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Arab Spring Reaches Jordan.

Jordan is one of the 7 countries in the world which subsidies fuel, electricity and food with more than 50%, although it's people are not poor compared with most world countries especially in the ME, Arab members here who know Jordan know this fact very well, although Jordan import all of it's oil and gaz, there are 1 million foreign workers work in it. With about 2 million Arab refugees from Iraq, Syria and Egyptian workers...etc, my country couldn't afford this subsidy anymore for foreigners, the new government has decided to leave the subsidy and exchange it with direct financial aid to families whose salaries are less than $15000 a year with about $600. Jordanian government resorted to this last choice to prevent collapse of Jordanian economy and currency which got exhausted due to massive waives of refugees, cut off Egyptian gaz which used to provide Jordan with 97% of it's needs for electricity, as well as regional turmoil.

On the other hand Egypt which is ruled by MB has raised the prices several times with no aids in return and no one over there objected it!

People have been demonstrating for 2 years with more than 6000 demonstrations and only one was killed 3 days ago after he attacked a police station with a machine gun and injured 12 policemen. 37 policemen have been severely injured.

However, I and most Jordanians are against this rise of fuel salaries but most of us are against violence and calling for ousting the king.

Guys, this is a page on Facebook calling for turmoil in Jordan with 58k members, plz translate or ask an Arab member here to read the replies on every post the admin of this page adds and I challenge you if you find 5 replies out of the 500 or 400 replies who agree with him, everyone is angry at him and calling him traitor.
Protesting is a right that's protected by the constitution in Jordan and freedom of speech as well. And BTW several people have called for ousting the king before, so stop dreaming about winters or springs.

Learn dignity and honor and most importantly motherland loyalty from Jordanians:








And finally, I hope non-Arab Muslims save the dignity they have and stop pushing themselves on us, when would you realize that the Arabs would never ever brother you?! Stop acting like you have the right to object or disagree with anything going on in our countries. Try and ask anyone of your relatives in Jordan or GCC to just open his mouth and see what the reaction would be by from people.
Jordan needs a revolution you just can't be ruled by monarchs indefinitely

You need change
Jordan needs a revolution you just can't be ruled by monarchs indefinitely

You need change
well he is not you to decide
and it seems Jordanians are not so unhappy by the way, are they?
A Muslim who wants a strong and powerful Jordan who can look after its people and stand alongside the Muslim countries of the world to protect us all

Muslims countries are hugh, 1.7 billion people and rising and so much resources but we will remain divided and weak until we get our act together and shake off these monarchs dictators and military generals
A Muslim who wants a strong and powerful Jordan who can look after its people and stand alongside the Muslim countries of the world to protect us all

Muslims countries are hugh, 1.7 billion people and rising and so much resources but we will remain divided and weak until we get our act together and shake off these monarchs dictators and military generals

Yes! And we must stick to Assad! He's the good guy.
Assad is yet another self serving dictator who has kept Syria down
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