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Are you Eligible for Marriage?

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Apr 28, 2011
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So here’s the deal- to work in society for jobs as a Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Engineer, Researcher, possibly Cake Decorator or even Mechanic (at least in developed nations) you either need a degree, diploma or certificate. Agree? And then how good you are at your job comes down to your own investment, interest, drive, personality, social company and career counseling.

To earn a decent and respectable living, our families, nuclear and extended, stress on investing towards a career or “studying”. The thought process is that once you achieve the “required” qualifications, you will land a good earning job, which will eventually skyrocket you to stackable wealth and infinite purchasing power. Hence you shall live an amazing life.

Simultaneously, society expects you to get married and have children, in the process of achieving this amazing life. What is the importance of getting married? Just because it is part of life and because somehow chances of it happening are inversely related to your age (for females) but positively related for males. But what do you need to get married and have children? Just a companion, almost any would do at times or someone who possesses a rather impossible list of human traits.

Hmmm, if marriage and children are part of leading such an amazing life- why don’t we hold it to the same credentials as coveted careers and jobs? Instead of throwing young uneducated adults into a life long situation with a psychologically imposed no-quits option, why don’t we demand the same certification, diploma and degree level understanding?

How many of our Muslim young adults know why they are getting married? The rights and responsibilities of the spouse? How to choose their spouse? Sunnah of marriage ceremonies? Why have children? Rights and responsibilities of children and vice versa of parents? All these questions and their answers are not related to age nor wealth nor personality.

As is the basic right of individual’s to education, it is each individual’s basic right, as part of the Muslim Ummah, to be educated about marriage and its importance.

I dream of marriages to come about after extensive training and understanding- not only will that solve most grievances post-marriage, but better upbringing of our future Muslim youth.

I propose our masjids/Islamic schools to hold multiple courses of the following structured “certification” before marriage.

1. Importance of marriage in Islam and why?
2. Eligibility for marriage.
3. Rights and responsibilities in marriage of spouse and respective in-laws
4. How to choose a spouse? Dealing with a marriage proposal- handling expectations
5. Marriage contract- nikkah and its understanding- placing trust in Allah swt?
6. Sunnah of marriage ceremonies- stories from the Prophet pbuh and Ansar
7. What is marriage like? Working on your marriage and its barakah
8. Why have children? As blessings and Sadqah Jarriyah
9. Rights of children and parents’ rights on them
10. How to nurture and raise children- Importance of raising children for society and in the eyes of Allah swt.

Perhaps after this could be certified, marriage should be allowed in the first place.
TheNews Blog » Are you Eligible for Marriage? @Aeronaut
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So here’s the deal- to work in society for jobs as a Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Engineer, Researcher, possibly Cake Decorator or even Mechanic (at least in developed nations) you either need a degree, diploma or certificate. Agree? And then how good you are at your job comes down to your own investment, interest, drive, personality, social company and career counseling.

To earn a decent and respectable living, our families, nuclear and extended, stress on investing towards a career or “studying”. The thought process is that once you achieve the “required” qualifications, you will land a good earning job, which will eventually skyrocket you to stackable wealth and infinite purchasing power. Hence you shall live an amazing life.

Simultaneously, society expects you to get married and have children, in the process of achieving this amazing life. What is the importance of getting married? Just because it is part of life and because somehow chances of it happening are inversely related to your age (for females) but positively related for males. But what do you need to get married and have children? Just a companion, almost any would do at times or someone who possesses a rather impossible list of human traits.

Hmmm, if marriage and children are part of leading such an amazing life- why don’t we hold it to the same credentials as coveted careers and jobs? Instead of throwing young uneducated adults into a life long situation with a psychologically imposed no-quits option, why don’t we demand the same certification, diploma and degree level understanding?

How many of our Muslim young adults know why they are getting married? The rights and responsibilities of the spouse? How to choose their spouse? Sunnah of marriage ceremonies? Why have children? Rights and responsibilities of children and vice versa of parents? All these questions and their answers are not related to age nor wealth nor personality.

