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Army in field now

This is what I love about Indians: you guys speak out of both sides of your mouth.

On the one hand, you can't stop bragging about how India outsmarted Pakistan in Bangladesh (including 1971) and, on the other, you claim that talk of Indian involvement is far-fetched.

As for Pakistan, these trials are not about Pakistan, they are about Bangladeshis. However, this obsession with the past only helps India. It does not help Bangladesh since it divides the society and keeps it backward focused. Only India benefits.

I guess there is no difference of opinion in Pakistan? Everyone has the same thought process and same opinion?

Our official stance has always been the same, we interfered to stop the genocide nothing more nothing less. All the talks about India outsmarting Pakistan are mere personal opinions.

Whats good for Bangladesh is for Bangladeshis to decide. And going by the popular support this war crime trial has seen its clearly evident what Bangladeshis want. Unless you are suggesting that all these anti rajaakar protesters, millions of them, are Indian agents?

As I said earlier, you guys are still doing the same mistake, the mistake you did in 1971. Show some respect to the sentiments of Bangladeshis, not everything they do is at the behest of India.
Bangladesh deploys army in north as protest death toll mounts

Bangladesh deployed troops in the north of the country on Sunday as six more people were killed in fresh clashes over the conviction of Islamist leaders for war crimes in the Muslim-majority nation.

The army was deployed in violence-wracked Shahjahanpur town after more than 5,000 stick-wielding protesters attacked two police stations, forcing police to open fire, they said.

“At least four people were killed in clashes after Jamaat-e-Islami supporters attacked us. The toll could rise,” Shahjahanpur district’s deputy police chief Moqbul Ahmed told news agency AFP, adding that troops had been deployed to boost security.

Two other people were also killed on Saturday night, including a ruling party student activist who was allegedly hacked to death by suspected Jamaat supporters, police said.

An inter-city train was torched late Saturday in the northwest but there were no casualties, police said.

The death toll in the clashes over the war crimes verdicts has risen to 62 since January 21, including 46 killed in the past four days after Jamaat’s vice president was sentenced to death, police said.

Bangladesh deploys army in north as protest death toll mounts | South China Morning Post

:bunny:chinese media reporting the deployment

army is still deployed and enforcing the curfew, home minister is lying.

Something is not going right with BAL Govt, I guess.
Our official stance has always been the same, we interfered to stop the genocide nothing more nothing less. All the talks about India outsmarting Pakistan are mere personal opinions.

Whats good for Bangladesh is for Bangladeshis to decide. And going by the popular support this war crime trial has seen its clearly evident what Bangladeshis want. Unless you are suggesting that all these anti rajaakar protesters, millions of them, are Indian agents?

Millions is a bit too much. I think million would sound right :lol:

Something is not going right with BAL Govt, I guess.

Administration has no idea what to do it seems, poor poor BAL
Millions is a bit too much. I think million would sound right :lol:

Administration has no idea what to do it seems, poor poor BAL

সারাদেশে কিছুদিন আগেও পুলিশ যখন মার খাচ্ছিলো তখন টেলিভিশন টকশোসহ সারাদেশে একটাই কথা-পুলিশ কেন পাল্টা হামলা করছে না। তাহলে কি সরকারের সাথে আতাত হলো জামায়াতের। আর যেই এখন পুলিশ আত্মরক্ষায় গুলি চালাচ্ছে ওমনি বিরোধী দলীয় নেত্রী, বিএনপি-জামায়াত-শিবির এমনকি অনেক সাধারণ মানুষও বলতে শুরু করেছে, পুলিশ নাকি নির্বিচারে গুলি করছে। তাদের উদ্দেশ্য আমি কেবল গাইবান্ধার সুন্দরগঞ্জের উদাহরণটা দিতে চাই। পুলিশ সেদিন হামলাকারীদের লক্ষ্য করে কোন গুলি করেনি বলেই চারজন পুলিশকে জীবন দিতে হয়েছে। সারাদেশে একই ঘটনা ঘটছে। আত্মরক্ষায় যখন পুলিশ গুলি করছে তখন তারা বেঁচে যাচ্ছে কিন্তু যখুনি পুলিশ পিছু হটছে ক্ষয়ক্ষতি হচ্ছে অনেক বেশি। সবকিছু স্বচক্ষে, টেলিভিশনে কিংবা সংবাদপত্রে দেখেও যারা মিথ্যা বুলি কপচাচ্ছেন তাদের উদ্দেশ্যে বলছি-সারাদেশে একটা ঘটনা কি বলতে পারবেন যেখানে পুলিশ বাধ্য না হয়ে নির্বিচারে গুলি চালিয়েছে- Shariful Hasan

I guess there is no difference of opinion in Pakistan? Everyone has the same thought process and same opinion?

Our official stance has always been the same, we interfered to stop the genocide nothing more nothing less. All the talks about India outsmarting Pakistan are mere personal opinions.

Whats good for Bangladesh is for Bangladeshis to decide. And going by the popular support this war crime trial has seen its clearly evident what Bangladeshis want. Unless you are suggesting that all these anti rajaakar protesters, millions of them, are Indian agents?

As I said earlier, you guys are still doing the same mistake, the mistake you did in 1971. Show some respect to the sentiments of Bangladeshis, not everything they do is at the behest of India.

