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Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

Russian military is in poor shape even our russian members dont deny it. Conventionally their attack doctrines are rusty. even they lost attack planes in a small country like Georgia...

Whatever Russia is modernising her black sea fleet but still not ready for a big war against a modern army. All they can do supporting Armenia is sending some weaponry under the table but even if they do they cannot rescue Armenia in a possible war


I knew one of Azerbaijan's biggest arms supplier is Israel but i could not see any political reason behind it :undecided:
when there is armenia turkey and azerbaijan war what are the odds(i have to place some stakes man!!)
Armenia wants to fight Turkey = Joke of the year
I am sure Armenia does not want to fight Turkey. Most probably they want to get missiles to deter Turkey from attacking Armenia. However getting such missiles can cause the opposite effect.


I knew one of Azerbaijan's biggest arms supplier is Israel but i could not see any political reason behind it :undecided:
Business. Israel is buying oil in Azerbaijan. Also weapon market in Azerbaijan is relatively small and many western countries dont bother to go there.

Plus Azerbaijan is angry with Iran for it's support of Armenia.
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Which kind opposite effect ? A new arm race or something like that ? :)
Yes a new armed race will be very hard for Armenia. Also in case of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan Turkey will be involved in some way or another: supplies, advisors, recon, in extreme case can be a direct involvement. If Armenia will have missiles aimed at Turkey cities and fire them at Baku it will most probably increase the level of involvement of Turkey in conflict.

Anyhow I think both sides should compromise. Armenians should pull out from all occupied territories beyond Karabakh, recognize Azerbaijan's soverignity over Karabakh, while Azerbaijan should give to Karabakh a very wide authonomy,including own armed forces and veto right on any decisions concerning the Karabakh.
No doubt that Turkey will be involved into an Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict as an advisor, supplier, propaganda controller...etc. Even It is possible to move some Turkish troops and armoured vehicles towards East for negative psychologic effects over Armenian nation and army against Azerbaijan but Turkey would never be a side of likely conflict to help Azerbaijan. If we do, It would be an acceptable reason for World community and Russia to make pressure/attack on Azerbaijan/Turkey.

Instead of involving such a conflict, I think Turkish-Azerbaijani officials have a different but common roadway. I think It is to keep increasing the moral of Azerbaijani nation and battle-readiness of Azerbaijan army against Armenia. For this aim, It is possible to see a new strategic cooperation agreement signed between Turkey and Azerbaijan in every month. Such developments are being wathed carefully with a great depression by Armenian side. The latest agreement signed is to establish a strategic cooperation council between Azerbaijan-Turkey to agree on common strategies for the future of both nation. This council will agree on common strategies/participations in terms of trade, technological developments, R&D's and defence industry cooperations as well. Besides, Turkish officials are inviting Azerbaijan to join into most strategic defence programs of Turkey as an equal partner.

Such developments are effecting the Armenian side negative and They start falling into more deprasion day by day. In additions, Azerbaijan is a shining star of the region with increasing economy and natural resources and have ability of trade every country in terms of technology but Armenia has just 1 perfect selection to approach against Azerbaijan. West gates are closed, East gates are closed. South geograhy is so rough and mountainy for transportations. It is Georgia/Russia.

After Georgia/Russia conflict, Georgia has to aproach more to Turkish side in terms of trade, military equipments and modernizations, construction industry. Even every new days mean more trade amounts for Turkish institues working with Georgia. Turkish defence companies are also exporting many weapon systems to Georgia. I think When Turkish officials agreed on making Georgia a partner of new railway route program along with NABUCCO pipeline programs, It created a new alliance between us. With this way, Georgia would have started involving into Turkish influence and I think Turkish side will start making pressure on Georgia to decrease the trades with Armenia to cut the ties of Armenian side with Russia. You know The day when Russia would have been persuaded to keep their silence against Azerbaijan-Armenia war, Karabakh would be an Azerbaijani land again. It will be the Armenian selection whether It would be bloody or not...
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Battle of Sardarabad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia this war occured when ottoman army already beaten by british,french,russian,italian forces.the date 1918.some armenian mention about this stupid battle as a victory.

after new mustafa kemal army pure turk(not like ottoman army)what happened to silly armenians lets remember


after just 2 years new turkish army i cannot say even its a regular army beat up all the armenians in the same moment we were fighting with greek army plus we were busy with the invaders(britain,france,italy)

Turkish?Armenian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
very funny affair, this whole greece armenia turkey azerbaijan, iran israel really a small country against an even pea sized smaller country

and look at us, pakistan against a billion 4 times bigger indians, india against an even bigger china now thats what you call real senario :rofl::rofl::rofl:
very funny affair, this whole greece armenia turkey azerbaijan, iran israel really a small country against an even pea sized smaller country

and look at us, pakistan against a billion 4 times bigger indians, india against an even bigger china now thats what you call real senario :rofl::rofl::rofl:
This region is the hotspot of conflicts in the world. Even the smallest spark can lead to bigger fire that can spread over nation to nation quickly. That's why people make such a big fuzz about Lebanon.
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