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Army chief says will call Pakistan’s nuclear ‘bluff’, cross border if govt asks

Bravado got to have some limits. Indian establishment was saying the same sh|t back in 1998, calling "Pakistan bluff" when they challenged us about our nuke capability.

I don't think Pakistan will use tactical nukes on Indian forces part of cold start doctrine because conventionally, Pakistan got enough firepower to knock them out. Tactical nukes may have been developed using this cold start non sense as a pretext, but their real and effective use is in a full fledge war. Mated with the stand off weapons, like Babur, RAAD, they can give us quick victory over Indian forces without crossing the strategic threshold. In fog of war, who would know as to what happened to remote Indian airbase, command center or their tanks columns and what weapons system was used against them. And by the time they would know, war would already be over.
It depends on situation how pakistan been pushed into any war ,that it can opt for tatical weapons ?
Its not written in any dam law or book that PA will only use it if this or that ill happens ?
Whenever its been felt that our national security is on stake we have all the dam rights to push all the red buttons ?
Sweet Dreams ..hanuman Army.. :lol:
It’s unfortunate that the Indian establishment wants to test our resolve but by all means if it is what they want then they shall reap what they sow and test our nuclear boegy but I hope they prepare for what may come because i get all that brovado but talk is cheap why do you have to talk war that doesn’t benefit anyone but if it’s what you want then come get it
And who will ask the Government to call the shot, USA? However, make sure you make sure you give it a try to cross and not to be ended like Chandu, then after. By the way, is election near or the time is coming for support from US/Israel in shape of weapons contract.
another lose mouth guy nothing serious to read even
It’s unfortunate that the Indian establishment wants to test our resolve but by all means if it is what they want then they shall reap what they sow and test our nuclear boegy but I hope they prepare for what may come because i get all that brovado but talk is cheap why do you have to talk war that doesn’t benefit anyone but if it’s what you want then come get it
we all ready called your nuclear bluff multiple times.. take a look at kargil.. we have ability to penetrate into any of india border and can attack anywhere in india within short period of time
another lose mouth guy nothing serious to read even

No you did not get the point he was trying to make.

Points being made

1) India did not cross LOC as claimed earlier. That was all a farce drama enacted due to the pressure from Modi & team
2) Earlier Modi & team claimed that Army had been given free hand. Army is clarifying that saying they are still taking directions from Modi. This implies Modi is scared to advice Army to take action against Pakistan as he knows what would be the result in spite of all the bravado and bluster
Chief is right. In a few years from now there will be no Indo-Pak border. There will be only Indo-China Border. You know what I mean?:azn:
No you did not get the point he was trying to make.

Points being made

1) India did not cross LOC as claimed earlier. That was all a farce drama enacted due to the pressure from Modi & team
2) Earlier Modi & team claimed that Army had been given free hand. Army is clarifying that saying they are still taking directions from Modi. This implies Modi is scared to advice Army to take action against Pakistan as he knows what would be the result in spite of all the bravado and bluster
full scale war is already imposible both countries can not lose what they made in last 70 years . all these lose mouthing and hateful remarks are just for more fund for politics and for showcase . its stupidity plain stupidity no matter whom do it .
we all ready called your nuclear bluff multiple times.. take a look at kargil.. we have ability to penetrate into any of india border and can attack anywhere in india within short period of time

Who are you talking to me? Are you labelling me as a Indian?

yes we know wjat you mean your brain has been severely damaged by consumption of animal excrete

Lol don’t you mean human excrete lol
Chief is right. In a few years from now there will be no Indo-Pak border. There will be only Indo-China Border. You know what I mean?:azn:
yes we know wjat you mean your brain has been severely damaged by consumption of animal excrete
Chief is right. In a few years from now there will be no Indo-Pak border. There will be only Indo-China Border. You know what I mean?:azn:

Yeah Delhi will be the summer capital of China. :lol:
I really hope IA crosses the border for once to have a taste of our operational preparedness rather than feel good comments and fake surgical strikes.
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