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Arab Spring: Libya over, Syria next, says France


Jun 12, 2011
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NEW DELHI: With NATO operations in Libya coming to an end with the killing of Muammar Gaddafi, France on Friday said Syria could be the next target as it pushed for UN taking the "responsibilities" and sanction the "bloody repression".

However, France did not intend to launch unilateral military action against Syria but strictly follow international law in this regard, French foreign minister Alain Juppe said.

With the death of Gaddafi, NATO operations in Libya can be considered over and the new government there was in control of the entire country, Juppe said here.

"Turning to Syria, given the crimes against humanity committed by the Gaddafi regime, France is asking the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities and sanction the bloody repression," he said in a speech at the French Embassy here.

"I hope we will soon reach an agreement on multilateral action that can step up pressure on the Syrian regime," Juppe said.

Arab Spring: Libya over, Syria next, says France - The Times of India
i think the nato will take some time to eat the new cake (resources to be distributed as decided)
i think the nato will take some time to eat the new cake (resources to be distributed as decided)

Most probably Turks and Germans this time since Turkey is being affected by Assad's madness.
Most probably Turks and Germans this time since Turkey is being affected by Assad's madness.

Turks maybe. Germany is not getting involved in these civil wars, I can assure you.
We actually can't wait to get out of Afghanistan.. (but want to leave behind an acceptable and stable situation)

after syria its Saudis......wait and watch.


As long as they "play nice", they will be "allies".. sadly. I would be all for ending that despicable regime, which is a massive sponsor of terror in Europe and all over the middle east (ranging from Morrocco into Pakistan), and a gross human rights violator and always has been, but that is not gonna happen and you know why.
oooOooOooOOO.... Russia getting butthurt?

Yea because me ptldM3 represents the opinion of tens of million of Russians.... And why would I or 'Russia' be 'butthurt'? I'm not Syria there is nothing for me to be upset about. The problem is NATO, an organization comprised of sissy boys that banded together for protection, goes around bombing countries. But the said sissy boys condemned Russia for bombing Georgia when Georgia in fact attacked the Russian military, so sissy boys can throw their weight around but countries that have been attacked (Russia) can not retaliate? How does that work?

Don’t get me wrong there are some great countries that belong to NATO, but many NATO countries are classless sheep.
Don't worry about Assad. If I was you, I'll be more anxious of whether a rocket will hit my house or not.
Yea because me ptldM3 represents the opinion of tens of million of Russians.... And why would I or 'Russia' be 'butthurt'? I'm not Syria there is nothing for me to be upset about. The problem is NATO, an organization comprised of sissy boys that banded together for protection, goes around bombing countries. But the said sissy boys condemned Russia for bombing Georgia when Georgia in fact attacked the Russian military, so sissy boys can throw their weight around but countries that have been attacked (Russia) can not retaliate? How does that work?

Don’t get me wrong there are some great countries that belong to NATO, but many NATO countries are classless sheep.

so you are angry at NATO because they support Georgia in the latest war between you!
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