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Army retaliates after 20 Pakistan soldiers killed in bomb attack Read more: Army retaliates after 2

IK "condemn" every attack and if you listen to his speech today he even named TTP and condemn them, as for all of your other accusations your blaming the incompetency of the previous government on 2 party's that weren't in the parliament.

So brave....he even named TTP.

He kept calling TTP "tribesmen" and spread the propaganda that army is killing civilians. These tactic for short term political benefit damaged pakistan more then he can imagine. If anyone to blame for the current bloodshed its IK.
So brave....he even named TTP.

He kept calling TTP "tribesmen" and spread the propaganda that army is killing civilians. These tactic for short term political benefit damaged pakistan more then he can imagine. If anyone to blame for the current bloodshed its IK.
so going by your logic he's a murderer of 50,000 people, shouldn't you be taking him to court then.
first of all the answer was a piece of crap ..ur hatered toward imran is clouding ur judgment .. IK and JI was not in parliment .. didnt have any power or public support before 2010 .. so cant blame him for it ..

Now about blaming drones,it is condem by every party , animensty international, UN and almost all Pakistani ..then why blame imran?

army preffer to do operation summerz .. it is not delayed bcoz of imran khan ..let the summers start ..

Why do we dont like drones....because it killed Hakim ullah. Bait ulaah. And many other terrorists. All drone casualties till date terrorists plus collateral are less than what taliban kill in an year....then why a dharna against drone why not against TTP. IK dont have sympathy for any victim neither he cares about sovereignty of country. He is using hate America policy for his politics; always a hit.

Amnest said civilian casualties in tribal region with drone could be 500 to 900 civilian. Let assume 900. Drone still lagging behind by 53100 civis.
News just in.

33 Uzbek "tribesmen" killed in airstike. Lets block supply of PAF. Every PTI member get you gear and move.
Why do we dont like drones....because it killed Hakim ullah. Bait ulaah. And many other terrorists. All drone casualties till date terrorists plus collateral are less than what taliban kill in an year....then why a dharna against drone why not against TTP. IK dont have sympathy for any victim neither he cares about sovereignty of country. He is using hate America policy for his politics; always a hit.

Amnest said civilian casualties in tribal region with drone could be 500 to 900 civilian. Let assume 900. Drone still lagging behind by 53100 civis.
Due u knw why our army publicly dnt accept that drones are gud or bad? the reason is 1. u admitting that terrorist is on our land 2) they cant allow us openly to drone bcoz what will happen if india tomrrow start bombing areas on punjab with same excuse that terrorist are here .. The problem is that no nation will allow drones by any other country on their nation ... driones is useful in getting few leaders .. but uptill now their have been more then 1000 + drones .. IS TTP weak now or much more stronger ?? they only drone TTP when we are having peace talks or after alot of hue and cry ... please search the nytimes, washington post, gurdian and see how many times they targeted TTP in drones .. u will find out its not more then 2-5 % .. the focus on haqqani, alqeeda, Gulbadin, Afghan tailban .. they are not killing our enimies

u have not touched a single point i made ..just come up with some bullshit again ... I get it u hate imran khan .. but eventually u will realse that he wasnt wrong ..it was just ur hatered that is clouding ur judgement .. u ran away from all the points i made ..please reseach and answer abt the bold parts
Due u knw why our army publicly dnt accept that drones are gud or bad? the reason is 1. u admitting that terrorist is on our land 2) they cant allow us openly to drone bcoz what will happen if india tomrrow start bombing areas on punjab with same excuse that terrorist are here .. The problem is that no nation will allow drones by any other country on their nation ... driones is useful in getting few leaders .. but uptill now their have been more then 1000 + drones .. IS TTP weak now or much more stronger ?? they only drone TTP when we are having peace talks or after alot of hue and cry ... please search the nytimes, washington post, gurdian and see how many times they targeted TTP in drones .. u will find out its not more then 2-5 % .. the focus on haqqani, alqeeda, Gulbadin, Afghan tailban .. they are not killing our enimies

u have not touched a single point i made ..just come up with some bullshit again ... I get it u hate imran khan .. but eventually u will realse that he wasnt wrong ..it was just ur hatered that is clouding ur judgement .. u ran away from all the points i made ..please reseach and answer abt the bold parts

first of all When u say they are killing alqaeda and not our enemies you are wrong. The sooner u realize that AT, AQ are also part of enemy and are aiding our enemy in one way or another the better it will be.

Army publicly not admitting drone because it will give impression that terrorists are here. Open your eyes and smell the cofee. The terrorists are here. Not admitting is just putting your in the sand.

Is india our ally?. Do we have an agreement with India? Are we getting AID from india? No. So I dont think india doing drone like bombing is anywhere close to possibility.

TTP is stronger because each time army gain any victory some taliban dogs for political gain bent over and let taliban do it anally.

