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Army Small Vehicles Very Important In War time Situation

Yes we know about Mitsubishi (4*4 double cabins), but i think PA should look for Humvee 0r Otkar from Turkey....

i dont know much about what indian armed forces are using for their standard small personall carrier we use Land rover and toyota heliux. i think they are using a vehicle made by TATA motors if im wrong any way can any one tell me which is the best use for our army is land rover is good for us and why our army not gone for humveee.

Indian Army Uses TATA LSV ,Mahindra Axe And Many More such as these....


Toyota HILUX is the strong CHARIOT OF WARRIORS whether its friend of foe in this part of the world. Simply there is no comparison in performance and accessibility and more importantly their is a Toyota mechanics in every nook and cranny of Pakistan from Khyber to Karachi!! No other jeep could beat that reliability factor in Pakistan.
Nice Vehicles Indian Army has.........

Thanx a Lot, India is Not at the time taking ATV's from Abroad, Our Automobile Industry Is doing a great job by Equipping our Army With World Class ATV's , Even Though Not like Humvees or Hummers. Mahindra and TATA are not far away even.....
i dont know much about what indian armed forces are using for their standard small personall carrier we use Land rover and toyota heliux. i think they are using a vehicle made by TATA motors if im wrong any way can any one tell me which is the best use for our army is land rover is good for us and why our army not gone for humveee.

Other than all the ones India has now,

India is also a partner in the JLTV program

India Signs Up For JLTV


India Signs Up For JLTV
By Colin Clark Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 2:37 pm
Posted in International, Land, Policy

In a surprise announcement, Joint Light Tactical Vehicle officials said India has signed a letter of intent to participate in the next phase of the program.

Kevin Fahey, program executive officer for ground combat systems, told reporters about the Indian agreement Tuesday at the annual conference of the Association of the US Army.

That means India joins Australia as a basic partner in the program, giving them lower costs in the EMD portion of the program if they stick with it. Canada, Israel and Britain had all expressed interest in the program and are receiving data about its performance but they have committed so far to their own national programs.

In addition to India signing up with JLTV, the U.S. is sending 17 Stryker vehicles and related forces to India later this month for two weeks of exercises, Lt. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, Army Pacific Commander told reporters here at AUSA. These truly joint operations will see Indian troops fighting from Strykers and enable to two sides to refine tactics, techniques and procedures, Mixon said.

Meanwhile, Marine Lt. Col. Ben Garza, the Marines program manager for JLTV, said the program has weight under control, regardless of other reports to the contrary. He said the smallest version, Category A, weighs in at an average of 10,600 pounds; Category B comes in 15,000 pounds; Category C weighs in at an average of 14,500 pounds.

“That’s meeting the Marine Corps requirement for transportability,” said Bill Taylor, the Marines PEO for land systems.

I asked the three JLTV officials if the fractious debate about the future of Army modernization was imperiling their program, especially given the Marines earlier concerns about weight and their warm reception for M-ATVs in Afghanistan.

“I think there is room for both programs. In fact, I think there is a need for both programs,” Taylor said. M-ATV and JLTV share 320 requirements, he noted, but JLTV has an additional 580 requirements above and beyond M-ATV for such things as internal and external power sources and ISR plug and play capabilities.

DoD Buzz | India Signs Up For JLTV
i dont know much about what indian armed forces are using for their standard small personall carrier we use Land rover and toyota heliux. i think they are using a vehicle made by TATA motors if im wrong any way can any one tell me which is the best use for our army is land rover is good for us and why our army not gone for humveee.

If You Use Land Rover, U are In a Way Using Indian Product, Because TATA has bought Land Rover........Its Not a Separate Entity :azn:
:lol:, so true.

Yes, Although Ratan TATA runs it as a separate Entity because of Its Integrity... Thats why It isn't, TATA land rover Or TATA Jaguar..... Just Like Ford Learned technology from them, TATA will too...

So Pakistan, You can Have Land Rover Now I guess...:cheers:
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