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Army swoops on ‘CIA agents’

Alongwith Osama----how he hid for so long---there is another case---that of---JAYCEE DUGARD-----how she was hid right in front of everyone. She was kidnapped at age 12---and stayed hidden right in front of the police and probation officers for 18 years right in the middle of civilization---here in northern california---close to the metropolis---and had multiple visits to the house by the parole / probation officer of the kidnapper----the kidnapper had prior convictions.

The probation officer would come to the house---just ring the bell and look from outside---never bothered to check the backyard for 18 years----she had two babies while in captivity----I would like the reader to type her name in the search engine and read for themseleves as to how easy it is to stay hidden.

Then there was Eric Rudolph---the olympic bomber----hidden for how many years---!!!

All this bragging that americans are doing over here---they have not come out with a single picture of Osama standing on the balcony in front of his room---no high altitude photographs---no other kind of pictures---not one in the whole year their were checking him out.

What I don't understand is that why are the pakistani not fighting back on the media front---either they are ignorant, don't know what to say or simply stu-pid----.

That is why I have said---Kiyani and Pasha are proving to be worthless men---who don't know how to defend the nation in front of the media----21st century generals need to learn to fight the wars in front of the media as well----.

All the agency and bureau officials know that Osama didnot have any help from millitary or isi---because in their training guidelines to individuals who have to stay low----they are directed to have minimal contact with people---the lesser the number in the group the higher the chance of staying hidden for a longer time---. The propensity to stay hidden is inadvertantly proportional to the number of people knowing about it---the lesser the number, the higher the chance of survival---the higher the number---the lesser the chance of survival.---Osama basically followed the same guidelines that cia and fbi had enforced for its operators who had to go into hiding under un-favourable conditions for longer periods of time---.

Stay invisible----stay low----don't use electronic mean to contact----turn your phone off---take the battery out of the phone---before you get to your location---so what else you need---just two or three people who believe in your cause---enough cash to keep you afloat---a large place for you to live----closer to the security personal---.

Americans always say---where do you want to hide in a jungle----answer---amongst the trees---become a tree----suddenly they have starting acting like idiots.
Things are getting dirty ...
This time I will say USA interfere little too much inside Pakistan .. They knew weak points in PA and they no it in GOP.
Pakistan should withdraw from WOT ...
They can get rid of TTP (if they want) without any help ... (common man with half million well trained Army with good weapons easily)..
They need change of leadership ASAP ...or at least shutdown on all GOP programs which are no related to WOT for couple of months .. just concentrate on TTP ..push them more into mountains .. cut their supply routes ... get public into confidence .. clear mess in all security agencies .. There will be casualties for PA ( may be big in numbers) but it is war .. what you think is to protect your land from enemy .. right ?

Leave every think behind... if some one try to object actions put him behind bars until operation don't get finished...
Don't accept damm $ from any Arab countries or from USA ... stop all publications who are directly or indirectly supporting any anti Pakistani elements ...
Even finish all so called strategic assets (against India, you guys can create them again :toast_sign: )

Clean your country like how we clean our house after flood... just f**** s**** do it...
Thanks buddy , I think that is the only solution to the problem .
first give explanation for the failure of 9/11 and the lie which you spoke about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

The objective of Saudi Arabia and USA staged drama of 9/11 was not the search for WMD but rather to remove MMD. If you carefully examine the time line of those tower attacks. It all started after the Bush administration came into power through questionable vote counting in state of Florida.

It is time for people of Pakistan to reject all the help from foreign powers and develop a strategy to develop economic freedom programme. As the saying goes GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELF.

One has to look at the market potential at Pakistans door step. More than two billion population are your neighbours. I hope you get the idea.

The objective of Saudi Arabia and USA staged drama of 9/11 was not the search for WMD but rather to remove MMD. If you carefully examine the time line of those tower attacks. It all started after the Bush administration came into power through questionable vote counting in state of Florida.

It is time for people of Pakistan to reject all the help from foreign powers and develop a strategy to develop economic freedom programme. As the saying goes GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELF.

One has to look at the market potential at Pakistans door step. More than two billion population are your neighbours. I hope you get the idea.

