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Are Pakistan and India like Tom and Jerry

But this is still a Pakistani forum and the owner is Pakistani... thats why it is moderated by Pakistani moderators unlike Indian Ocean... :D:lol:
then they should charge for entrance and keep restriction to only paks.
Northern Pakistanis and Balochis and Pushtuns make 40% of the Pakistani population (This 40% has nothing to do with India and Indians)... Urdu Speaking, Punjabis and Sindhis make 60% of Pakistani population (they are related to Indians)...

And for your kind information... Punjabis of Pakistan are somewhat different from Punjabis of India. Punjabis of Pakistan are themselves divided into 3 distinct sub-ethnicities - Potoharis/Hinkowans of Northern Punjab(who are Punjabi/Pashtun mix), Central Punjabis (people from Multan, Lahore etc) and Seraikis (who are mixed with Sindhis). Potoharis/Hindkowans are very different from the rest of the Punjabis...

And it has been proven by American Journal of Human Genetics, that the genetic markers found in different ethnicities of Pakistani population are quite different from Indian population...
so majority of pakistan is same genetically as india. also this means that invaders from central asia took punjabi hindu women as slaves and made them convert to islam. so there is a cross of afghan/pathan and punjabi blood. but mostly the families of hindu who converted due to muslim cruelty in olden times are still pure punjabi/sindhi and of same stock.
this is Pak govt version after Zia. maybe there is a small such percentage. But punjabis in pak and india (hindu and muslims) are same. But in future it may be different as more mulims punjus will marry afghans/pathans and hindu punjus will marry towards indians in the east and south

You dont know anything about Pakistani Punjabis. We have so many clans in Punjabi ethnic group. Theres so many Pakistani Punjabis who are Syyeds, Qureshis, Maliks, Moghals, Gilanis, etc who are not related to hindu/sikh punjabis at all. Only the Jatt and Rajput Punjabis in Pakistan's Punjab province are related to hindus/sikhs and they themselves dont even want anything to do with indian punjabis, and there been no mixing between Muslims and sikhs/hindus ever since Islam came to our region. Almost all Pakistani Punjabis are Muslims and we are Muslims and Pakistanis first.
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this is Pak govt version after Zia. maybe there is a small such percentage. But punjabis in pak and india (hindu and muslims) are same. But in future it may be different as more mulims punjus will marry afghans/pathans and hindu punjus will marry towards indians in the east and south

You ignored by post above where I said that Balochis, Pushtuns, Gilgitis, and people from Northern Areas are not related to Indians in anyway.... and they make 40% of Pakistani population.. Therefore, Pakistanis and Indians are QUITE different..
You dont know anything about Pakistani Punjabis. We have so many clans in Punjabi ethnic group. Theres so many Pakistani Punjabis who are Syyeds, Qureshis, Maliks, Moghals, Gilanis, etc who are not related to hindu/sikh punjabis at all. Only the Jatt and Rajput Punjabis in Pakistan's Punjab province are related to hindus/sikhs and they themselves dont even want anything to do with indian punjabis, they are Muslims.

I am hindkowan and believe me we look nothing like Punjabis from India... Physically, people from Abottabad, Pakistani Hazaras etc look more like Pushtuns... and many hindkowans can speak both punjabi and pashto.
You ignored by post above where I said that Balochis, Pushtuns, Gilgitis, and people from Northern Areas are not related to Indians in anyway.... and they make 40% of Pakistani population.. Therefore, Pakistanis and Indians are QUITE different..
yes but the rest 60% are same. ok , i need to go now.. my wife is shouting. see you all later.
so majority of pakistan is same genetically as india. also this means that invaders from central asia took punjabi hindu women as slaves and made them convert to islam. so there is a cross of afghan/pathan and punjabi blood. but mostly the families of hindu who converted due to muslim cruelty in olden times are still pure punjabi/sindhi and of same stock.

Muslims also ruled present day india. why didnt they make them convert?

Our ancestors converted on their own free will to get away from the pagan indian religions.
I am hindkowan and believe me we look nothing like Punjabis from India... Physically, people from Abottabad, Pakistani Hazaras etc look more like Pushtuns... and many hindkowans can speak both punjabi and pashto.

you also seem to speak/write in english. Are you Brit?

hazaras are Afghanis.
Northern Pakistanis and Balochis and Pushtuns make 40% of the Pakistani population (This 40% has nothing to do with India and Indians)... Urdu Speaking, Punjabis and Sindhis make 60% of Pakistani population (they are related to Indians)...

