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Arlington refuses burial of U.S. ally from Vietnam War

This is a little off the topic... but it annoys me to no end when the U.S. ask Vietnam to help them locate the bones of U.S. soldiers, yet the Vietnamese soldiers (North and South) probably can't even find the bones of their own loved ones. It's as if the Vietnamese people didn't suffer casualties in the war.
The Hmong's past is a pretty tragic one. They fought on long after the Vietnam war was over and really they fought for their survival. It didn't do them much good and now what the remains Hmong people largely resides in the mountains of China. It seems that their dreams of a state in SEA will never be fulfilled.

Also it seems the Gen. Vang Pao is an ethnic Hmong.
Hmong people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a little off the topic... but it annoys me to no end when the U.S. ask Vietnam to help them locate the bones of U.S. soldiers, yet the Vietnamese soldiers (North and South) probably can't even find the bones of their own loved ones. It's as if the Vietnamese people didn't suffer casualties in the war.
Cannot or will not? Are you even implying that somehow asking to locate American remains prevented the Viets from doing the same to their own? Would you consider the possibility that for the Viet families who sought the same closure, the communists often gave animal bones to these people who know next to nothing about forensics and have ignorantly and gratefully accepted those frauds?
Cannot or will not? Are you even implying that somehow asking to locate American remains prevented the Viets from doing the same to their own? Would you consider the possibility that for the Viet families who sought the same closure, the communists often gave animal bones to these people who know next to nothing about forensics and have ignorantly and gratefully accepted those frauds?

I am not implying that asking Vietnam to locate American remains prevented Vietnam to do the same for their own, nor am I implying that the Vietnamese shouldn't help them seek this closure.

What I am implying is that don't you think it would be extremely difficult and also rather selfish on the U.S. part to ask for this favor when many Vietnamese themselves cannot even locate the remains of their own people?

Your last suggestion summed it up. If the North cannot even find the remains of the South, and can only give them animal bones... how and why would the U.S. expect them to find the remains of fallen G.I.'s????
I am not implying that asking Vietnam to locate American remains prevented Vietnam to do the same for their own, nor am I implying that the Vietnamese shouldn't help them seek this closure.

What I am implying is that don't you think it would be extremely difficult and also rather selfish on the U.S. part to ask for this favor when many Vietnamese themselves cannot even locate the remains of their own people?
Why should that be considered 'selfish'? The Vietnamese government are under no legal obligations to search for American servicemen's remains. But in the interests of improving relations, both sides can work together to find what the Americans want.

Your last suggestion summed it up. If the North cannot even find the remains of the South, and can only give them animal bones... how and why would the U.S. expect them to find the remains of fallen G.I.'s????
It is not that the Vietnamese cannot find their own dead and provide some closure for their own people, it is that they do not want to.
Why should that be considered 'selfish'? The Vietnamese government are under no legal obligations to search for American servicemen's remains. But in the interests of improving relations, both sides can work together to find what the Americans want.

It is not that the Vietnamese cannot find their own dead and provide some closure for their own people, it is that they do not want to.

Oh..."they do not want to"? And you know this for a fact? You actually KNOW that the North Viets are purposely not doing this or giving animal bones instead of real human remains?
Oh..."they do not want to"? And you know this for a fact? You actually KNOW that the North Viets are purposely not doing this or giving animal bones instead of real human remains?
Yes...I do know so. We gave up looking for our grandparents' and other family members' remains along time ago when we learned animal bones, more like scraps, were given to other people. Corruptions in this 'business'? Hmmm...I know you would like to salvage some face for communists but try to remain in this reality.
Yes...I do know so. We gave up looking for our grandparents' and other family members' remains along time ago when we learned animal bones, more like scraps, were given to other people. Corruptions in this 'business'? Hmmm...I know you would like to salvage some face for communists but try to remain in this reality.

Well first off, you are not the only one who is Vietnamese. You are not the only one who has had their life affected by that war. That is why we are both over here, is it not? And your ridiculous comment about "salvaging some face for communist" clearly shows me which one of us really see's reality for what it is.

You obviously hate communism and that is fine. It is your prerogative. But to sit there day in and day out and act oblivious to the fact that the U.S.(the country in which you love so dearly), along with China and Russia USED our country as a playing field against each other, only tells me that you have been brainwashed beyond repair.

Communism, democracy, and what have you. Our people died for nothing. I don't care if you're from the North or the South, we died because other countries wanted to spread their ideologies. So you can tell me all you want about how you send money back home, or you're with the USAF. Sorry, but I'm not impressed. Especially when you praise the country that divided OUR country and had our brothers fighting each other.

And the same goes for China and Russia. Just in case you think I'm a China fanboy.
Serves him right he betrayed his fellow VietNam brave soliders lol his masters refused him
I am a Vietnam ERA veteran, serving at the old UA Embassy then located in Karachi 1963-65 when the Gulf of Tonkin happened. Over night I was given the additional duty to receive, RON (Rest Over Night) US walking wounded being air evacuated to Charleston AFB, South Carolina, in the USA. I was wounded just outside Karachi in the first skirmish between Pakistani and India border forces in January, 1965, and missed a month of helping and work with Vietnam War walking wounded as I had to be a "walking wounded" myelf to recover enough to do my job in Karachi.

