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Are Indian N-Assets Safe?


Mar 31, 2007
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Are Indian N-Assets Safe?

Two of the crown jewels of the Indian nuclear program and a number of other sites that possibly house Indian nuclear material are a stone throw’s away from Mumbai, where ten young me infiltrated the city, patrolled its streets, killed India’s top antiterrorism official, and faced off hundreds of India’s elite soldiers for 60 hours. The question is: How safe are India’s n-assets?

If one is to believe the Indian claim that ten young militants engaged more than 3000 of India’s top commandoes, intelligence and police officials for 60 hours and killed 200 people in Mumbai city, then we must seriously be worried about the safety of India’s nuclear arsenal, radioactive material, and nuclear power plants.

Two prominent experts on Pakistan and India today expressed their fear that if ten militants in their early twenties can hold a city of 15 million people, which houses a number of sensitive nuclear and radio-active plants, then how safe are India’s nukes.

Speaking to TVOneNews program, ‘Siyasat aur Pakistan’, strategic experts Zaid Hamid and Ahmed Quraishi also warned that Hindu hawks may try to grab India’s nukes.

According to reports, two of India’s most important nuclear installations are located near Mumbai. Tarapur’s two 160 MW nuclear plants are already functioning near Trombay while two more 500 MW PHWRs power plants are under construction near Mumbay itself. These two plants are designed to work as fuel fabrication facilities and are not safeguarded under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nor effectively protected.

India’s Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and a number of other nuclear plants and uranium conversion facilities (UF6) are also not part of IAEA safeguards. A fuel fabrication facility is also not far from the city and is considered unsafe by most accounts.

What surprised India experts is the fact that militants reportedly entered the city on boats crossing the eyes of the Indian navy and marines and carried not only heavy arms but also tens of kilograms of military- standard RDX explosives.

According to an article published Monday in the Washington Post, “In just minutes, Mumbai was under seige” by young gunmen.

After landing, the gunmen fanned out across the city, most likely in groups of two or three. Within half an hour, they had hit about five sites: the city`s main rail station, a Jewish center at the Nariman House, the Leopold Cafe, and the Oberoi and Taj hotels.

Washington Post quoted a photographer for the Mumbai Mirror newspaper, Sebastian D`Souza, as saying that, "There were armed policemen hiding all around the station, but none of them did anything,” D`Souza told reporters afterward. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, `Shoot them! They`re sitting ducks,` but they just didn`t shoot back."
America Russia & France hacve signed huge deals with regards to supply of nuke tech and new power stations to india.

Currently 3% of india power is generated by nuke power.

India currently can produce fwer than 10 war heads a Year

By 2020 20% of india power will come from nuclear energy.

With it india ability to produce nuke ward heads will grow to over 50 warheads a year.

a couple of months ago thier was a uranium leak from India so NO>

There is a whole lot of history of reported indian uranium thefts, almost on regular basis.
You can find some threads on this matter in this forum as wel.
America Russia & France hacve signed huge deals with regards to supply of nuke tech and new power stations to india.

Currently 3% of india power is generated by nuke power.

India currently can produce fwer than 10 war heads a Year

By 2020 20% of india power will come from nuclear energy.

With it india ability to produce nuke ward heads will grow to over 50 warheads a year.


By year 2020 their will be either india or Pakistan but not both. ;)

The concern regarding terror strikes on nuclear reactors is valid to some extent, but the fear of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of "Hindu hawks" is baseless. :tongue:

As a former Mumbai citizen more than 10 years ago, I lived near the BARC and was often struck by the lack of visible security presence. A friend whose father was a scientist assured me that there were SAM missile batteries nearby. I did see some paramilitary guys loitering about but no heavy visible armed presence. After the Mumbai attacks, I'm pretty sure security has been beefed up.

Nuclear weapon assets are a different matter altogether. These are directly managed by the Armed Forces Nuclear Command Authority and have (hopefully!) all the relevant safeguards. How can Hindu hawks get them? Even if the BJP/RSS combine comes to power in the next election, they are still politicians. Though politicians are inept, corrupt and wretched (my opinion!), they are far less likely to initiate nuclear confrontation than a bunch of fundamentalist generals. So far, there is no indication that Indian Armed Forces have senior people with extremist (Hindu) idealogies.

Hence IMO the risk of Indian nuclear assets falling into the wrong hands is far less than the risk of Pak nuclear assets being controlled by a bunch of Pak Army generals with jihadi leanings. Just my two cents...

Also, the number of NSG commandos was 200. They took 60 hours due to the fact that the hotels are extremely large, and that hostages were involved, causing them to cautiously proceed, room-by-room. Imagine trying to clear an entire 5-star hotel...

As far as the cops at CST were concerned, there are a couple of issues:they were Reserve Police and Railway Police, among the worst trained, equipped and motivated of all police forces in India. Most were unarmed. The ones that were armed had .303 rifles. They were probably hoping for Mumbai ATS to show up and confront the terrorists. One cop though did engage the terrorists and was later rewarded for the same. There's a CC TV video out there proving that this one guy did engage...
The concern regarding terror strikes on nuclear reactors is valid to some extent, but the fear of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of "Hindu hawks" is baseless. :tongue:

As a former Mumbai citizen more than 10 years ago, I lived near the BARC and was often struck by the lack of visible security presence. A friend whose father was a scientist assured me that there were SAM missile batteries nearby. I did see some paramilitary guys loitering about but no heavy visible armed presence. After the Mumbai attacks, I'm pretty sure security has been beefed up.

Nuclear weapon assets are a different matter altogether. These are directly managed by the Armed Forces Nuclear Command Authority and have (hopefully!) all the relevant safeguards. How can Hindu hawks get them? Even if the BJP/RSS combine comes to power in the next election, they are still politicians. Though politicians are inept, corrupt and wretched (my opinion!), they are far less likely to initiate nuclear confrontation than a bunch of fundamentalist generals. So far, there is no indication that Indian Armed Forces have senior people with extremist (Hindu) idealogies.

Hence IMO the risk of Indian nuclear assets falling into the wrong hands is far less than the risk of Pak nuclear assets being controlled by a bunch of Pak Army generals with jihadi leanings. Just my two cents...

I had done my research in TISS and our share the wall with BARC, nd I personally visualized some of the most advance SAM system.
Every Vehicle enter their need gate passes which are checked at every entrance and only official vehicles can move in restricted areas.
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