My judgments are clear its your blind love for IK which is clouding your judgments. Who do u want to talk with the people who blow up people in bannu in the morning and then accept responsiblity and say hey if u wanna talk lets talk. Day later kill shia in baluchistan. Same day blast in charsada.
Relax! Don't let raw emotion cloud rational thought processes. What you said above was out of pure frustration which is understandable, but remember what you mentioned is easier said than done. This is not a conventional war where the enemy is identifiable and deployments known. Here you are fighting an 'invisible' enemy where he is not deployed in fixed positions that can be targeted. COIN ops is a different ball game altogether.
Did somebody just mention RAW??
first of all When u say they are killing alqaeda and not our enemies you are wrong. The sooner u realize that AT, AQ are also part of enemy and are aiding our enemy in one way or another the better it will be.

1. Army publicly not admitting drone because it will give impression that terrorists are here. Open your eyes and smell the cofee. The terrorists are here. Not admitting is just putting your in the sand.

Is india our ally?. Do we have an agreement with India? Are we getting AID from india? No. So I dont think india doing drone like bombing is anywhere close to possibility.

TTP is stronger because each time army gain any victory some taliban dogs for political gain bent over and let taliban do it anally.

My judgments are clear its your blind love for IK which is clouding your judgments. Who do u want to talk with the people who blow up people in bannu in the morning and then accept responsiblity and say hey if u wanna talk lets talk. Day later kill shia in baluchistan. Same day blast in charsada.

1) stupid logic .. if terrorist are not here why is army doing operqtion there
2) is US our ally ....we didnt have any agreement on drone ...so tomorrw if other Pkaitsani donar started droning pakistan becuase they give aid to US ..
3. U have to define victory?? im a son of a Brig.... spend my life all over pakistan .. i have alot of love for our army .. but again dnt let the love or tarriotism cloud our judgment .. I think u said PTi is bending over for political gains .. Bro see the results of PTI in EVERY CANTT .. be it lahore, Pindi ,karachi ..u name it ..imran khan did started talking about peace after he came in power .. he is advoicating it for a decade .. its not he came in power and suddenly changed his mind ..

I can understand ur frustation and trust me im frustrated as well, its normal to be angry but its important to be rational .. like i mention in my last post but u didnt read it i guess ... every one want to go on war and punish those Bastards .. u, me , army, government, police but they not not going to do this .. becuase first of all we cant fund this war, our econmy is already so weak we cant get into this mess ...more over the army knows even if u do operation in N wazirstan and kill every single one of them ( which is unlikely) u will still not able to solve the issue, they will move to afghanistan

so u kinda agree with me that the are not attacking our enimies? as i said the drones that u r supporting to much may be helping US but not US ..they are not targeting our enimies
1) stupid logic .. if terrorist are not here why is army doing operqtion there
2) is US our ally ....we didnt have any agreement on drone ...so tomorrw if other Pkaitsani donar started droning pakistan becuase they give aid to US ..
3. U have to define victory?? im a son of a Brig.... spend my life all over pakistan .. i have alot of love for our army .. but again dnt let the love or tarriotism cloud our judgment .. I think u said PTi is bending over for political gains .. Bro see the results of PTI in EVERY CANTT .. be it lahore, Pindi ,karachi ..u name it ..imran khan did started talking about peace after he came in power .. he is advoicating it for a decade .. its not he came in power and suddenly changed his mind ..

I can understand ur frustation and trust me im frustrated as well, its normal to be angry but its important to be rational .. like i mention in my last post but u didnt read it i guess ... every one want to go on war and punish those Bastards .. u, me , army, government, police but they not not going to do this .. becuase first of all we cant fund this war, our econmy is already so weak we cant get into this mess ...more over the army knows even if u do operation in N wazirstan and kill every single one of them ( which is unlikely) u will still not able to solve the issue, they will move to afghanistan

so u kinda agree with me that the are not attacking our enimies? as i said the drones that u r supporting to much may be helping US but not US ..they are not targeting our enimies
1. Make up ur mind. You said army dont accept drone because it will be admitting that terrorists are here. I.e army dont want to accept that terrorists are here on this land.

2. I will call the area which is bombed a part of pakistan when Pakistan will have its writ over the area. They bomb the area and not even army can go there to assess the damage. So much for bombing Pakistan. And if any US jihadi who rammed a passenger plane in one of our building is hiding in US and USA refuse to take action even after UN resolution then by all means bomb US.


His peace talks were always for political gain. His worker spend 60 days harassing truck drivers. But it took days to even condemn a balst on a school which was saved by a 9th grader. If PTI and its polical worker are so blindly believe that talks can stop taliban madness why not escort shia in balouchistan and when taliban strike stop them with talks.

And last if we do operation and they do move to afghanistan why not ask the people who u said are not our enemies AT and al qaeda to deal with them. But wait they are already harboring TTP leader.
News just in.

33 Uzbek "tribesmen" killed in airstike. Lets block supply of PAF. Every PTI member get you gear and move.
It seems Pakistan is suffering Iraqs fate as well. Trying to alter the facts by showing Taliban and Alqaeda as "tribesmen" or simply "anti government militants".

People in the political process continue their threats of civil war if the military moves against terrorists.

The best way to do it is surround the infested areas, send in intelligence agents, surveillance aircrafts to gather inform, and just take your time with daily airstrikes and artillery fire on enemy locations. Advance slowly to minimize losses and take no prisoners.

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