And for your kind information... Punjabis of Pakistan are somewhat different from Punjabis of India. Punjabis of Pakistan are themselves divided into 3 distinct sub-ethnicities - Potoharis/Hinkowans of Northern Punjab(who are Punjabi/Pashtun mix), Central Punjabis (people from Multan, Lahore etc) and Seraikis (who are mixed with Sindhis). Potoharis/Hindkowans are very different from the rest of the Punjabis...

And it has been proven by American Journal of Human Genetics, that the genetic markers found in different ethnicities of Pakistani population are quite different from Indian population...


Hindkowans are believed to be the transitional group of people between Punjabis and Pashtuns. They are also known as Punjabi Pathans. Their traditional homeland are areas around Abbottabad in Hazara and Mianwali, Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Ghazi Khan, in Punjab and Kohat, Peshawar in the Frontier Province. Peshawar's "City" population is composed of indigenous people who speaks Hindko and Pathans who one or more generation back start migrating to Peshawar. (source - wikipedia)

beauty? hehe! I honestly believe Pakistani girls are better looking than Indian girls... :D:D :lol:

Ohhhhh god....Not the racial stuff again! :offtopic:

Stay on topic plz.Can we talk about Tom and Jerry now?:argh:
yes but the rest 60% are same. ok , i need to go now.. my wife is shouting. see you all later.

:rofl::rofl: tell her you are in pdf trabule may be she help you with one big hit on your pc with kichen equpment:p:sick:
you also seem to speak/write in english. Are you Brit?

hazaras are Afghanis.

See... that shows how much you know about Pakistanis? hahahha! I am not even going to argue with you....

Hazaras of Afghanistan are Mongolian people... I am talking about Pakistani Hazaras

"Hazara is a valley and region located in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Until the year 2000 the region was an administrative subdivision of the NWFP known as Hazara Division, headquartered at the city of Abbottabad. However, the divisions were abolished in 2000, as part of an administrative shake up. Although the administrative division has been abolished by the government, the identity and name have been retained and used for other purposes. For example, the University of Hazara, based in Mansehra, provides higher education to people of the region. The election commission of Pakistan also groups the districts of Pakistan under the former divisions. Five districts make up Hazara; these are Abbottabad, Battagram, Haripur, Kohistan and Mansehra."
ok agree.. half of Pak is same. not 80. muuahh.

Yay! Good! I was going to post genetic marker map of Pakistan as compared to Iran and India... from American Journal of Human Genetics... but I will leave that for some other day.. :D:D
Are Pakistan and India like Tom and Jerry – they can’t bear to be with each other yet can’t stand to be without each other either? Instead of being worried about their future, both countries are more worried about maintaining their false pride. Why are these 63-year-old countries acting like five or six-year-old school children who get into useless banter over every issue? How long will it take for them to stop this bickering?

Dawn.com Forum Blog Archive Kya Pakistan or India Tom and Jerry hain?

20th century Atlas - Death Tolls
This isn't accurate because the sources tend to discrepant by huge numbers, nevertheless it paints the true picture of what India and Pakistan are to each-other.

Does this look like Tom n' Jerry to you guys

by the way the numbers is the death toll, anyone gotta calculator ?

# India (1947): 500 000

* The rioting and dislocation associated with partition cost how many lives?
o 1984 World Almanac: 200,000
o Hammond 500,000
o Eckhardt: 800,000
o D.Smith 1,000,000
o B&J: 1,000,000 (1945-48)
o Hartman: 1,000,000
o Stanley Wolpert, A New History of India (1993): 1,000,000
o Collins and Lapierre, Freedom at Midnight (1975) cite these sources:
+ Khosla, Stern Reckoning: 500,000
+ Moon, Divide and Quit: 200-250,000
+ Hodson: The Great Divide: 200-250,000
+ Chanduli Trivedi, governor of Punjab: 225,000
o P. Johnson puts the death toll at 200-600,000. In addition to some of the Collins and Lapierre sources, he cites these authorities:
+ Stephens, Pakistan (1963): 500,000
+ Edwardes, Last Years of British India (1963): 600,000
* The median of these 14 estimates is 500,000.

