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Arabs See Pakistan as Future Superpower

Other nation's can 'suggest' all they want, but as the US failures in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan illustrate, even superpowers cannot influence the direction of another nation as long as the people of that nation do not wish to do so themselves, and act purposefully to bring about that change.

For Pakistan such a moment (for its people to promote change) will arrive when the next elections take place - 'change' in this context is no so much about the PTI being elected and Imran Khan actually being able to turn things around dramatically, but 'change' in the context that hopefully a much larger percentage of the electorate will turn out to vote, and will vote in a majority of candidates from outside the established parties like the PPP, PML-N, ANP, MQM etc.

And what if things don`t work out then either? What if they people choose wrong again or don`t even get the choice to choose? Corrupt leaders have a hard time saying goodbye to power.
And what if things don`t work out then either? What if they people choose wrong again or don`t even get the choice to choose? Corrupt leaders have a hard time saying goodbye to power.
maybe a military takeover or in the worst case maybe a civil war
i think pakistan's image is becayse, pakistan is nucleaar country, and its not in the middle east unlike iran and turkey, so maybe arabs have some bit good opinions about pakistan

personally i even think this super power idea to be absurd, pakistan has a long way to go and correct their corrupt governance, which would take like 50 more years is pakistan remains an existing country given the troubles it has and been facing
i think pakistan's image is becayse, pakistan is nucleaar country, and its not in the middle east unlike iran and turkey, so maybe arabs have some bit good opinions about pakistan

personally i even think this super power idea to be absurd, pakistan has a long way to go and correct their corrupt governance, which would take like 50 more years is pakistan remains an existing country given the troubles it has and been facing

Arab nations know Pakistan will never accept Israel. They know even if Pakistan has a pro-west government and Pakistan government considers accepting Israel, millions of Pakistanis will come out in the streets and demand the government to resign.

Even some Arab countries accept Israel, but Pakistan will never accept Israel. Palestine and Kashmir freedom movements are supported by the vast majority of Pakistanis. Palestine freedom struggle is equally important as Kashmir freedom struggle for many Pakistanis.

And Pakistan will always exist thanks to Allah and strong Pakistan military and ISI :pakistan:
i think pakistan's image is becayse, pakistan is nucleaar country, and its not in the middle east unlike iran and turkey, so maybe arabs have some bit good opinions about pakistan

personally i even think this super power idea to be absurd, pakistan has a long way to go and correct their corrupt governance, which would take like 50 more years is pakistan remains an existing country given the troubles it has and been facing
50 more years? that is an overstatement, all it will take is a leader that does his jobs and most of the corruption could be cleared within a year
Every country dreams big, we do it and believe we can be one so why not you.
All the best
And what if things don`t work out then either? What if they people choose wrong again or don`t even get the choice to choose? Corrupt leaders have a hard time saying goodbye to power.
The nation and its people continue till the next opportunity ...

As a Jew (I am assuming you are one given your flags) the part about 'a nation and people continuing to survive, strive and struggle despite all odds, setbacks and failures' should be familiar, given Jewish history ...
i think pakistan's image is becayse, pakistan is nucleaar country, and its not in the middle east unlike iran and turkey, so maybe arabs have some bit good opinions about pakistan

personally i even think this super power idea to be absurd, pakistan has a long way to go and correct their corrupt governance, which would take like 50 more years is pakistan remains an existing country given the troubles it has and been facing

Why wait 50 years for corruption to end, when it is possible to end in 1 year time? Trust me, it only takes a handful of men to change the course of history, history itself is the greatest witness. In my honest opinion, if you truly want for Pakistan to change, you can take it to your own hands and truly change it. But it requires courage and limitless effort. Many of you guys got sufficient knowledge and the potential. If you are visionless, your country will remain in corrupt for a long time... But one single idea is enough, if you can spread that idea and if it can manifest in the peoples mind, nothing can stop it. Remember how our prophet, single handedly changed everything for billions of Muslims...

sounded like a poem:pakistan:
Pakistan has all the 'tools' & necessary 'resources' to become a major player in the region, & dare I say, in the world. It will never be a superpower though.
I think the two most important factors in a nations's success are

A-individual ambition, determination, greed, etc. for purely personal reasons.
B-belief in group (nationalistic) manifest destiny.

Pakistan has plenty of A), but I am not convinced it has enough B) yet. This is the big difference between Pakistan and countries that have 'made it' (Japan, Germany, USA, Israel) or that are on their way (China, India).

Nothing short of a radical change at the top will change that attitude and, for me, that is the biggest value of Imran Khan. I don't expect him to have all the answers, but he is the best man to make Pakistanis believe in the future, like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did.
In other words, your implying Pakistan needs National Socialism.

Not necessarily: socialism goes against point A) above. In times of war, people will work hard for nationalistic reasons, but in peacetime you need personal incentives.

I was referring to ZAB's gift for galvanizing the masses. Pakistan has fallen into a routine of apathy; people are so jaded by the corruption, incompetence and nepotism rampant at the top, they have shrunk into their cocoon of individual greed and personal goals. We need a leader who can make people see the big picture and believe in it.
Not necessarily: socialism goes against point A) above. In times of war, people will work hard for nationalistic reasons, but in peacetime you need personal incentives.

I was referring to ZAB's gift for galvanizing the masses. Pakistan has fallen into a routine of apathy; people are so jaded by the corruption, incompetence and nepotism rampant at the top, they have shrunk into their cocoon of individual greed and personal goals. We need a leader who can make people see the big picture and believe in it.

There's a bid difference between the Socialism you mentioned in your post and the National Socialism i'm referring to.

The socialism your talking about is the Marxist Socialism which advocates compromising the individuality and property.

National Socialism: Its meaning

“’Socialists’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, if efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”-Adolf Hitler – Sunday Express, 28 December 1938.
Oh wait.

In famous history, if a strong country like Pakistan become superpower, Arabs will run immediately to the West. As you can see, they are almost hating every neighbors- (ie. they backstab Ottoman Empire, they now backstab Iran and tomorrow, it will be Pakistan. ). Don't assume all Arabs love Pakistan.

What I suggest for Pakistan's role superpower is to control all Arab countries and kick out puppets of the West including Saudi Arabia. Turkey and Iran would be appreciated allies.

Arabs can't be trusted.
The nation and its people continue till the next opportunity ...

As a Jew (I am assuming you are one given your flags) the part about 'a nation and people continuing to survive, strive and struggle despite all odds, setbacks and failures' should be familiar, given Jewish history ...

Quite familiar but the road is very long for Pakistan. But it seems to me that quite a good amount of people in Pakistan are unable to get proper education and because of it they are radicalized and join terrorist groups, not to mention the pure hatred for India through the decades of mutual hatred.
Quite familiar but the road is very long for Pakistan. But it seems to me that quite a good amount of people in Pakistan are unable to get proper education and because of it they are radicalized and join terrorist groups, not to mention the pure hatred for India through the decades of mutual hatred.

What the hell you discuss about Pakistan, do you feel insecure ? I would tell you it is very small number of uneducated Pakistanis goes to Jihadis. Do you feel same hatred for Iran and Muslim worlds you murdered them?

Yeah, we have been achieved alot in short of 64 years, the road will be soon clear if we found right person leadership. That's it.
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