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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

And here i thought you were an ethnic American. I see you are a Pakistani American. Care to put up one Pakistani flag to mark your descent?

The concept of two flags is the country where you were born and the country where you are living right now.

If you have Pakistani parents and you are born and currently living in U.S then you can put american flag on both sides.

he he he he well don bhai no problems sir i can understands a pakistani dilema in this regards Thanks Bro :cheers:


Explain what dilema?

I have already explaind on others threads how Pakistani muslims are better off than indian muslims.

OP also explained this.
well lets put it this way am i wrong or right about what has been stated by many diff pakistani media wether thats right or wrong you can findend number of excuses for it but you know better no contesting that and the fasact denial and conspiracy theories is the fav pass time of the people from LAND OF THE PURE ;)

Really do u seriously mean that:lol:
If u do really believe it then i think ur the Lone man in yr Kingdom..

U guys r the same people who blame our intelligence in even small issues without knowing the reality!!!!!!

Like we say in Pak that u blame us for even yr stomach cramps and basic food poisoning.

And u say that its us who believe in conspiracy theories.

Although i agree that we r not the best civilized nation in the World but atleast there r some guys(india) who even beat us in this regard too.............
Post number 295 & 363 is enough to shut the @***** of the m@sses .
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I said if u want to know the reality by removing yr misconceptions then go ahead.
I dont personally like him either as we in Pak feel he is a Anti Pakistani fellow n has banned his channels too.
But on religious basis he is the best know person in world right now n that is also proved to be true as his channel attracts some 20 cror people from all over the world including non-muslims so certainly he knows things atleast better then us.

And we Muslims dont consider anyone God other then the Creator himself.So yr saying me that ''he maybe my God'' well its not the right thing to say as In Islam its the Biggest Sin to associate or Idealize anyone with God or at God's levels.
Its called Shirk n its biggest Sin.

For rest of yr post well like i said...........Its always better to remove the misconceptions or misunderstandings by talking to the concern parties then to keep boiling them in yr heart.

Only for the bold part above
please try to catch at least the commonest metaphors used all over world. is it really too difficult ?
Regarding the figure of 20 crore, It is a well known fact that, "common sense is not so common". That is why many charlatans in the history have enjoyed huge followings.
Well sure he does. How do you think them Bengali Muslims got their own free land ? After a lot of rapin' and genocidin' by their Muslim brothers, that's how. Similarly, them Shias need their own land too.

Uh yeah, please don't come up with some hashed up drivel (garbage) and then have the audacity to speak on our behalf.

And don't talk about genocide and all when there are plenty of documented cases of genocide by your security forces in neighboring occupied Kashmir

Only for the bold part above
please try to catch at least the commonest metaphors used all over world. is it really too difficult ?
Regarding the figure of 20 crore, It is a well known fact that, "common sense is not so common". That is why many charlatans in the history have enjoyed huge followings.

Well u dont need to use any ''commonest metaphors'' with any muslim which is against his teachings of Religion.
More over its not commonly used in world but more in yr country itself.

Regarding yr next few line well why dont u ask that to himself, he may explain u better.

And yeah the ''common sense is not so common''.

This more applies to u my friend!!.
Dalits need to make a new country out of India. Every year Dalit are killed and tortured by Hindu extremists.

Join me brothers in the plea for the creation of Dalitistan
Dalits need to make a new country out of India. Every year Dalit are killed and tortured by Hindu extremists.

Join me brothers in the plea for the creation of Dalitistan

Who will be part of Dalitistan? Will that be hindu dalits or Christian dalits or Sikh dalits or Buddhist dalits or muslim dalits?
Who will be part of Dalitistan? Will that be hindu dalits or Christian dalits or Sikh dalits or Buddhist dalits or muslim dalits?

every dalit...

anyways in buddhism and islam caste system is forbidden... so no dalit there..

dalitistan will provide free visa to all dalits of the world and if brahmins live in dalitistan they will not be persecuted

but brahmins must be respectful to dalit beliefs.. only dalit will be elected as president
every dalit...

anyways in buddhism and islam caste system is forbidden... so no dalit there..

dalitistan will provide free visa to all dalits of the world and if brahmins live in dalitistan they will not be persecuted

but brahmins must be respectful to dalit beliefs.. only dalit will be elected as president

Good for them. And keep up the good work. :tup:
thanks bro

r u a dalit

want to order for free citizenship?

No bro - I am not and I regretted about it before going to college during my times of insecurity as I was not qualified for reservation.

As for the citizenship - thanks but no thanks bro - I don't think I can keep up with the life style in that dreamland.
Well u dont need to use any ''commonest metaphors'' with any muslim which is against his teachings of Religion.
More over its not commonly used in world but more in yr country itself.

Regarding yr next few line well why dont u ask that to himself, he may explain u better.

And yeah the ''common sense is not so common''.

This more applies to u my friend!!.

That is why you guys have to start a thread like this now days. and please dont advice me again and again to do a duel with a zombie, its irritating. my best wishes for you to live inside your religious fort and keep discussing these type of issues.

Dalits need to make a new country out of India. Every year Dalit are killed and tortured by Hindu extremists.

Join me brothers in the plea for the creation of Dalitistan

now very senior members are also joining the troll brigade. does it mean that the thread has gone completely useless ?
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