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are these people loyal to Pakistan or iran

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I know it is but because of those religious and historical links, does Iran not groom our young men to fight their battles? If so, then clearly many of our Shias have failed to make that distinction.

Rightly or wrongly the Shia recruited do not consider it as being anti Pakistan, and it is a fact that Shia groups have never attacked the Pakistani state, even when the takfiri were attacking them almost daily.
Yes you are, and thing is live here but bow to Tehran, Honestly I careless for what Shia people do with their Rallies and stuff to me they are cult and a circus . When they pull out circus like this in Pakistan, its Pakistan which lose its Positive Image .

You'll only turn Shias further away by that kind of language. Shias aren't giving the country a bad name, it's crazy extremist Salafi terrorists funded by Gulf states.

@Rafi I apologize for this Wahhabi nutjob Starlight's ranting. They are alienating every single minority with this kind of talk.
You'll only turn Shias further away by that kind of language. Shias aren't giving the country a bad name, it's crazy extremist Salafi terrorists funded by Gulf states.

@Rafi I apologize for this Wahhabi Starlight nutjob's ranting. They are alienating every single minority with this kind of talk.

A Zahir Enemy is better than a Baatil one ..
A seeing Enemy is better than a hidden one ..
It is offensive that is why I call it, other than the fact the Shiaism follow a pattern of cult , inventing stuff , fundamental Ideology of Shiasm is based on Abusing others ( Sahabah and Wives of Prophet ) Elevating Ali to a level of Allah or even higher than Prophet(s) mainly Mosa and Esa and Ibrahim A.S to all , beating yourself for something that you were not even present , making idol of things and than consider it to be holy , getting a horse and consider that holy , changing the Kalima , Putting rock from Karbala for praying , misinterpretation Hadeeth and Quran to prove the point, cooking up fake stories against Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman RA to all, literally abusing them in majalis and people going Bonkers over it like Wah Wah Wah , Fake crying , etc honestly I can go on and on. So I am sorry to say but if you are a Shia you are not following the Islam of Muhammad Pbuh but a cult that Started by a Yahoodi name Saba ( forget his full name ) and later transformed it by the Ayatullah's of Iran . And don't think I am just saying this for your Shiaism, I say the same thing about Ahmadi , Agha Khani , 12 twelves , those Muslims who justify Gayism , Homosexuality , Gay imams , ISIS , AQ , TTP and those who misinterpret Islam to me all of them are Cults not Islam .

I feel sorry for you that has such hate in your heart, you should be on a watch list for potential terrorism against Shia people.
A Zahir Enemy is better than a Baatil one ..
A seeing Enemy is better than a hidden one ..

Keep ranting about Zahir and Baatil enemies. Your stupid short sightedness alienates every minority and gives the country a bad name. Wahhabi extremists and their sympathizers have screwed up our country

I feel sorry for you that has such hate in your heart, you should be on a watch list for potential terrorism against Shia people.

I'm sure he also believes all kinds of offensive myths about Sham e Ghareeban and Shias spitting in the food.

P.S not a Shia but sensible enough to see the unnecessary hate they get.
Not a single thing I said shows Hate, its a Theological Argument which you most likely run because it will expose your cult , As for putting me on watch list, you must be joking hahaha yes I consider Shia's to be a cult , but I don't promote or incite violence , they are free as any minority like Christian or Hindu's , but don't call yourself Muslims but you Abuse Ayesha , Umar , Abu Bakr and Uthman RA in worse way possible . Actually I feel sorry for Shia people to be indoctrinated from their childhood to abuse , hate some of the greatest people that ever walk the earth, their parents literally throw their children in hell fire , and that judgement is far worse than any worldly thing , anyone who abuse Ayesha RA whom Allah Defend in Quran will have to Answer to Allah and his messenger , and I believe that is enough torment on them that they beat themselves willingly , no one should or must hurt Shia cause they are enough to hurt themselves :)

You speak a like brainwashed LeJ member. Please get help.
You speak a like brainwashed LeJ member. Please get help.

So basically I get you have no Theological Argument to defend .. Good luck

You must be a Barelvi SSP then. Normal Muslims don't use such hateful languages. Only brainwashed cult members from these extremist organisations use such language.

Nope, I am not Barelvi either, I have notice them doing certain things which hardly has any backing from the History of Islam . I just don't like people who abuse some of the greatest people in Islam , call them rapists , thugs and etc , and their community praise them for it . Recently I talked to a shia who claims Ali RA to be greater than Esa Pbuh , Mosa Pbuh and Ibrahim A.S . This is not Islam , if we to accept Shia's Islam than why not accept Ahmadi , Agha Khani , Gay imam's ? etc
So basically I get you have no Theological Argument to defend .. Good luck

Nope, I am not Barelvi either, I have notice them doing certain things which hardly has any backing from the History of Islam . I just don't like people who abuse some of the greatest people in Islam , call them rapists , thugs and etc , and their community praise them for it . Recently I talked to a shia who claims Ali RA to be greater than Esa Pbuh , Mosa Pbuh and Ibrahim A.S . This is not Islam , if we to accept Shia's Islam than why not accept Ahmadi , Agha Khani , Gay imam's ? etc

I pity you, son.
honestly I feel sorry for you man, I really do ..in few months you will beating yourself getting injured and calling it Ibada :tsk:

And then you wonder why Shias and Ahmedis and basically every minority become anti Pakistan? Even if someone is loyal to Pakistan you'll turn them into anti national because of your hateful views about them. Mullahs have seriously screwed up Pakistan.
Rightly or wrongly the Shia recruited do not consider it as being anti Pakistan, and it is a fact that Shia groups have never attacked the Pakistani state, even when the takfiri were attacking them almost daily.
As far as I am aware, you are correct. I do not think Pakistani Shias have caused any terrorism inside Pakistan. However it is still a problem for Pakistanis to go and fight another country's war and this must be stopped.
honestly I feel sorry for you man, I really do ..in few months you will beating yourself getting injured and calling it Ibada

Our security agencies must keep an eye on you, there is a chance of you harming people.

As far as I am aware, you are correct. I do not think Pakistani Shias have caused any terrorism inside Pakistan. However it is still a problem for Pakistanis to go and fight another country's war and this must be stopped.

I agree, we must encourage more nationalism in the country, like Turkish Shia and Alevi consider themselves Turkish first and second, in Pak it is considered better to consider your religious identity above national identity.
And then you wonder why Shias and Ahmedis and basically every minority become anti Pakistan? Even if someone is loyal to Pakistan you'll turn them into anti national because of your hateful views about them. Mullahs have seriously screwed up Pakistan.

Minority rights should/must be protected under the Constitution of Pakistan, Muhammad Pbuh did it in his constitution of Medina , but Muhammad Pbuh called them one nation but not Muslims, All of the Minority in Pakistan must be protected under the law, they must be free to practice etc but calling themselves to be Muslim while literally going against the fundamentals of Islam is dishonesty , The Sunni react to the abuse shia did in their majalis, of course its wrong but thing is theological Discussions are banned in Pakistan, but if you see in USA or UK both Shia and Sunni have Theological Arguments , and than they went home without killing each other . this Country is majority Sunni , you are quick to blame them for ills but you would never honor their sacrifice when the same Sunni Police or ARmy die or killed protecting Shia , Christian or Ahmadi or others . Hypocrisy ki bhi had hoti hai :tsk:
I agree, we must encourage more nationalism in the country, like Turkish Shia and Alevi consider themselves Turkish first and second, in Pak it is considered better to consider your religious identity above national identity.

You seriously have no argument don't you ? repeating same thing over and over ?
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