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Army, Rangers accused of stealing water


Nov 5, 2009
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LAHORE, April 6: Accusing the army and Rangers of being involved in “blatant water theft”, the Punjab irrigation department has urged the chief minister to “immediately take up the matter at appropriate level”.

In a summary to the provincial chief executive, the department said that water theft by “state agencies greatly undermines its moral authority (to check individual farmers and other influential people involved in the crime)”.

“Water theft has become a serious issue over the past two decades and is seriously affecting canal operations and equitable distribution of water. Theft by influential people at the head-reaches results in water shortage and deprives the poor farmers at the tail of these channels. Against this backdrop, water theft by state agencies robs the department of any moral authority to go after small farmers.”

Citing specific cases, the summary says the army (Corps IV) has a firing range near tail of Abbasia Link Canal (Head Qasimwala in Bahawalpur region). The army has leased out land to private people, called army contractors.

The contractors have laid illegal pipes and they also lift water through pumps. The Rangers have established two unauthorised outlets and the army another three on the same canal.

The army has also installed 15 pipes on Hakra Right Channel. Both agencies (army and Rangers) are thus jointly stealing 356 cusecs of water in Bahawalpur Zone alone.

Similarly, the army and its tenants are repeatedly tampering with 16 outlets on 4L distributary in Okara district. This is in addition to “five unauthorised outlets” on the same distributary. These 21 outlets have made it impossible for the department to ensure equitable distribution of water in the local system.

In Sheikhupura division, the army formations laid 44 pipes on nine different channels of the Upper Chenab Canal (Lahore Zone) during Kharif 2009 and Rabi 2009-10, the summary says.

The departmental efforts to correct the wrongs have met with force. In Bahawalpur zone, a departmental team comprising SDO, canal magistrate, naib tehsildar, SHO (Derwar) and police force went to remove illegal pipes on July 17, 2008. When the team started removing pipes, about 500 armed army contractors gathered there to resist the removal. The local police, however, overpowered them, impounding their weapons and arresting some of them. One illegal outlet was plugged.

Meanwhile, army officials reached the site, ordered the team to stop removing pipes and release contractors. They abused the SDO and took him along. He was released only after the intervention by the superintendent engineer concerned, the summary alleges.

The issue is not merely of water theft, but goes much beyond it and sets dangerous precedents. The army and Rangers formations are using stolen water to irrigate encroached lands. More land is encroached upon every year and more water is required, resulting in still higher incidence of water theft. The land-grabbing and water theft are promoting a culture of rent seeking among the units concerned, the department’s summary says.

The water theft by state institutions is creating a dangerous precedent for other users and greatly undermining the irrigation department’s legal and moral authority. The matter, therefore, needs to be taken up at the appropriate level with the army and Rangers to stop water theft from the irrigation system, the summary concludes.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Army, Rangers accused of stealing water
The army and the Rangers have their own agricultural land which they lease out ? Is that really correct ?
Well, according to some members, water thieves must be bombed! So I suppose the Pak army and rangers have to bombed. Thank god PAF and PN personnel are not involved. Otherwise there will be no one left to bomb the culprits!

Seriously, people should think twice before deciding to go to war.
It is clearly written that it is the tenants that are doing the water theft, and you are wrong, this does concern India, had you not dammed our rivers, there would have been no need for such measures..............
You cannot judge a force by the actions of few of it's "bad eggs" If I judge the IA on the actions of the Ketchup Colonel and his men then the whole institution can be dubbed cowardly ? I do not think so............
Stop with the petty sarcasms and stick with the content and issue. This is obviously a local issue on the low scale, and it doesn't in anyway validates the stolen water and other concerns that Pakistan have with India.
It is clearly written that it is the tenants that are doing the water theft, and you are wrong, this does concern India, had you not dammed our rivers, there would have been no need for such measures..............
You cannot judge a force by the actions of few of it's "bad eggs" If I judge the IA on the actions of the Ketchup Colonel and his men then the whole institution can be dubbed cowardly ? I do not think so............
why cant you see this
The contractors have laid illegal pipes and they also lift water through pumps. The Rangers have established two unauthorised outlets and the army another three on the same canal.

