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Army should be looking for a NEW Sub Machine Gun (SMG)

Why POF cant develop indigenous SMG??under the requirement of PA?

i mean it isnt that hard.might take sometime bt the SMG would fit the PA needs
Incorrect! POF is NOT manufacturing the Type-56 Chinese SMG! They are being purchased directly from China through Poly Technologies which is a business arm of the Chinese PLA Army.

Small Arms in Pakistan [Archive] - PakDef Forums

the second entry in the rifle section.

the POF variant is being referred to as PK-10, it was also displayed at the POF stall at the 09 turkish defense expo, but
"their was a minor diplomatic incident at the IDEF ‘09 defense expo when the Russian delegation discovered that Pakistan Ordnance Factories had AK-47 clones on display. When confronted the Pakistan stated owned defense manufacture refused to remove the display.
Anatoly Aksenov, a senior advisor to the director general of Rosoboronexport (Russia’s sole export intermediary), said in a press release “Russia will ask IDEF-2009’s administration to impose sanctions on Pakistan’s delegation if the counterfeit weapon is not removed from the booth by tomorrow … is piracy and we will struggle against it.”. The Turkish Ministry of Defense, who organized the expo, acted swiftly and the following day the rifles were removed from display".

The Firearm Blog » ak-47
So since that day it is not been advertised but it is being manufactured and can also be obtained on commercial basis (but the process is too damn lengthy). I have the pics too but cant seem to post it.

also under the production outside of the Soviet Union/Russia
Military variants only. Includes new designs substantially derived from the Kalashnikov.
Again your source is doubtful in accuracy.

First, If POF is manufacturing the Type-56 as you say, then Pakistan Army will purchase it in local Rupees like it does for other POF equipment. However, the Type-56 weapon currently in use with Pakistan Army has been bought out of foreign currency accounts of the Army and from the Chinese company, Poly Technologies. Army will never, under procurement rules, buy some weapon in foreign currency if (as you claim) it is being manufactured by POF locally.

Secondly, and for a second if we assume POF is manufacturing under 'license' the Type-56 from the Chinese then why are they afraid of even displaying it on there own website?

Third, my source of this information, that the Type-56 is NOT being manufactured in POF, is a person who has worked in the upper management of the POF in Wah!

Small Arms in Pakistan [Archive] - PakDef Forums

the second entry in the rifle section.

the POF variant is being referred to as PK-10, it was also displayed at the PAF stall at the 09 turkish defense expo, but
"their was a minor diplomatic incident at the IDEF ‘09 defense expo when the Russian delegation discovered that Pakistan Ordnance Factories had AK-47 clones on display. When confronted the Pakistan stated owned defense manufacture refused to remove the display.
Anatoly Aksenov, a senior advisor to the director general of Rosoboronexport (Russia’s sole export intermediary), said in a press release “Russia will ask IDEF-2009’s administration to impose sanctions on Pakistan’s delegation if the counterfeit weapon is not removed from the booth by tomorrow … is piracy and we will struggle against it.”. The Turkish Ministry of Defense, who organized the expo, acted swiftly and the following day the rifles were removed from display".

The Firearm Blog » ak-47
So since that day it is not been advertised but it is being manufactured and can also be obtained on commercial basis (but the process is too damn lengthy). I have the pics too but cant seen to post it.

full history of ak47!!
also under the production outside of the Soviet Union/Russia
Military variants only. Includes new designs substantially derived from the Kalashnikov.
Again your source is doubtful in accuracy.

If POF is manufacturing the Type-56 as you say, then Pakistan Army will purchase it in local Rupees like it does for other POF equipment. However, the Type-56 weapon currently in use with Pakistan Army has been bought out of foreign currency accounts of the Army and from the Chinese company, Poly Technologies. Army will never, under procurement rules, buy some weapon in foreign currency if (as you claim) it is being manufactured by POF locally. Secondly, and for a second if we assume POF is manufacturing under 'license' the Type-56 from the Chinese then why are they afraid of even displaying it on there own website?

