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Argentina, China Could Jointly Develop Fighters

JF-17 is more advanced than Typhoon. JF-17 is a 2000s design and has DSI. Typhoon is a 1990s design and does not have DSI.
Careful what you say :mad:.....................it was Argentina who were the aggressors and invaded the Falklands.

Anyway, the reality of the situation is that Argentina is so broke, that there is virtually no budget for their military.

From an Argentinian point of view, the Chinese fighters would be I think the best option for them, rather than either the Swedish or Russian fighters they have already considered................but would the Chinese who are cautious, sensible business people, do a deal with a regime who has a history of not paying its customers?

Falkland belongs to Argentina.

No it doesn't, and the fact that you called the islands 'Falkland' proves my point.

This thread is concerned with the subject of 'Argentina' updating its military forces', and not for members here to flame bait, based on their ignorance of the subject of the Falkland islands.

Basically, the airforce of Argentina is in such a dire state, that it has fighters that are over 50 years old, and of those only a very few can fly, due to spares shortages and lack of maintenance. Despite Argentina being in such a dire economical state, they somehow need to update their military, as they are now falling so far behind the other countries militaries in South America, such as Brazil and Chile. That is the real reason for them hoping somehow to acquire, modern fighter jets........and NOT to start another Falklands conflict, which would result in the total destruction of the Argentinian airforce!
Woah! Chinese dice right under Pentagon's noses. That should teach the stupid Brits to mess with a country's sovereignity. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' :lol:

lol u do know Argentina were sanctioned by both US and UK, China did not do anything here, rather they are the only country that either did not sanctioning them or they can trade fighter with corn (Instead of paying for it), if Vietnam start making 4 gen fighter plane and accept flour as payment, they would too be considered.

Maybe India should tender their Teja and put their hat in the ring too.

i honestly dont know why people here think Falkland will be in any to do list on any Argentinian president now or even in the future.

Argentina is facing hack a lot of crisis other than just falkland. They are very close to become a bankrupt country (literally bankrupt) they do not have any money to do anything, people are flocking to Brazil and Chile and there have to be some problem to think Brazil and Chile is a better place you WANTED to be.

Kircher was described by local argentina as "La Chica Loca" the crazy chick...That is they dont have money to pay for public service, they still trying to go alone with buying and upgrading their armed force.

Falkland is pretty low on argie problem list, which rated from Internal matters, to Brazil to The crazy government and finally to Falklands.
No it doesn't, and the fact that you called the islands 'Falkland' proves my point.

This thread is concerned with the subject of 'Argentina' updating its military forces', and not for members here to flame bait, based on their ignorance of the subject of the Falkland islands.

Basically, the airforce of Argentina is in such a dire state, that it has fighters that are over 50 years old, and of those only a very few can fly, due to spares shortages and lack of maintenance. Despite Argentina being in such a dire economical state, they somehow need to update their military, as they are now falling so far behind the other countries militaries in South America, such as Brazil and Chile. That is the real reason for them hoping somehow to acquire, modern fighter jets........and NOT to start another Falklands conflict, which would result in the total destruction of the Argentinian airforce!

The Type-45 destroyer will destroy their air-force. No need for any carriers.

Argentina cannot hope to take back the Falklands for many decades at least.
Ahem! Ahem!!


I wish we could fill the gap. But Indian industrial base has not yet developed yet. Barring Maharashtra and Gujarat other states won't match up. Especially when bengal is destroyed by the CPI-TMC nexus.

Vedanta planned to build the largest aluminum based industry in Orissa, the jhola wearing communists had to come along and spoil everything.
I wish we could fill the gap. But Indian industrial base has not yet developed yet. Barring Maharashtra and Gujarat other states won't match up. Especially when bengal is destroyed by the CPI-TMC nexus.

Vedanta planned to build the largest aluminum based industry in Orissa, the jhola wearing communists had to come along and spoil everything.

You are forgetting Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra/Telangana, and Karnataka.

Unless politics change WB, Orissa, and UP/Bihar is lost.

Even Rajasthan is making some advances in Industrial/Hydrocarbon sector.

Industrial base could be developed pretty fast by using western technology.
IDK the history of the Falklands War and frankly I don't care. :S Fact and my point is Britain successfully stopped a deal between Swedish company Saab and Argentina in buying the Gripen fighters. Britain interfered in a deal that they have no authority in. If Britain stopped a deal of Eurofighter that would be acceptable since it's a joint dev of UK. So Argentina retaliated. As a western country you don't want another western country's cordial relationship with China specially considering China's global domineering policy and Argentina's depressing economy. A complete lack of right there.

1/3 of gripen (radar, avionic) is from Britain, the Brits and the US (the gripen engine owner) can have a final say which country can sell the gripen to...
economical point of view it will be good to joint develop the JF-17. china-pakistan-argentina will provide more money to develop it,s capability enhancment. but since brazil chose gripen jet and uk typhoon+ f-35 based on air craft carier they should go for j-10b. and argentina is a big country compare to pakistan, i think they should induct j-10b...........:-)
J-10 fits their bill quite well, and perhaps can take on EFT if deployed in numbers.

true, J-10B can take on EFTs in well trained hands, if properly equipped and supported by other systems, in NCW era it will be interesting fight to see. Argentina must consider AWACS & MRTTs while going for this purchase as it will increase their fighting capabilities.
lol u do know Argentina were sanctioned by both US and UK, China did not do anything here, rather they are the only country that either did not sanctioning them or they can trade fighter with corn (Instead of paying for it), if Vietnam start making 4 gen fighter plane and accept flour as payment, they would too be considered.

Maybe India should tender their Teja and put their hat in the ring too.

i honestly dont know why people here think Falkland will be in any to do list on any Argentinian president now or even in the future.

Argentina is facing hack a lot of crisis other than just falkland. They are very close to become a bankrupt country (literally bankrupt) they do not have any money to do anything, people are flocking to Brazil and Chile and there have to be some problem to think Brazil and Chile is a better place you WANTED to be.

Kircher was described by local argentina as "La Chica Loca" the crazy chick...That is they dont have money to pay for public service, they still trying to go alone with buying and upgrading their armed force.

Falkland is pretty low on argie problem list, which rated from Internal matters, to Brazil to The crazy government and finally to Falklands.

While I admit that situation in Argentina is less than desirable I doubt things are THAT bad as you make it sound. Certain sections of media, you know who, make same sort of prophecies about US saying US has a 18 trillion dollar debt, no means of paying it back, food stamps running out, homeless people increasing, class divide growing, and bla bla bla.

As an American you might be laughing at these stories but those from a neutral point of view would believe them. I think same is the case with Argentina. They are having a bad time yes, but they are not going to be extinct.
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