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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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your air force will be destroyed before flying by missiles, the air bases will be blow up before attacks ... and it will be good to see our tomcats killing your pilots. we used our tomcats even better than US and for your knowledge we have 2 f16 and we just know what are their problems because they were ordered by iran and were built for iran air force but after revolution the agreemnts were canceled
Kid, you don't know what are you talking about, you just posted an S200 as a "base killer" leave this to big guys.
Its raining , ignorant posts raining.

That thread completely turned to a d.ck racing.
Most of NATO countries hate Turkey...
Russia messed up in Georgia because they underestimated them. What makes you think Turkiye would have done better. You can't even handle PKK. I don't know what Armenia's size has to do with this.

Your right, not much Russian navy in Black Sea. But they are in Caspian, and missiles launched from nuclear submarines can reack most places in Turkiye.
Handle PKK? we own PKK everytime we pass the border, get your facts straight. PKK is a terrorist organization which holds nothing and protects nothing. Conventional warfare is much different.

Need i remind you about NATO treaty and nuclear umbrella?
Hahah and the f-35 , not mentioning russias struggle against georgia , plus chechen uprising will be good

Turkey is a dog to the West. Our "Russian handlers" have 3x your army's size, a larger and domestically produced navy (not to mention new Bulava missiles:D), superior air defence (S400 and soon S500), better air superioriy fighters (Mig29), and better missiles in general (Iskander-M). Turkey is nothing.

Oh yeah, and nuclear weapons.

@ASQ I never said they didn't.
Today the Turks, Iranians, Armenians, Azeris, and Russians are going to war.

Great concept for a war video game in all seriousness. :smokin:
Handle PKK? we own PKK everytime we pass the border, get your facts straight. PKK is a terrorist organization which holds nothing and protects nothing. Conventional warfare is much different.

Need i remind you about NATO treaty and nuclear umbrella?

Is that so, then why do I read in Hurriyet News everyday that PKK has killed Turkish soldiers?

NATO is irrelevant unless Turkey is the one being attacked. Get that through your head. Why would anyone start a provocation with Turkey?
900km yildirim 3 , plus new 2500km missiles , missiles are rubbish and inacurate anyway , but iran relies on them because everything else is junk


Nice cruise missile


That thread reminded me this
Is that so, then why do I read in Hurriyet News everyday that PKK has killed Turkish soldiers?

NATO is irrelevant unless Turkey is the one being attacked. Get that through your head. Why would anyone start a provocation with Turkey?
It's perfectly normal, it's the reality of guerlilla warfare. As we stand on defensive from time to time they put mines on roads or make mortar/rocket strikes in order to make us take some casualities and get recognized by media. Part of psychological warfare. But when we take offensive hundereds of them die.

No, NATO is relevant at all the times it's the largest military union on this planet and will remain so for a long time. Get this through your head.
you even didn't buoght the missiles , now you are counting them as your power? :D that's funny
those are not f22 ! they can be easily detected and then boom .............
If yeverything was that easy you wouldn't be a moronic child you could be easily fixed.
You don't even have a proper air defence system and you're planning to destroy the Turkish air force ?
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