# Kashmir War (1965)

* S&S, Hartman:
o Pakistan: 4,000
o India 3,000
* Eckhardt: 13,000 civ. + 5,000 mil. = 18,000
* WPA3: 2,212 Indians KIA

# Bangladesh (1971): 1 250 000

* The high estimates of how many Bengalis were massacred are almost 10 times the low estimates:
o WHPSI: 307,013 deaths by pol.viol. in Pakistan, 1971.
o D.Smith says 500,000
o S&S: 500,000 (Civil War, Mar.-Dec. 1971)
o 1984 World Almanac: up to 1,000,000 civilians were killed.
o Hartman: 1,000,000 Bengalis
o B&J: 1,000,000 Bengalis
o Kuper cites a study by Chaudhuri which counted 1,247,000 dead, and mentions the possibility that it may be as many as 3,000,000.
o MEDIAN: 1,000,000-1,250,000
o Porter: 1M-2M
o Rummel: 1,500,000.
o Eckhardt: 1,000,000 civ. + 500,000 mil. = 1,500,000 (Bangladesh)
o Harff & Gurr: 1,250,000 to 3,000,000
o The official estimate in Bangladesh is 3 million dead. [AP 30 Dec. 2000; Agence France Presse 3 Oct. 2000;
o Rounaq Johan: 3,000,000 (in Century of Genocide: Eyewitness Accounts and Critical Views, Samuel Totten, ed., (1997))
o Compton's Encyclopedia, "Genocide": 3,000,000
o Encyclopedia Americana (2003), "Bangladesh": 3,000,000
* Indo-Pak War, 1971
o B&J
+ W. Pakistan: 8,000
+ India: 2-3,000
o S&S
+ India: 8,000 [sic]
+ Pakistan: 3,000 [sic]
+ TOTAL: 11,000
o Eckhardt (Indo-**** War): 11,000
o Clodfelter
+ India: 3,241
+ Pakistan: 7,982
+ [TOTAL: 11,223]
o WPA3
+ India: 3,037
+ Pakistan: 7,982
+ TOTAL: 11,019
o Hartman:
+ India: 10,633
+ Pakistan: 17,000
+ [TOTAL: 27,633]

# India, Assam (1979- )

* Seccessionist civil war
o Ploughshares 2000: up to 10,000 (1979-2000)
o 1983 election violence:
+ Eckhardt: 3,000 civ.
+ Gilbert: >5,000

# Kashmir & Jammu, Civil War (1989 et seq.)

* 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 25,000
* Ploughshares 2000: 20-40,000, citing...
o US State Department, 2000
+ Militants: 10,727
+ Civilians: 8,000 k. by militants, 2,600 k. in crossfire
+ Security personnel: 2,000
+ [TOTAL: 23,327]
o Times of India, (6 January 2001)
+ Militants: 12,336
+ Civilians: 11,600
+ Security personnel: 2,282
+ TOTAL since 1990: 26,421
o BBC (2000): >34,000
* 3 July 2001 AP
o Acc2 Indian government: 30,000+
o Acc2 human rights activists and opposition leaders: 60-80,000 k, plus 2,500-3,000 Muslim men missing at hands of security forces.
* 4 Jan. 2001 Bloomberg: >34,000 milit. + civ.

# India (1992 et seq.)

* Riots between Hindus and Muslims
o 1992 Ayodha mosque
+ 2 March 2002 AP: 2,000
+ 2 March 2002 Irish Times: >2,000 k.
+ 1 March 2002 National Post: >3,000 (1992-93)
o 1993 Bombay: >800 (2 March 2002 AP; 4 April 2002 Montreal Gazette)
o 2002 Gujerat: >800 (4 April 2002 Montreal Gazette)

# Kashmir (1999)

* Kargil War, India vs. Pakistan
o 1999/7/6 CNN: 1,100
o Ploughshares 2000, citing
+ US State Department
# Indian soldiers: 524
# Pakistani soldiers: 696 (early, partial)
+ InterPress Service: > 2,000 troops k
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