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Army called in to prevent protesters from entering diplomatic enclave

@Hyperion...are u sick or something? target practice on protesters? our army is defending the embassy of a country which drop bombs and kill our own countrymen on weekly basis...By God If i were in Pakistan I wudve joined TTP just to take revenge of Lal masjid and drone strikes...Army shouldnt be allowed to take part in civilian matters..keep them in border it will be much better for their own image
Army Helicopters up in the air...wonder if its Pakistanis or US marines?
@Hyperion...are u sick or something? target practice on protesters? our army is defending the embassy of a country which drop bombs and kill our own countrymen on weekly basis...By God If i were in Pakistan I wudve joined TTP just to take revenge of Lal masjid and drone strikes...Army shouldnt be allowed to take part in civilian matters..keep them in border it will be much better for their own image
Dude, if I were in Pakistan and not busy @work, guess what I would be doing? I would really be on a hunting trip of Taliban and their kin, not joking here. Where you'd contemplate, I would've done it.
After Shirk, dis-obeying the parents is the big sin. Wonder how many of those people protesting regularly do that?

How many times they offended or hurt somebody? How many times, did they do fraudulent dealings (if any are shopkeepers or such)? They are destroying public property which damages us, not the filmmaker idiot, and neither that French mag.

As Windjammer said, hypocrisy! Now we are really seeing effects of illiteracy and shortage of rationale.
The US Embassy is one kilometre away from the entrance of the diplomatic enclave and there are no barriers inside. According to Express News correspondent Qamarul Munawar, if the protesters, who are present at the gate of the enclave, manage to break through, then it will result in chaos.

Seems as if this Q.Munawar dude has never been inside the Diplomatic Enclave and has just reported while he himself was pelting chittars at the enclave.

What a douche media we have here these days!
Army Helicopters up in the air...wonder if its Pakistanis or US marines?

That looked like an Ecueril. Pak Army has them in Dhamial. 6 Sqn also has UH-1H at Isl heliport.

How did you infer US marines?:what:
That looked like an Ecueril. Pak Army has them in Dhamial. 6 Sqn also has UH-1H at Isl heliport.

How did you infer US marines?:what:

Because i saw them as Blackhawks..
and there are more than one type of helicopters up there..
Dude, if I were in Pakistan and not busy @work, guess what I would be doing? I would really be on a hunting trip of Taliban and their kin, not joking here. Where you'd contemplate, I would've done it.

Good for you I love Pak army n hate TTP to the core but will never compromise on my faith...If Talibans weren't doing suicide bombings n other heinous acts i got no problem with their ideology...same goes with the Army if they weren't so pro US n be acting like a true patriot army i wudnt have to say like tht against them...but i think Nobodyz perfect n world is like dat totally unfair...but army shud know its place n keep their guns against the enemies of Pakistan not against its own people
You nailed it. Its like saying only Muslims have right to disrespect The Prophet (PBUH) and his teachings and No other can disrespect him.

Same is in case of Hindus.
Albeit, admittedly I am not very religious, however i know for a fact, Islam teaches, practice your own religion and respect others. If others are interested in Islam than it's your obligation to enlighten them. Before criticising others, we have a lot of learning to do our selves.
Albeit, admittedly I am not very religious, however i know for a fact, Islam teaches, practice your own religion and respect others. If others are interested in Islam than it's your obligation to enlighten them. Before criticising others, we have a lot of learning to do our selves.

What respect u talking about when it starts with there is no god , but allah??
Crap, if I am not mistaken, French embassy is right at ONE of the corners of Diplomatic Enclave! :blink:
Exactly ! There is no God but Allah and Muhammad(S.A.W) is the Messenger of Allah...

What respect u talking about when it starts with there is no god , but allah??
Ok, any further religious talk and the posts will be deleted.

And just to clarify, Manas nobody is asking you to beleive what Islam says, Jammer was just asking to respect it. By your understaning of the statement it implies that just because of the above statement, it becomes justified to insult Islam.
Crap, if I am not mistaken, French embassy is right at ONE of the corners of Diplomatic Enclave! :blink:

Became curious after reading comments here :chilli: please share the link of the site you are watching events :argh:
Became curious after reading comments here :chilli: please share the link of the site you are watching events :argh:
No that comment is from memory. I am from Islamabad, so just wanted others to know where the French consulate was. They may have even relocated it to a more secure place, since my last visit. No idea!
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