...If Indians would have any respect for sentiment of Bangladeshis, you would leave us alone much earlier---and this WWII era Vichy Govt like BAL would come to sense even earlier saving many lives.
সারাদেশে কিছুদিন আগেও পুলিশ যখন মার খাচ্ছিলো তখন টেলিভিশন টকশোসহ সারাদেশে একটাই কথা-পুলিশ কেন পাল্টা হামলা করছে না। তাহলে কি সরকারের সাথে আতাত হলো জামায়াতের। আর যেই এখন পুলিশ আত্মরক্ষায় গুলি চালাচ্ছে ওমনি বিরোধী দলীয় নেত্রী, বিএনপি-জামায়াত-শিবির এমনকি অনেক সাধারণ মানুষও বলতে শুরু করেছে, পুলিশ নাকি নির্বিচারে গুলি করছে। তাদের উদ্দেশ্য আমি কেবল গাইবান্ধার সুন্দরগঞ্জের উদাহরণটা দিতে চাই। পুলিশ সেদিন হামলাকারীদের লক্ষ্য করে কোন গুলি করেনি বলেই চারজন পুলিশকে জীবন দিতে হয়েছে। সারাদেশে একই ঘটনা ঘটছে। আত্মরক্ষায় যখন পুলিশ গুলি করছে তখন তারা বেঁচে যাচ্ছে কিন্তু যখুনি পুলিশ পিছু হটছে ক্ষয়ক্ষতি হচ্ছে অনেক বেশি। সবকিছু স্বচক্ষে, টেলিভিশনে কিংবা সংবাদপত্রে দেখেও যারা মিথ্যা বুলি কপচাচ্ছেন তাদের উদ্দেশ্যে বলছি-সারাদেশে একটা ঘটনা কি বলতে পারবেন যেখানে পুলিশ বাধ্য না হয়ে নির্বিচারে গুলি চালিয়েছে- Shariful Hasan


Seems legit, the bullets flew by themselves :rolleyes:
No they won't. I can guarantee you 100% that the Indian agents will keep finding one thing after another to keep 1971 alive and to sabotage Pak-Bangla relations.

But I won't belabor the point here and let events prove me right.

You assume that those Bangladeshi's who dont like Pakistan are Indian agents. By the same token, Jamati's are Pakistani agents.

You dont really expect that people of Bangladesh will forget easily how they were denied their rights, how their people were brutally killed and raped by Pakistani Army?

You dont really expect that people of Bangladesh will forget easily how they were denied their rights, how their people were brutally killed and raped by Pakistani Army?

Still it isn't a good enough reason to destroy own country Indian.
This is what I love about Indians: you guys speak out of both sides of your mouth.

On the one hand, you can't stop bragging about how India outsmarted Pakistan in Bangladesh
(including 1971) and, on the other, you claim that talk of Indian involvement is far-fetched.

As for Pakistan, these trials are not about Pakistan, they are about Bangladeshis. However, this obsession with the past only helps India. It does not help Bangladesh since it divides the society and keeps it backward focused. Only India benefits.

And this is what I love about Pakistanis: You guys make up a seperate version of events, almost as in living in la-la land has become a permanent thing for you guys. Does reality really hurt Pakistanis so much?

Can you show me a single statement by the Govt of India that backs claims of the bolded part. Because clearly you seem to be speaking more for Indians here than the Indians themselves...

As for your last point, if Pakistan finds a way to keep itself actively obsessed with the Kashmir issue which is an issue since 1947, why is it so wrong for BD to obsess over something which is a lot more recent? Double standards much?
Hope this is just the beginning. Let the military take over. Am saying this realizing fully well that is what our enemies would want; a sure way of degrading the professionalism in the armed forces is to expose them to civil functions. But our back is on the wall. We need to get rid of this Indian planted blood thirsty corrupt BAL govt.
It is not for the defence to prove innocence it is for the prosecution to prove guilt. If they fail to do so then there should be an acquittal and the accused released. As for Sayeedi there is still doubt as there appears to be a confusion over identity. According to the defence the crimes of one Delwar Hossain Sikder have been imputed upon the accused.

No amount of reasoning going to help. JeI being the strongest deterent to Indian hegemony in Bangladesh they want its destruction by any means.

It was the Indian agents in 1971 and its Indian agents now :rolleyes:. How about owning up to the mistakes and atrocities Pakistan committed instead of blaming everything on your favorite bogeyman! Just shows how serious you guys are about Pak-Bangla relationship.

He is right.

You are in Toronto and hold a Canadian citizenship. Any thoughts about the not so fortunate Bangladeshis whose livelihood is at stake?

Thanks for your concern!
r we going towards a civil war :confused:

these r not gud signs

Like it or not that is what we need to get rid of the the rawami ghost from our back. We need a fresh start, a new constitution, composed by the Bangladeshis, not the rawami thugs.

Please close this thread.

1. There are individuals on this thread openly calling for civil war in a sovereign nation state.

2. There are individuals calling for attacks on Bangladeshi soldiers and armed forces in case they do not follow their party's line. People openly speaking of a "Tet offensive".

The Pakistani military if they knew of an Afghan or Indian website which had supposedly "Pakistani" nationals calling for attacks on Pakistan servicemen and women would immediately classify that website as a foreign one.

Any "Pakistani" who was involved in killing Pakistani soldiers would be classified as a terrorist and those who incited and urged others to kill Pakistani soldiers would be considered a terrorist.

On this forum even quoting from a BLA (Baluch Liberation Army) website would get someone a ban let alone supporting them in the killing of Pakistani soldiers.

People here have full rights to criticize the current government of Bangladesh call for their removal, maybe even to call for a Tahrir square uprising but to call for war against the army is essentially inciting terrorism.

This also decreases the credibility of defence.pk including in the eyes of educated Pakistanis, also at a time when defence.pk is striving to develop relations and ties with Pakistani media.

Please do not let this sub-forum degrade to a sub-forum dominated by partisan followers of one small particular party in Bangladesh calling for attacks and terrorism against the Bangladeshi armed forces.

Thank you.
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