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Arabs angry for Iran-P5+1 talks, 'The Security Council for Fatwas'

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If takfiri thoughts are spread by Iran, pray tell me why do I see only the Saudi members here declaring others Kafirs? I have not seen any Iranian who declared others as non muslims. However, it is like a daily affair for many Saudis in the forum.

Don't be offended, just my experience , which is completely different from the Arabs I met in real life.

When have I EVER called anyone a Kafir or used Takfiri terms??? As I said before "La ialh illa Allah Muhammd rasol allah" is all it takes for someone to become a Muslim. If they genuinely hold this belief no matter how they choose to practice it is none of my concern and I will let God be the Judge of that.
first i am not arabian i am egyptian
and it is well known and who ever say otherwise is laying to himself
Brother race shouldn't count at all for person in front of god what's really count is piety, second the Arab race isn't a disgrace???!!! plus Muhammad PBUH is honoring our race< may Allah bless you.
Brother race shouldn't count at all for person in front of god what's really count is piety, second the Arab race isn't a disgrace???!!! plus Muhammad PBUH is honoring our race< may Allah bless you.

I'm Praying that Iraq kills off the Terrorists currently operating in it killing civilians my wishes best wishes to you, Iraq-Egypt need to expand after Saddam and Mubarak fell.
Brother race shouldn't count at all for person in front of god what's really count is piety, second the Arab race isn't a disgrace???!!! plus Muhammad PBUH is honoring our race< may Allah bless you.
i am just saying that are egyptians we are not arabs dna tests has shown that but i dont judge anyone or say we are better. every country has good people and bad people and that we have a better life if the muslim countrys start work together what have we seen from arab nathionalty ?
losses and betray thats it nothing more
may allah bless you and your country brother and i think very soon the wounded iraq will rise and be stronger than ever
i am just saying that are egyptians we are not arabs dna tests has shown that but i dont judge anyone or say we are better. every country has good people and bad people and that we have a better life if the muslim countrys start work together what have we seen from arab nathionalty ?
losses and betray thats it nothing more
may allah bless you and your country brother and i think very soon the wounded iraq will rise and be stronger than ever
You were Arabized 1400 years ago. You speak Arabic don't you? your country is called the Arab republic of Egypt isn't it?
Here is the thing if you don't consider your self Arab then that means you were culturally colonised for almost fifteen centuries. Which one you choose is up to you. The fact is only Athiest and coptic christans say that, which isn't suprising at all.
The fact is only Athiest and coptic christans say that, which isn't suprising at all.
my name is mahmoud you stupid how can i be a christian or athiest
You speak Arabic don't you
usa speaks english does that make them english ? african countrys speak french
that means you were culturally colonised for almost fifteen centuries. Which one you choose is up to you
i choose who i am egyptian son of egyptian and if you are right then gulf countrys and syria and sudan and parts of turkey and more should be egyptians becouse we conquared them 2 times pharoh time and muhamed ali time so you choose not me
This is EXACTLY what I have been saying all along of the Takfiri thoughts of Saudi Arabia that is being spread by none other than Iran. Even though I have NEVER engaged in any Takfiri saying EVER you can see it very clearly here. So the question is again raised who is the one really spreading Takfiri ideology??? KSA or Iran??? And I will let the statement I have quoted above to answer that for itself.

Actually ALL analysts agree that KSA achieved ground breaking victory in Sa'dah insurgency. They entered our lands and we kicked them out humiliated and defeated. You can bring me a few videos of a captured Humvee but I can bring you a hundred videos of Houthi caves burning. But then again those are just videos but the reality of the situation is we kicked the Houthi's *** out so far he will never dare to come again. And more over if he does dare we are more prepared and ready to take on the challenge.
I didn't say you're kafir asteghfiro Allah I meant attacking civilian doesn't work with our religion read our prophet biography, attacking civilians is prohibited in our religion.
about your break through in sa'adah is that the joke of the day???? how come you expect of them to hold fighting to armies with air support now if the attackers confined to fight the opponents it would be different story today but they targeted the civilians as pressure on Alhoothi's fighters to ask for stopping the war!!! and what break through while you fight with help from the Yemeni army Jordanian troops Egyptians and only God knows who else supported you to claim victory against group of simple fighters.
I didn't say you're kafir asteghfiro Allah I meant attacking civilian doesn't work with our religion read our prophet biography, attacking civilians is prohibited in our religion.
about your break through in sa'adah is that the joke of the day???? how come you expect of them to hold fighting to armies with air support now if the attackers confined to fight the opponents it would be different story today but they targeted the civilians as pressure on Alhoothi's fighters to ask for stopping the war!!! and what break through while you fight with help from the Yemeni army Jordanian troops Egyptians and only God knows who else supported you to claim victory against group of simple fighters.

The strikes never went deep into Yemeni territory. You actually believe this garbage?? That Saudis killed civilians to end the war and pressure Alhouthi to surrender?? Okay this is how the story goes:

Houthis broke into our territory and executed two of our border guards and stole their jeep of which Alhouthis were singing their famous chant. And then they broke into our territory to circle around Yemeni forces and we will not allow such an act to happen in our territory not to mention the public uproar caused by the death of the two border guards. This lead to Saudi troops being sent to cleanse our territory from this incursion.
At first the Saudi forces had to clear out small towns and villages that was seized by Houthis in an act of an invasion. So we responded and sent our forces there. At first our troops being inexperienced were highly unorganized and that is when most of the deaths in our side came. But then we cleared up our act and got our stuff together by the end of the first few days.