Thats funny how you advise Pakistani people about economic freedom and austerity while you are yourself residing in Canada for ECONOMIC reasons. :what:
It is time for people of Pakistan to reject all the help from foreign powers and develop a strategy to develop economic freedom programme. As the saying goes GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELF.


Why to cut off your nose to spite your opponent---why can you not use the public forum effectively as your opponent is using it---be on the forum and tell your side of the story with as much vigour and energy as they are----take them to the same task as they are taking you to----.

If they are ripping yoiu apart then why don't you tear them up as well. Stopping the aid is stupid----let it come for as long as it wants to----why look a gift horse in the mouth.
Very disappointed with comments by the likes of @American Eagle. I thought with his range of experience he would be better informed than basing policies against 180 million people based on the noise in media. Of course Indians are Indians.

Because of this kind of media-trial of Pakistan, without providing a single evidence of 'Pakistani' complicity in the OBL residence in Abbotabad Americans are finally going to lose Pakistan--an alliance (or a 'transaction') of 60+ years going down the drain because of jingoism and politicians' expediency to turn this into re-election campaign.

In the end, I am confident, American abandonment of Pakistan will be good for Pakistan. There will be severe short to mid-term economic consequences but Pakistan is a nation not without a lot of infrastructure, resilience, hard working people, free media, free judiciary, democratic pluralism, foreign alliances. What is needed there is leader to rally behind. But even now the Parliament of Pakistan spoke as one-nation.

I just hope this is just internet-jingoism. It is hard to believe that idiots thought that OBL was of any use to Pakistan. The theory is that OBL presence was good because Pakistan could 'milk' America of 'billions'. In reality even a blind man will tell you that OBL presence has brought nothing but misery to this region. How can you then reason against un-reason?

Look at below. May be Rumsfeld is also in 'denial' mode? May be he too is a big conspiracy theorist?

Rumsfeld Warns Against 'Rush to Judgment' on Pakistan - Interviews - FoxNews.com

RUMSFELD: You can go across the Potomac drive up the road, look at those gated estates, we don't know what is going on there it is a mile or two from the Pentagon. It is perfectly possible to hide in plain sight. It is a judge to judgment to say they must have known.
If I were bin Laden I would not want anyone in or out of the Pakistan government to know where I was. If one other person knows, somebody else is going to know, and then somebody else. My guess is he had a very tight support network of a very limited number of people, one or two maybe outside, who managed the support for him. And he was successful in staying hidden for a very long time.
But if you start telling people in the Pakistani government where you are -- he didn't need their help, he has money, supporters. The judgment they must have known because it is close to a military base, is just not right.
Second, I look at that country and I remember we did cut off all of our military to military relation in the 80s, 90s. They exploded a nuclear weapon we said that is terrible and let's not talk to them. That doesn't get us far. We ended up with a generation of military people that didn't have generations with U.S. military and Pakistani military. It seems we have to be mature, measured and recognize we live in a world where other countries aren't like us, they are not. And we weren't even like us 50, 100 years ago. We are different. They are different.
And they have been enormously helpful in some respects and not helpful in others. We ought to keep working that relationship and try to improve it. The question isn't, are they good or bad? It is mixed. The question is what is the trajectory? Which way are they going? Are we improving our relationship in a way that it is more beneficial to the United States?
We have political, economic and security interests and we need to balance them and recognize we have to deal with countries that are different than we are. They are not 100 percent helping us. But nonetheless, on balance, it is a useful relationship.

Read more: Rumsfeld Warns Against 'Rush to Judgment' on Pakistan - Interviews - FoxNews.com
Robert Hanssen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert Philip Hanssen (born April 18, 1944) is a former American FBI agent who spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States for 22 years from 1979 to 2001. He is currently serving a life sentence at the Federal Bureau of Prisons Administrative Maximum facility in Florence, Colorado, a "Supermax" federal penitentiary in which Hanssen spends 23 hours a day in solitary confinement.[2]

Thomas Patrick Cavanaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Paroled)
Thomas Patrick Cavanaugh is an aerospace engineer who was sentenced in 1985 after being convicted of trying to sell stealth bomber secrets to the Soviet Union.

