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Arming Taiwan to the teeth.

China does not need to invade Taiwan to bring it back into the fold of Chinese civilization. Once China develops its military capacity to the point where international analysts agree that China can easily occupy Taiwan and be able to defeat any reinforcements coming from the US, once the balance of power across the Taiwan straight shifts completely in favor of the mainland, then Taiwan will fall under China's sphere of influence--China will have the deciding influence over the affairs of Taiwan.
Taiwan and Mainland China will be unified eventually, the blood bond is strong.

Favourable Signs:-
- 2 million Taiwanese living on mainland China
- Increasing tourist arrivals from mainland to Taiwan
- Mainland China is starting to invest in Taiwan
- RMB has been accepted for trading in Taiwan
- Direct flights from mainland to Taiwan
- Honorable KMT chairman and high officials have been visiting Mainland on many occassions
- Increasing trade dependence on Mainland

Blocking Stone
- Pan Green
- Arrogance of some Mainland tourists giving bad impressions
- Fear of unknown if unification comes (remember out-ward migrations of HK residents in pre-1997 unification?).
Taiwan and Mainland China will be unified eventually, the blood bond is strong.

Favourable Signs:-
- 2 million Taiwanese living on mainland China
- Increasing tourist arrivals from mainland to Taiwan
- Mainland China is starting to invest in Taiwan
- RMB has been accepted for trading in Taiwan
- Direct flights from mainland to Taiwan
- Honorable KMT chairman and high officials have been visiting Mainland on many occassions
- Increasing trade dependence on Mainland

Blocking Stone
- Pan Green
- Arrogance of some Mainland tourists giving bad impressions
- Fear of unknown if unification comes (remember out-ward migrations of HK residents in pre-1997 unification?).

Of the three blocking stone listed I think the third is the biggest concern for the Taiwanese people. Contrary to popular belief there are very few diehard pan-green supporters (most of them would probably turn traitor to the cause a few seconds after the PLA storm ashore anyways). I think a way to ease the concern would be facilitating better understandings across the straits, especially on the internet. A lot of negativity the mainland directs towards Taiwan (and viceversa) are the works of a few trolls making ridiculous comments on forums.
i was thinking, maybe a couple of subs would force the PRC to develop better anti-sub techs/doctrines this seems to be a commonly cited area of weakness(among others) though of course selling subs to ROC would definitely mark a new low in us-china relations and certainly would not help in convincing china to help with iran/nk/other great power level dealings

additional note: us does not operate diesel subs and haven't done so for like 50 years... designing one on a short notice and only 4 at that seems prohibitively expensive, maybe they'll just ask the French, Dutch or Germans to do it and only act as middle men but that would mean major Chinese retaliation against those nations, much more so than Nobel prize or meeting the dalai lama i wouldnt be so sure that they would agree to build anything for ROC.
i expect better from you captain grammar? how the fuk are you suppose to enter the spelling bee?

""and 4 just for Taiwan"" wtf is this?

captain grammar this is how you repaid the free education that some generous american have given you so you dont have to work as a slave in china?
this is how you write after an american education????

captain grammar back to the fuktory for you, no more spelling bee

Dude knock it off. Aramsogo is probably new to the English language. There is no need to disparage his spelling and grammar. Besides I've seen worse spelling on the yahoo news commentary section from people who grew up speaking English.
so true..the Chinese can blanket entire Taiwan with..well whatever they have in their inventory..But collateral damage will be undesirable.

There won't be collateral damage. Collateral damage happens when both sides are relatively equal. Taiwan is and will be much smaller as times goes by.

BTW, China won't start using force unless all other ways have been exhausted.
i expect better from you captain grammar? how the fuk are you suppose to enter the spelling bee?

""and 4 just for Taiwan"" wtf is this?

captain grammar this is how you repaid the free education that some generous american have given you so you dont have to work as a slave in china?
this is how you write after an american education????

captain grammar back to the fuktory for you, no more spelling bee

You're not even Japanese.
^^ Oh boy I really want to see who is gonna win the epic show down.
You're not even Japanese.

No, just a dumb gook.

There's a difference between a Vietnamese, and a gook. Gooks are scared of getting welfare pulled, gooks are scared of police, and gooks think they're hardcore gangstas. Vietnamese aren't.
No, just a dumb gook.

There's a difference between a Vietnamese, and a gook. Gooks are scared of getting welfare pulled, gooks are scared of police, and gooks think they're hardcore gangstas. Vietnamese aren't.

So he is a Vietnamese pretending to be Japanese. Oh boy. No wonder he'd name himself something with as good of a taste as "kamikaze_attack". Can't help wondering what real Japanese people think of him.
Taiwan can only have enough weapons to make China think twice about invading Taiwan without provocation. But China already has lost if it has to dispatch troops.
If i were Ma I would rather go for home made fighters, it is cheaper and better than F-16 (and pay the difference in prices to the US to make them happy).
So he is a Vietnamese pretending to be Japanese. Oh boy. No wonder he'd name himself something with as good of a taste as "kamikaze_attack". Can't help wondering what real Japanese people think of him.

LOL, and he even spelled "Kamikaze attack" wrong. :P

(Not that any Japanese would call themselves that anyway.)

Here is another one of his gems:

and listen captian grammar, i am simply watching **** jerking off and posting at the same time. ohhh let me look at what "atrocious" mean, let me go to try to impress the ladies on friday night

some ding dong on the internet taught me that word boo! i am going to atrociously muder that azz baby.

YES SiR CAPTIAN GRAMMMBER,,,, du u luv to wok at fuktory dong dong time? u no keal dorself ok?
Taiwan can only have enough weapons to make China think twice about invading Taiwan without provocation. But China already has lost if it has to dispatch troops.


but F-16s aren't going to change anything and $6.4billion could do alot of good in other places. this is a bad deal for taiwan imo.
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