The army has also installed 15 pipes on Hakra Right Channel. Both agencies (army and Rangers) are thus jointly stealing 356 cusecs of water in Bahawalpur Zone alone.
its clearly states about army,yes you are correct no one can blame an entire armed force with the deeds of few.
It is clearly written that it is the tenants that are doing the water theft, and you are wrong, this does concern India, had you not dammed our rivers, there would have been no need for such measures..............
You cannot judge a force by the actions of few of it's "bad eggs" If I judge the IA on the actions of the Ketchup Colonel and his men then the whole institution can be dubbed cowardly ? I do not think so............

Hi :what: the dams on the Indian side are the run of the river dams they don't store water ? but i do agree there will be certain water in the reservoir but its not stored or diverted for our use.

The only thing is there will be a delay in time for water to reach Pakistan but the quantity remains constant :toast_sign:
why cant you see this

its clearly states about army,yes you are correct no one can blame an entire armed force with the deeds of few.

I believe a reply from the PA and Rangers is in order to judge this issue adequately, I however feel that the author lacks knowledge about the military structure of Pakistan, we are already provided Water for use without taxation, as for farmlands, the Army does not use them, they are given to tenants who give a percentage of the total income to the Army, therefore, need for water is not the Army's nor the Ranger's headache, then why would they resort to these measures...............
This is incredible, Indian members don't forgo any chance.

300+ cu secs of water stealing being compared to the thousands of cu secs being stopped or diverted by India.

Height of imagination.

And some of the posts above show the true intent of the article posted and the subsequent posts looking for troll.

Best of luck for your trolling.
Hi :what: the dams on the Indian side are the run of the river dams they don't store water ? but i do agree there will be certain water in the reservoir but its not stored or diverted for our use.

The only thing is there will be a delay in time for water to reach Pakistan but the quantity remains constant :toast_sign:

The flow of water in the river Chenab has become half of what it was before the Baghliar Dam project, how long a DELAY should we expect ?
Justin Joseph: If your dozens of troll threads haven't been yet deleted, why you think this will get deleted, which is a legitimate discussion as no one is perfect, whether it be PA or Pakistan.

Don't think it is some other Indian forum which does such things.
Justin Joseph: If your dozens of troll threads haven't been yet deleted, why you think this will get deleted, which is a legitimate discussion as no one is perfect, whether it be PA or Pakistan.

Don't think it is some other Indian forum which does such things.

Ouch............ touché.......Aleka Justin, Pukhtoon Chare Ghusa Nake..........:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:
Angering a Pukhtoon is never the smartest thing to do............
I am sure the Army sees it differently than the Punjab agricultural department. If this is being allowed at a Corps level, then it points to this being a difference of opinion with Army believing that it can take water and the Punjab agro stating otherwise.

Pilfer and chori, as it is being described, is something that does not happen at a Corps level. Usually its a case of misunderstanding and if the courts decide the case against the Army, the Army will comply. No questions asked.
Bahawalpur has been the biggest victim of the loot sale of agricultural land that has taken place since the late '90s, the other being DG Khan. It is nothing new for local landlords, feudals and aristocrats to exploit local water resources, twist arms to get water supplies and bend policies to get farm to market roads through their fields. Retired and serving armed forces top brass who get huge agricultural land allocations are absentee feudals and continue the system of authoritarianism. It is somehow considered unacceptable to refer to this as a continuation of the colonial system of buying allegiance by giving land grants. I'm digressing off the topic though...

The involvement of an institution directly, by means of contracted employees, is far more alarming and disturbing. I'm hopeful that the Department of Irrigation will be able to get its word forward to the MoD and the MoI and get a positive reply. Inter department cooperation is necessary to solve these problems. If anybody is found to have used force for whatever reasons, he should be punished and dealt appropriately.
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