These Arabs are a puzzling bunch.
Imran Khan dodged a bullet there.
I am conservative but I am fine with Jews having a homeland and allowed to practice their religion freely in it.
Jews have a lengthy history in Palestinian lands. Kingdom of Israel existed in these lands for a long period of time. They will never give up on these lands due to obvious reasons.
The holy site labelled Masjid al-Aqsa predates Islam and was valuable to all believers including Muslims but Allah Almighty instructed Holy Prophet (PBUH) to shift qibla to the other holy site labelled Ka'bah (Kaaba) in Mecca in 624 CE. This shift happened
after Safar-e-Meraj but
before the Battle of Badr.
This shift was a test of faith. It was supposed to teach Muslims to attach more importance to spirituality and belief in Allah Almighty than to any holy site in materialistic sense.
This shift was also a compensation to Muslims in the sense that there is another holy site to gravitate towards for spiritual reasons and nobody has claims on it. This shift could also help reduce conflict between Muslims, Jews and Christians on religious grounds by extension.
But how many got the memo, honestly?
I recall a hadith that suggest that Hajj will stop at some point. Exact cause is not identified and neither it is pointed that this would be temporary or permanent,
but this world is NOT (our) permanent abode and some matters are best left to Allah Almighty.
Islamic history is well-preserved in the lands that are already in our hands, lands that are already vast and blessed with numerous natural resources. Islamic spirituality cannot be harmed unless WE grow out of touch with teachings of Allah Almighty that are preserved in the Holy Quran, and become greedy.
Emergence of modern Israel and loss of Jerusalem to it in spite of the plot to rollback Israel, serve to remind all Muslims about wisdom in teachings of Allah Almighty and that WE cannot have our way in this world on permanent basis. This is how it is for all sides in this world.
WE should learn HOW to co-exist with others through the ever-changing times and push for workable solutions.
In regards to the ongoing Palestine - Israel conflict, ONE STATE SOLUTION should be on the cards.
Poll finds a third of Palestinians support the idea.
And UNESCO can be pushed to declare Masjid Al-Aqsa a
World Heritage Site.
Jews might want to build Third Temple on religious grounds but this can be done with accommodating the Dome of Rock as noted in following link:
New Jewish interfaith initiative hopes to show that Jews' end-of-days vision could harmoniously accommodate Islam's present architectural hegemony on the Temple Mount.
Pakistan can push for the above while recognizing Israel. This will help Pakistan's international image manifold and pave way for new economic avenues. Israel can provide both technologies and trade to Pakistan like it does for others.
Arabs are warming up to Israel but WE are are supposed to be more Arabs then them?
Pakistan needs to concentrate on HOW to put its own house in order which it FAILS to do on a consistent basis. Pakistani Public is massive and have needs of its own. Pakistan cannot continue like a corrupt dysfunctional state like it is in the present for indefinite period.
Many Pakistani tend to think about collective good for the pan-Islamic bloc but do others have our best interests in their hearts and minds? How many sought to liberate Kashmir for example?
So choose your path wisely.
Now for the record:
Saudi Arabia's economy grew by 8.8% in the third quarter of 2022 compared to the same period a year earlier, mainly due to a sharp increase in oil-related activity, according to official estimates released on Sunday.
Exports in Saudi Arabia decreased to 92783 SAR Million in August from 94588 SAR Million in July of 2024. This page provides - Saudi Arabia Exports - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news.
Eng. Al-Suwailem noted that the ministry aims to increase the industrial establishments from 10,000 to 32,000 establishments by 2035
So where WE stand in comparison?
WE are continously undermined by people who lack in understanding of virtually anything and mentally frozen in time.