As is the basic right of individual’s to education, it is each individual’s basic right, as part of the Muslim Ummah, to be educated about marriage and its importance.

I dream of marriages to come about after extensive training and understanding- not only will that solve most grievances post-marriage, but better upbringing of our future Muslim youth.

I propose our masjids/Islamic schools to hold multiple courses of the following structured “certification” before marriage.

1. Importance of marriage in Islam and why?
2. Eligibility for marriage.
3. Rights and responsibilities in marriage of spouse and respective in-laws
4. How to choose a spouse? Dealing with a marriage proposal- handling expectations
5. Marriage contract- nikkah and its understanding- placing trust in Allah swt?
6. Sunnah of marriage ceremonies- stories from the Prophet pbuh and Ansar
7. What is marriage like? Working on your marriage and its barakah
8. Why have children? As blessings and Sadqah Jarriyah
9. Rights of children and parents’ rights on them
10. How to nurture and raise children- Importance of raising children for society and in the eyes of Allah swt.

Perhaps after this could be certified, marriage should be allowed in the first place.
TheNews Blog » Are you Eligible for Marriage? @Aeronaut

Where is the rest of the curriculum? Its an intelligent proposal. Lot of marriages do happen with no understanding of consequences of the future and how its an evil to bring children into this world and not be able to provide for them.
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Where is the rest of the curriculum? Its an intelligent proposal. Lot of marriages do happen with no understanding of consequences of the future and how its an evil to bring children into this world and not be able to provide for them.

I don't agree with all the points but I just wanted to post this article
I don't agree with all the points but I just wanted to post this article

Why not? You believe that every child is God's responsibility? Unfortunately that is why we are in this mess.
Why not? You believe that every child is God's responsibility? Unfortunately that is why we are in this mess.
If you are a Muslim than that should be your believe other wise you are not a Muslim Sir ALLAH is the provider you work hard but its ALLAH choice weather he increases or decreases your rizq because that is his sign Sir
If you are a Muslim than that should be your believe other wise you are not a Muslim Sir ALLAH is the provider you work hard but its ALLAH choice weather he increases or decreases your rizq because that is his sign Sir

The probability of being correct in your analysis is less extremely low. The proof is in the pudding I.E Any muslim country that does what you suggest. with a 5% probability of success using your theory makes me wonder what else are you going to ask God to gamble for you. Did you know that the Prophet has said to even tie your camel before going to prayers and then leave it upto God. If everything was like how you suggest then no muslim would need to have doors for their house and the need for keys would have been strictly for non muslims. Anyway .. ill quit before you copy paste a lot of stuff that I wont read. I have no problem in you practicing what you preach, which I doubt highly that you do. But please do not spread false rituals which have nothing to do with religion.
The probability of being correct in your analysis is less extremely low. The proof is in the pudding I.E Any muslim country that does what you suggest. with a 5% probability of success using your theory makes me wonder what else are you going to ask God to gamble for you. Did you know that the Prophet has said to even tie your camel before going to prayers and then leave it upto God. If everything was like how you suggest then no muslim would need to have doors for their house and the need for keys would have been strictly for non muslims. Anyway .. ill quit before you copy paste a lot of stuff that I wont read. I have no problem in you practicing what you preach, which I doubt highly that you do. But please do not spread false rituals which have nothing to do with religion.
Sir orders are different for every situation and thing sir in case of children you can't do family planning that is completely against Quran and Sunnah Sir I am spreading orders of Quran and Sunnah if you can't proof anything from Quran and Sunnah than follow the orders from Quran and Sunnah which I post Sir that is not false you are spreading false things
i personally feel that 35 is the best age for marriage..till then enjoy,save money get a car,a flat and then settle down..

You dont' understand.
As a Male in the west, there is no right time for marriage.
Lets say you save up money, buy a house and a nice car by the time your 35. You marry a woman, 2 years later she decided she doesn't want to be with you anymore. Guess what? All that money you saved up? that house? that car? ALL hers!