Our airstrikes were not very precise due to our lack of Satellite locating capabilities so whenever we stopped them from one point they will come from another once from the left once from the right through tunnels they dug in the mountains which means this operation of theirs was planned perhaps years in advance already.

Here this is how it happened: David Ignatius - Dazzling new weapons require new rules for war

And please not a single foreign soldier was there in the battlefield after all this war was merely a test for our capabilities and important lessons were learned and experience gained. You remind me of the Youtube Commentters saying how the brave Houthis have defeated the Saudis and the Saudi government is paying "Jizyah" for Al-Houthi not to invade it again LoL. Fact is they were defeated and they have gone into hiding ever since never daring to even think of crossing the border. And this time we are a thousand times more prepared for them.
The strikes never went deep into Yemeni territory. You actually believe this garbage?? That Saudis killed civilians to end the war and pressure Alhouthi to surrender?? Okay this is how the story goes:

Houthis broke into our territory and executed two of our border guards and stole their jeep of which Alhouthis were singing their famous chant. And then they broke into our territory to circle around Yemeni forces and we will not allow such an act to happen in our territory not to mention the public uproar caused by the death of the two border guards. This lead to Saudi troops being sent to cleanse our territory from this incursion.
At first the Saudi forces had to clear out small towns and villages that was seized by Houthis in an act of an invasion. So we responded and sent our forces there. At first our troops being inexperienced were highly unorganized and that is when most of the deaths in our side came. But then we cleared up our act and got our stuff together by the end of the first few days.

Our airstrikes were not very precise due to our lack of Satellite locating capabilities so whenever we stopped them from one point they will come from another once from the left once from the right through tunnels they dug in the mountains which means this operation of theirs was planned perhaps years in advance already.

Here this is how it happened: David Ignatius - Dazzling new weapons require new rules for war

And please not a single foreign soldier was there in the battlefield after all this war was merely a test for our capabilities and important lessons were learned and experience gained. You remind me of the Youtube Commentters saying how the brave Houthis have defeated the Saudis and the Saudi government is paying "Jizyah" for Al-Houthi not to invade it again LoL. Fact is they were defeated and they have gone into hiding ever since never daring to even think of crossing the border. And this time we are a thousand times more prepared for them.

Noting surprising it just shows How Israel will always have the edge over Arabs due to their better trained troops, anyway heard about the saudi kidnapped in yemen again ?
Noting surprising it just shows How Israel will always have the edge over Arabs due to their better trained troops, anyway heard about the saudi kidnapped in yemen again ?

Yeah I did. Seems you anti-Saudi crowd have become operational. Killing off our Diplomats and kidnapping them everywhere.
my name is mahmoud you stupid how can i be a christian or athiest

usa speaks english does that make them english ? african countrys speak french
i choose who i am egyptian son of egyptian and if you are right then gulf countrys and syria and sudan and parts of turkey and more should be egyptians becouse we conquared them 2 times pharoh time and muhamed ali time so you choose not me
What a genius, you could have been born a muslim then became a an athiest. have you heard about Christopher hitchens, an athiest with a christan name. A name is nothing but a name.
Also, iam not talking about actual ruling, i am taking about cultural, yes Americans are culturaly English just like Egyptians are culturaly Arab, if you dont believe me ask 90% of Egyptains. Your thinking is the result of English colonization, Egyptain Arab nationalism resulted from that. Learn your own history.
Yeah I did. Seems you anti-Saudi crowd have become operational. Killing off our Diplomats and kidnapping them everywhere.

Ok so now it's my Fault a saudi was kidnapped in Yemen Mosa I thought we went over this on our reconciliation ?
i am just saying that are egyptians we are not arabs dna tests has shown that but i dont judge anyone or say we are better. every country has good people and bad people and that we have a better life if the muslim countrys start work together what have we seen from arab nathionalty ?
losses and betray thats it nothing more
may allah bless you and your country brother and i think very soon the wounded iraq will rise and be stronger than ever
Arabism isn't race in total it's more of culture, your culture my culture is Arabic culture due to the language spoken and heritage written in Arabic, that's all about it.
Ok so now it's my Fault a saudi was kidnapped in Yemen Mosa I thought we went over this on our reconciliation ?

Well you play a part in it by letting yourself become part of this Propaganda machine you are indirectly responsible for the killing of those people. Hated everywhere simply due to our passports and country of origin and this is all of you lot's fault. Wherever a Saudi go he is always targeted with hate and racism and why is that?? It is because of you lot. So yes their blood is in all of yours hands. And also the blood of the ones to come.
Well you play a part in it by letting yourself become part of this Propaganda machine you are indirectly responsible for the killing of those people. Hated everywhere simply due to our passports and country of origin and this is all of you lot's fault. Wherever a Saudi go he is always targeted with hate and racism and why is that?? It is because of you lot. So yes their blood is in all of yours hands. And also the blood of the ones to come.

lol so I'm now responsible for a saudis dying are you going to blame me next for the iraq war ? you know why saudis are hit with racism through I respect saudi's maybe you forgot about airplanes flying into buildings and the people coming from a US ally.
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