This said, the Vietnam War was useful, many died brave and historic deaths, others suffered wounds for life, just as I did inside Pakistan.

The major benefit to all civilization was that the Vietnam War led to the eventual failure of Communism as a way of life and governance for Russia when the old USSR invaded Afghanistan, doing the historic search for warm water ports, which of course would have ment then West Pakistan and/or coastal parts of Iran, if not both shorelines and port sites.

Communist China learned that ethnically the Chinese are never going to be welcome in IndoChina, ever, and too, Communist China had to re-think it's "economic model" to recognize that they, China, would do better to develop free enterprise trade zones and join the free world in a limited sense to make a profit and generate capital to have a more modern and progressive Mainland China.

It is only a matter of time before China moves governmentally toward a more democratic governance process, at the least, with elections, free and open, at the major Province levels.

God knows the hearts of all men, and women, and knew the bravery, loyalty, and selfless service and sacrifice many gave to in the line of duty in the Vietnam War againsts the further spread of Communism.
Well first off, you are not the only one who is Vietnamese. You are not the only one who has had their life affected by that war. That is why we are both over here, is it not? And your ridiculous comment about "salvaging some face for communist" clearly shows me which one of us really see's reality for what it is.

You obviously hate communism and that is fine. It is your prerogative. But to sit there day in and day out and act oblivious to the fact that the U.S.(the country in which you love so dearly), along with China and Russia USED our country as a playing field against each other, only tells me that you have been brainwashed beyond repair.

Communism, democracy, and what have you. Our people died for nothing. I don't care if you're from the North or the South, we died because other countries wanted to spread their ideologies. So you can tell me all you want about how you send money back home, or you're with the USAF. Sorry, but I'm not impressed. Especially when you praise the country that divided OUR country and had our brothers fighting each other.

And the same goes for China and Russia. Just in case you think I'm a China fanboy.

Just in case USAF did not know, NV and SV were trying to negotiate peace and unity before the words of WAR even begun. But MR. BIG BAD RAMBO had to come and start a fight.
Just in case USAF did not know, NV and SV were trying to negotiate peace and unity before the words of WAR even begun. But MR. BIG BAD RAMBO had to come and start a fight.

Excellent point. However... I'm sure our "brother" Gambit will somehow disagree and further show his favoritism towards the U.S., the land of the free, the land that can do no wrong. :disagree:
Unfortunately , Communism is not a problem nor it is a disease that it was bad.

It is a wonderful system which promises that people will have bread on table and ppl will get basic needs of life. The only problem that Mr Regan had with Communism was Russia wanted to exert influence over Middle east and Pakistan and US did not want Russia to expand. Because Capitalist Society wanted cheap oil

Lets call it Post World war 2 syndrome of who has more power. Which is why we (at least remember seeing movies and propaganda depicting communism as a bad thing) , reality is that if Communism was not under sanctions from Western (Capitalist) countries it would have provided a better living standard for large population of world.

Communism is simple you have bread you share it evenly , Capitalism is you have bread you want to eat your half and also steal one from weaker man
and you also lock him up because he is black.

i just find that Capitalism is not the answer which is evident from the financial failure in recent years and more and more ppl will not be putting funds in retirement savings instead keeping funds to themselves

The Fact that Russia provides power to Europe , China etc shows success of Russia as a nation thru diplomacy. Communism did not died but it evolved into a hybrid system which is being used in Russia.

Capitalism has failed as its stuck in Afghanistan just like Communism was stuck their. Both systems could not survive prolonged wars

Soldiers are simple they do what they are told

As for China - CHINA has been a trading nations from HISTORIC times ... way way way before capitalism it will also blossom into a hybrid system like in Russia

As for Vietnam war Sir , well that is part of history and unfortunately no one learned anything form it

All Empires have a beginning , a rise period - peak and then decline

For US that peak was in 1900 during industrial revolution some of the buildings and infrastructure made in that time still exists and stands tall

Its time for China and Communism to raise again and Russia is already loaded with cash
Well first off, you are not the only one who is Vietnamese. You are not the only one who has had their life affected by that war. That is why we are both over here, is it not?
And how is your life affected by the Vietnam War? That you are US borne?

And your ridiculous comment about "salvaging some face for communist" clearly shows me which one of us really see's reality for what it is.
And how do you see Viet Nam when at the same time you see Japan and South Korea? That is reality.

You obviously hate communism and that is fine. It is your prerogative. But to sit there day in and day out and act oblivious to the fact that the U.S.(the country in which you love so dearly), along with China and Russia USED our country as a playing field against each other, only tells me that you have been brainwashed beyond repair.
What business did Mao-ist China had in northern Viet Nam after WW II?

Communism, democracy, and what have you. Our people died for nothing. I don't care if you're from the North or the South, we died because other countries wanted to spread their ideologies. So you can tell me all you want about how you send money back home, or you're with the USAF. Sorry, but I'm not impressed. Especially when you praise the country that divided OUR country and had our brothers fighting each other.

And the same goes for China and Russia. Just in case you think I'm a China fanboy.
No one died for nothing. Every death proved a point, no matter how obvious or subtle that point. Vietnamese on both sides died because of competing ideologies. One of whom could tolerate no peaceful competition, no persuasions, no compromises. That one eventually collapsed ignobly and spectacularly. Vietnamese deaths and only deaths can prove that point.
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