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As for the the other memeber who is claiming it is NOT a trial then why is it called a trial? and why are they comparing it to a T-90? You can't use the excuse that they are looking for "specific roles" because they have been looking at this tank for a few years now and they should know what it does.

Hi Keysersoze

This is a comparative trial with the T-90s. It is going to be a full scale simulated battle in real battlefield conditions where a regiment of about 40 tanks of each type will take on each other. Earlier the plan was to hold trials using a small number of tanks of both types during summers around May or June. But with the Army now insisting on fielding a regiment (40 tanks) of both the tanks against each other, it will take another three months before the trials begin because the men have to start training with the Arjuns. They are most likely to be held during the monsoons.

These trials are expected to put an end to all the speculations about the Arjun's capabilities vis-a-vis the IA's pet T-90 with a direct showdown between the two. If the Arjuns do perform well in this showdown then expect an enhanced order of at least 500 Arjuns from the IA.

Take a look at the Arjun sticky thread for more info.
I feel the Arjun has taken up too much resources and money of the Indians and not produced anything concrete yet. And at this stage after so many years it would seem prudent to Invest in the Black eagle tank which the Russians are developing. and call the Arjun a testbed for new tech.
However only this test will tell and hopefully it should be a fair one and not plagued by departmental favoritism.
I feel the Arjun has taken up too much resources and money of the Indians and not produced anything concrete yet. And at this stage after so many years it would seem prudent to Invest in the Black eagle tank which the Russians are developing. and call the Arjun a testbed for new tech.
However only this test will tell and hopefully it should be a fair one and not plagued by departmental favoritism.

I assure you, if at all there is any favoritism, it will be from the Army for T-90. Otherwise how do you justify such a short time period of just three months given to train some IA men on a completely new platform like the Arjun and fielding them against the more matured T-90S in a full scale battle. Add to that, the Army has been operating the Russian T-series for several decades and has well formulated battle strategies based on their strength and weaknesses.

All this to just assess the capabilities of a homemade tank! Did the Army ever do any comparative trials for the T-90S before ordering them when several other better, battle proven tanks were available in the open market? They didn't even issue any RFI's from the other tank manufacturers as in the case with the MMRCA contest. No technical evaluation nothing. But a home made tank has to go through the most rigorous trials before any order is placed.

Need I say more?
Santro The one thing about Indian Media and its military they are very open about Failures.

Just look at Tejas a replacement for MIG21 a second generation flying coffin.

Tejas is 2 generations a head with composites, data linking, glass cockpitt and israeli Elta radar.

Any fool can see its 20 years ahead of the UPGRADED MIG21 bison. YET the IAF STIL INSIST on Block 2 LCA after the first 28 enter service by 2012.

Arjun was the same. The indian tank is far more powerful in terms of Armour ,, crew comfort, and computerised fire control. But the Indian Army was critical VERY CRITICAL of its short coming.

Its now got over these issues and I think eventualy 10 REGIMENTS of the Armoured forces will have Arjun.

Re the Trials. This is to assess how to operate a heavey western type tank along side large nos of meduim sizsed Russian T90 IE its all about OPERATIONAL DOCTRINES.
I think all this old school now.
A K Antony and the UPA are more in favour of indegenous products . Hence this fast take on the Arjun.
Arjun is getting MCS from SAAB soon. Wait and see it getting stealthy in the deserts.
Hmm.. True.. The Indian media are quite.. over eager so to say.. saw a clip on youtube recently of bolly celebs handing it to media employees because of their provocative comments about the celeb.

