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Nov 23, 2010
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I have noticed most of the members on PDF are extremely patriotic and nationalist. they are willing to defend the honour of their country till the lost drop of their blood.

But while going through some of the post i realised we basically digest and absorb all news and reports which government feeds us.

for example, does any one realise how some of the blasts in india were conveniently blamed on pakistan. how indian politicians and senior babus repeatedly blamed pakistan for those blasts. its only later it came to light that those blasts were carried out by Hindu extremists. i am sure most of us at that time were quite convinced by statements of our leaders and babus that blasts were indeed carried out by pakistani elements. Let us question anti terror capabilities of our IB and state police. let us question intentions of our leaders/babus.

the same goes for pakistan. Their leaders have repeatedly blamed india for all attacks inside pakistan. Their leaders still tell the public that india is majot threat to pakistan. They also say that india has intentions of reversing 1947 and annexing pakistan. i am quite sure, since news channels of india are banned in pakistan (and vice versa), the people have no way to find the truth. they just blindly believe wats goverment or leaders want them to believe.

so gentlemen please think, when was the last time you questioned the government? we question the govt on economic reforms, economic policies, politics and everything else. but we rarely question wat our indian government is telling us abt pakistan. we blindly follow them and think wat ther r telling us is accurate and cent percent true.

governments generally create an atmosphere of hate/mistrust to hide facts from comon people. By doing this they also hide their incompetence. Any blast in india/pak is conveniently blamed on other country. many so called specialists come on TV and within minutes of blasts blame the opposite country for the same. They do not even wait for forensic evidences/investigations before blaming the other country. The war hysteria and hate is generated and people conveneiently forget to question the failure of police or government.

let us not become blind nationalist. let us question government and exercise our democratic right. then only democracy will be truly successfull in india and pak.

so my question to u. are you a blind nationalist?
You are right, young blood get carried away by their emotions.

They think from their heart instead from their brains.
That is unfortunately so because most of us tend to follow the conventional media for information, something that can be easily manipulated.

However nowdays the internet is an extremely powerful source of information, which takes away our excuse against being played by the governments
I am not.. I am always an analyst and try to analyze things from 360 degree perspective.. I always believe to hear two side theory of any situation and that is why I am here.. Just to give an example.. while earlier I think 1962 China war as "Backstabbing theory" due to meedia feed but here with discussion with Chinese folks I strongly believe it was all Mr Nehru's fault..
I am not.. I am always an analyst and try to analyze things from 360 degree perspective.. I always believe to hear two side theory of any situation and that is why I am here.. Just to give an example.. while earlier I think 1962 China war as "Backstabbing theory" due to meedia feed but here with discussion with Chinese folks I strongly believe it was all Mr Nehru's fault..

well china was also guilty of 62. i suggest u read a book on 62 written by a UK author. there r many u can find. u can just google and find the names of good books.
same goes against our politicians propaganda against Maoists...... they are not allowing us to hear what actually they need....

give proper facilities to backward villages.. then no one will take arms ..
Dont go by forums for god sakes.

Even if they(Indians) know that India is wrong they will still defend it for the sake of Pride after all this is Pakistani Defence forum and who will like a Pakistani criticising India. ??
I question and research everything. "Blind nationalism" isn't helpful to the nation and world in fact it is counter productive.
One thing I don't like about "blind nationalist" is they will even justify their country's military and political occupation over a disputed territory and disregard rationale solutions like plebiscites or what the people of the territory in dispute actually think and feel.

Blind nationalist often cannot be reasoned with, they are obscurantists.
One thing I don't like about "blind nationalist" is they will even justify their country's military and political occupation over a disputed territory and disregard rationale solutions like plebiscites or what the people of the territory in dispute actually think and feel.

Blind nationalist often cannot be reasoned with, they are obscurantists.

True when they argue that PaK is Azad even when there are such lines in the Constitution of PaK as shown below - they just give a new dimension to the word Blind Nationalist. :coffee:

“That as a President of Azad Jammu & Kashmir I will remain loyal to the country and to the cause of accession of the state of Jammu & Kashmir to Pakistan”
One thing I don't like about "blind nationalist" is they will even justify their country's military and political occupation over a disputed territory and disregard rationale solutions like plebiscites or what the people of the territory in dispute actually think and feel.

Blind nationalist often cannot be reasoned with, they are obscurantists.

brother we all know how much azad is azad kashmir. the politicians of so called AK cant even visit abroad without the permission of generals in rawalpindi. so lets not get kashmir in here. thanx in advance.
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