So like I said, marriage is a fool's game with 50% divorce rates and laws that say a man loses all his money.
i personally feel that 35 is the best age for marriage..till then enjoy,save money get a car,a flat and then settle down..

I know yaraa but something tells me that by that time you & I are 35 we'd be fat bald headed guys like @Rusty @Aeronaut @SHAMK9 @Dillinger & @Zarvan ! :whistle:

Tou element of risk tou haiii ! :fie:
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So here’s the deal- to work in society for jobs as a Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Engineer, Researcher, possibly Cake Decorator or even Mechanic (at least in developed nations) you either need a degree, diploma or certificate. Agree? And then how good you are at your job comes down to your own investment, interest, drive, personality, social company and career counseling.

To earn a decent and respectable living, our families, nuclear and extended, stress on investing towards a career or “studying”. The thought process is that once you achieve the “required” qualifications, you will land a good earning job, which will eventually skyrocket you to stackable wealth and infinite purchasing power. Hence you shall live an amazing life.

Simultaneously, society expects you to get married and have children, in the process of achieving this amazing life. What is the importance of getting married? Just because it is part of life and because somehow chances of it happening are inversely related to your age (for females) but positively related for males. But what do you need to get married and have children? Just a companion, almost any would do at times or someone who possesses a rather impossible list of human traits.

Hmmm, if marriage and children are part of leading such an amazing life- why don’t we hold it to the same credentials as coveted careers and jobs? Instead of throwing young uneducated adults into a life long situation with a psychologically imposed no-quits option, why don’t we demand the same certification, diploma and degree level understanding?

How many of our Muslim young adults know why they are getting married? The rights and responsibilities of the spouse? How to choose their spouse? Sunnah of marriage ceremonies? Why have children? Rights and responsibilities of children and vice versa of parents? All these questions and their answers are not related to age nor wealth nor personality.

As is the basic right of individual’s to education, it is each individual’s basic right, as part of the Muslim Ummah, to be educated about marriage and its importance.

I dream of marriages to come about after extensive training and understanding- not only will that solve most grievances post-marriage, but better upbringing of our future Muslim youth.

I propose our masjids/Islamic schools to hold multiple courses of the following structured “certification” before marriage.

1. Importance of marriage in Islam and why?
2. Eligibility for marriage.
3. Rights and responsibilities in marriage of spouse and respective in-laws
4. How to choose a spouse? Dealing with a marriage proposal- handling expectations
5. Marriage contract- nikkah and its understanding- placing trust in Allah swt?
6. Sunnah of marriage ceremonies- stories from the Prophet pbuh and Ansar
7. What is marriage like? Working on your marriage and its barakah
8. Why have children? As blessings and Sadqah Jarriyah
9. Rights of children and parents’ rights on them
10. How to nurture and raise children- Importance of raising children for society and in the eyes of Allah swt.

Perhaps after this could be certified, marriage should be allowed in the first place.
TheNews Blog » Are you Eligible for Marriage? @Aeronaut

@Zarvan AT LEAST in Malaysia and other South east Asian countries you need a to attend a course, get a certificate before you can register for marriage....My cousin tried in Malaysia and they wouldnt register her and her husband until they get a certified course lasting 6 classes or something...

I think it is cool...When people can attend school to get a better job why the shame in attending a course to be a better partner?

You dont' understand.
As a Male in the west, there is no right time for marriage.
Lets say you save up money, buy a house and a nice car by the time your 35. You marry a woman, 2 years later she decided she doesn't want to be with you anymore. Guess what? All that money you saved up? that house? that car? ALL hers!

So like I said, marriage is a fool's game with 50% divorce rates and laws that say a man loses all his money.
@Rusty well, that is 1 thing i laugh at Western laws for....They give too much freedom ....BLINDLY....then they call us extreme :rofl:

There was an article in some news paper few yrs back....About men crying for freedom..A number of EX-husbands were interviewed and their story was roughly the same...She took my children from me...I die to meet them once a week....She made me broke or what not .... :blink: why does the world swing on extremes? Is there no moderation?!
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