Knowledge is in layers, not every one has similar understanding about Islam. But for me, I respect Muslim who want to learn from any sect (Wahhabi/ Sufism/Shiah), it mean they are open minded and really try to find the real truth.
In the end, the true Muslim should experience this in his own feeling, not following a say of some clerics or others blindly, but our own heart that will tell it, since it is only a gift for A True Believer by The God for those who follow the right path. For me, I combine Wahhabism and Sufism. At the end, Islam is actually talking about spiritual state, closeness with his/her own God. But justice at this world should also be fought as it is an implementation of kindness principle.
Quran 10: 62-64
Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve
Those who believed and were fearing Allah
For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah . That is what is the great attainment.