I said that they are being manufactured locally and the majority of the variant in use with PA is the local type and i have proved that. on top.
i have ansed ur questions (with proof) while u have nothing other than the fact that u have ur own axe to grind against maybe the maj. or may its the brig. this time. (i hope u get the hint).
as far as ur assertion goes that the brother is forcing the hand of the power that be into buying it from norinco directly, has a huge question mark in front of it.
and the last time i checked is due to shortage of funds and less than 100% satisfactory performance of the weapons in the competition, PA has scrapped the plan of induction of a new smg.
but will instead go for a POF G3 variant, with collapsible butt, rails, aiming sight and other add ons. which in trials gave outstanding results.

so dear sir get down from ur high and plz dont make aligations/insinuations that u cant back with any sort of proof.
Again, your banter below is representative of your metal age and retarded maturity. You have not provided ANY proof of what you have claimed but to quote dubious websites. I can also show you websites that swear that ALIENS exists and people like you have met them first hand over a cup of tea.

Try scrolling this thread and see what I have posted before you open your immature and babbling mouth again. Since I have a policy of never arguing with an idiot like you so I rest my case without further discourse

I said that they are being manufactured locally and the majority of the variant in use with PA is the local type and i have proved that. on top.
i have ansed ur questions (with proof) while u have nothing other than the fact that u have ur own axe to grind against maybe the maj. or may its the brig. this time. (i hope u get the hint).
as far as ur assertion goes that the brother is forcing the hand of the power that be into buying it from norinco directly, has a huge question mark in front of it.
and the last time i checked is due to shortage of funds and less than 100% satisfactory performance of the weapons in the competition, PA has scrapped the plan of induction of a new smg.
but will instead go for a POF G3 variant, with collapsible butt, rails, aiming sight and other add ons. which in trials gave outstanding results.

so dear sir get down from ur high and plz dont make aligations/insinuations that u cant back with any sort of proof.
but will instead go for a POF G3 variant, with collapsible butt, rails, aiming sight and other add ons. which in trials gave outstanding results.

Aren't the G-3 and Type 56 seen in different categories by PA?
Again, your banter below is representative of your metal age and retarded maturity. You have not provided ANY proof of what you have claimed but to quote dubious websites. I can also show you websites that swear that ALIENS exists and people like you have met them first hand over a cup of tea.

Try scrolling this thread and see what I have posted before you open your immature and babbling mouth again. Since I have a policy of never arguing with an idiot like you so I rest my case without further discourse

i seem to have stepped on a raw nerve here (maybe u were one of the commission agents pushing down the throat of PA one of these smg). anyways that was a very immature and childish reply and it shows what ur mental caliber and level of understanding really is.
it also prove once and for all that ur tall claims of inside knowledge are all bs and once i saw through ur charade ur real worth and point it out you simple could not handle it!
it was confirmed by rommel(from pakdef) that type 56 is not manufactured at pof.
Anyone with account in pakdef can search this

go to post no: 36 and see!!!!!! this pic of PK-10 is from POF display at turkey defense exhibition in 09
their is a whole thread about it here on defence.pk!!!!! click on the link above

by the grace of ALLAH my stand has be vindicated.
i requested u to get of ur high horse but u wouldn't listen and the result is that ur legs have been taken from under u.
The SMG (Type-56) with folding butt is better than older variants and is light in weight.
PS: It's manufactured in POF. :pakistan:

I think you should re-confirm about manufacture of Type-56 by POF. I have heard same, POF manufacturing folding-stock Type-56s.
Why pakistan is arming itself to teeth?
Who is its enemy?
Yesterday i was told by a friend of mine you recently passed out LC125, that they will be issued smaller version of g3 chambered for 7.62 x 39,
Btw i will gk with others, though POF is not making type56 but it is being modified here , the foldi g butt stock , rails and receiver
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