Coming to the point about the T-90..There is the saying "Ghar ki murghi daal barabar", Our countrymen share the common need to have Gucci on their glasses even when a local one might do the same job just as well or better. I guess there is always some chance of kickbacks.. considering there are past records of such. But unfortunately its usually the ones who aren't involved in case the product is faulty.
case in point.. the Pakistani License on the MP-5..
the gun is a close quarter combat gun meant for special services. Its has pathetic performance in the field. 800 meters and its bullet is on ground. dead.
Yet somebody decided that their needs outweigh the needs of the many and so the MP-5 was mass produced for the army. Even now soldier prefer the AK and do not like the weapon.
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Dude the most common contact is 300 metres. Navy seals used it (mp5) during GW1. So your assertion is incorrect.
Hmm.. True.. The Indian media are quite.. over eager so to say.. saw a clip on youtube recently of bolly celebs handing it to media employees because of their provocative comments about the celeb.

Coming to the point about the T-90..There is the saying "Ghar ki murghi daal barabar", Our countrymen share the common need to have Gucci on their glasses even when a local one might do the same job just as well or better. I guess there is always some chance of kickbacks.. considering there are past records of such. But unfortunately its usually the ones who aren't involved in case the product is faulty.
case in point.. the Pakistani License on the MP-5..
the gun is a close quarter combat gun meant for special services. Its has pathetic performance in the field. 800 meters and its bullet is on ground. dead.
Yet somebody decided that their needs outweigh the needs of the many and so the MP-5 was mass produced for the army. Even now soldier prefer the AK and do not like the weapon.

MP-5 was never meant for engagements at 800 meters or so. Most of the infantrymen are trained to be proficient with their individual weapons (G-3, Type-56, M-4 and AUG in Pakistan's case) at ranges of 300-400 meters. MP-5 is a SMG that replaced the older sten guns that were in use with the PA section/platoon/com leaders. So the MP-5 was never intended as a replacement for an assault rifle, rather as a light weapon for officers/JCO/NCOs.
As for the the other memeber who is claiming it is NOT a trial then why is it called a trial? and why are they comparing it to a T-90? You can't use the excuse that they are looking for "specific roles" because they have been looking at this tank for a few years now and they should know what it does.

Its a damn trial no matter who says otherwise. The IA doesnt wan it despite it being more capable than the T-90S. They have delayed the comparative trials deliberately.

In anycase, lets hope the comparative trials happen sooner than later, so that things are out in the open.
Its a damn trial no matter who says otherwise. The IA doesnt wan it despite it being more capable than the T-90S. They have delayed the comparative trials deliberately.

In anycase, lets hope the comparative trials happen sooner than later, so that things are out in the open.

Finally a non jingoistic response..:victory:.

Ii am kinda curious as to why the IA does not want it. (A warning if anyone makes a stupid reply to the question it will result in warning/bannings)
Finally a non jingoistic response..:victory:.

Ii am kinda curious as to why the IA does not want it. (A warning if anyone makes a stupid reply to the question it will result in warning/bannings)

because...... it couldn't get mach 2 and also couldn't attain an cobra maneuver.... lol i just pissed a mod:bunny:

there's something fishy about t-90 in fact.... they've been consistently causing delays... they smartly countered the summers for t-90:smokin:
they just want to cancel arjun... after all they'll be sending arjun teams that have an experience of 5-6months with arjun against the mighty veterans:argh:

the best part will be press release of trials..... bhishma was cool but arjun was happening:taz:
because...... it couldn't get mach 2 and also couldn't attain an cobra maneuver.... lol i just pissed a mod:bunny:

there's something fishy about t-90 in fact.... they've been consistently causing delays... they smartly countered the summers for t-90:smokin:
they just want to cancel arjun... after all they'll be sending arjun teams that have an experience of 5-6months with arjun against the mighty veterans:argh:

the best part will be press release of trials..... bhishma was cool but arjun was happening:taz:

Dude can you be a little more concise? As I don' know what you are trying to say here.
to start with IA has been regularly changing goals for DRDO....
then the trials were slated for summers in may; but the army said they need to field a regiment of both the tanks against each other, this further delayed the trials to October... (just in case you dont know.... the t-90s have heating problems.... so...)
i'd get you more over this issue tomorrow..... running short of time...
just make sure jingoistic guys stay out of this..... they may bash IA somewhere else...
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