highly corrupt societies are the poor societies.
So as per my views to heaping the full responsibility on a society is wrong.

4) In India it has been witnessed by the number of scams that a leash is necessary on the Cabinet, the senior bureaucrats and judges. The scams today are institutionalized scams to obtain money for the ruling party. (Running a party in big country and fighting elections cost a lot of money especially where the votes are bought and sold). In these type of scandals the nexus between authorities has to be broken. Currently the ruling party head can easily swindle a lot of public money as most of the things are in its control. They can even legalise that act e.g. Nationalisation

5)Question arises 1) how to break the unholy nexus 2) can't we just change the government. Answer to second question the motivation of all the political parties is same i.e. to win election and to get power, and in country like India where there is no ideological differences between parties, for public to seek for a difference is impractical. Yes, an individual may make some difference in some cases but for an institutionalized corruption such thought is akin to running behind a mirage in search of water. I would also give an example of US in this regards were the change of government or president has little or no effect as they run on virtually on same doctrines and principles.

Now answer to 1st question the nexus can be broken by following the policy of divide and rule. e.g. the mechanism where bribe taking is offence and bribe giving is not. Put the risk solely on bribe taker. Now he will only accept bribe a) if he wants to b) it is for illegal offence implying that the bribe giver can also be implicated otherwise bribe giver can just walk out and complaint without any fear of law. Other mechanism is to put too many player in the game so that it is not controlled by one authority, were a small discord can result in a leak. People who are versed in game theory (Nash equilibrium) might know about it. I don't say that it will eliminate corruption but for corruption to exist a trust is needed between all the parties involved, and in the sort of government where the authority is fluid, this will be difficult.

The instances of such sorts have been seen in the setup of Chief election commissioner. Lokpal do create an instrument/mechanism where the political immunity of the ruling class is jeopardized. Now they have to take care of one institution, together with RTI, a person not performing his her duty is liable to answer and can be prosecuted.

The recommendation to put jails, investigative authorities under it is to make it temper proof from those in power as any institution needs some tools to work using the borrowed tools especially from the one those in power to work against the same entities weakens the system.

Now not boring you further on the matter of corruption of Lokpal itself. As I pointed that there is no guarantee but the power of the system will lie in the possibility that the powerful abusing the system can be tried by it. A person subduing to them would be giving its own power. I would explain with an example If I commit a crime If there is no police I will not be punished on the other hand if there is a policing system there are two possibilities a) it is benevolent then I will be punished by court b) If it is corrupt than I should have the power to use it that is should able to pay bribe. Now even after paying bribe they have the power to harass me and there also lies the risk that next police officer can again open the case. So now the probability of refraining from crime is more and the probability of punishment is more. Lokpal is an elaborate policing mechanism.

My request to those calling it vague(especially Indian) should review the draft and point out where is it so and how can it be improved further. If they have other disagreement i.e. on the motivation of its composition kindly point that too out.
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