Brian Patrick Regan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brian Patrick Regan is a former master sergeant in the United States Air Force who was convicted of offering to sell secret information to foreign governments.
Thats funny how you advise Pakistani people about economic freedom and austerity while you are yourself residing in Canada for ECONOMIC reasons. :what:

Ther is a dividend of power and respect that will come your nations way.
When leadership in Pakistan develops a vision to unleash its powerful force of human resource that is the day will make us all proud.
Economic freedom and austerity will not only lower the illetracy but as well proud country of Pakistan be the example for other countries around the world who are embroiled in internal conflicts to learn from Pakistan.

Go and try it you will make yourself proud. Because we want to hear all the positive news out of Pakistan. Rest is in the hands of people of Pakistan and I have high hope that they will in very near future make the right decision as I hear from the students of various universities who express their opinion on BBC programme from time to time.

As far as my living in Canada is concerned it is not for the economic reason my friend. There is only one reason that is the corruption back in mid seventies when I left my birth country and it remains the same reason for not going back there.

If I ever go back it will be to start a charitable organisation.

With best of regards and good health.
It is time for people of Pakistan to reject all the help from foreign powers and develop a strategy to develop economic freedom programme. As the saying goes GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELF.


Why to cut off your nose to spite your opponent---why can you not use the public forum effectively as your opponent is using it---be on the forum and tell your side of the story with as much vigour and energy as they are----take them to the same task as they are taking you to----.

If they are ripping yoiu apart then why don't you tear them up as well. Stopping the aid is stupid----let it come for as long as it wants to----why look a gift horse in the mouth.


Can you tell me in detail how has the foreign aid since 1947 has helped Pakistan?
You hear and see as I do the state of affairs in Pakistan. IS that what the International help was supposed to do. Where has all th emoney gone.? Do you have any thing to show to the rest of the world other than the Military Financial Empire of $38 Billion under your Army's control?

I am of the opinion that Pakistan should be left on its own to sink or swim. It will create short term discomfort but eventually wake up the people of the nation to take charge of the situation and motivate them to clean up the mess once for all. At the end of the day it will be a smart decision and not the stupid as you have called.

When I say something it is not to hurt any one feeling but out of my conviction for the cause I believe has to be solved to improve the lives of fellow human beings.

That is one way to do it----it is rather the painful way----when the suffering will go beyond reckoning---then I guess the people will rise and do the cleansing----I believe that is how you want it to happen.

I can understand that this false hope of foreign aid is prolonging our misery for the pakistanis.

NOTE: a couple of days ago I read the quote from Hussain Haqqani pak ambassador to the U S using Jonathan pollard as example----while talking to some in congress---.

That is one way to do it----it is rather the painful way----when the suffering will go beyond reckoning---then I guess the people will rise and do the cleansing----I believe that is how you want it to happen.

I can understand that this false hope of foreign aid is prolonging our misery for the pakistanis.

NOTE: a couple of days ago I read the quote from Hussain Haqqani pak ambassador to the U S using Jonathan pollard as example----while talking to some in congress---.


I like your Avatar. I did not pay attention to it before today.

That is what I mean. Pakistan can and has the power of matching any country in the world if people can unite to achieve one goal that is to develop economy. If India can have a service oriented economy, so can Pakistan only if Government policy is changed to focus on industrial and service economy.

At your doorstep you have a market place consisting of more than 2 Billion mankind. I hope you get the idea.
it is evident that more and more Pakistanis realize that the so-called ''aid'' is not only counter-productive -- it is more 'malicious' in nature than ever believed or anticipated.

a cut in aid would be a Godsend for Pakistan and for the concerned, shell-shocked American tax-payer

I agree with your view point. But before that Pakistan will have to have an administration which is completely overhauled and devoted to develop education, social, economic on its own terms and as well as have an independent foreign policy rather being dictated by aid giving countries.

We have all seen the result of last 64 years of looting being staged from Pakistan by its own citizen. Trust me it is very painfull to hear the endless voilence which is destroying our children,brothers and sisters.
We all breath the same air no matter where we live. We have the same dreams for our nation and immediate family and neighbours.

I would like to ask our Pakistani brothers and sisters, who are determined to bring about the necessary changes for the sake of peaceful and prosperous nation. It is time to raise the profile of your nation in a positive way. I am very confident all of you will rise to the occasion and deliver what the common people of Pakistan wants that is the Dreams of your founding fathers.

With best of regards and good luck to all of our progressive Pakistani brothers and sisters.

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