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AQ Khan Released from House Arrest!!!

Pakistan provided centrifuges to North Korea in a shipment supervised by the army under President Pervez Musharraf.

North Korean plane landed at an airport and people are saying that army had no knowledge of it?

If thats true then India might fly in without being noticed too.

atlast, we can see something similarly.:taz:
This hardly constitutes as a traitor

According to the report circulated by the South Asian News Agency, Dr Khan said that Libya is lying as Tripoli did not get anything from Islamabad. He said they purchased nuclear hardware from the person from whom Pakistan had purchased nuclear hardware. He said he admitted it not because of any fear but in the interest of the country. He said at that time he was told that if he did not accept the allegations, the country might be bombed.
Guys someone answer me please! why Indians hating Dr.AQ Khan? Is it just because he sold blueprints to Iran and North Korea?

Not really. Its because he was the face of Pakistan's nuclear program, responsible for smuggling crucial tech into Pakistan.

India is not really concerned about N.Korean or Iranian nukes - except perhaps when it comes to the official position.
Guys someone answer me please! why Indians hating Dr.AQ Khan? Is it just because he sold blueprints to Iran and North Korea?

indians dont hate him, but the world abhors such 'nuke peddlers'.
why specific mention of indians?

btw, I think, he duped iran as well, because if the blueprints that he sold had been any good then iran would have been very close to making the bomb.
And by involving this guy you'd be giving them all the excuse that they need.

Pakistanis are always short sighted. This jubilation won't really last... Some of our present leaders are the biggest American stooges of all time. This guys release would further expose Pakistan's nukes to western influence than protect it. These guys are making one blunder after the other and I doubt these are just simple mistakes.

Do you think it matters be it Khan or not. Well think again. Its not a question about being short sighted or far sighted, its about how you can use an asset to your favor. Qadeer is definitely an asset and so should be used, moreover a quick and strong msg to the world to mind their ******* own business w.r.t pakistan's nuclear program can achieve results though not as favorable as one would want to put it however making sure they realize that Pakistan is independent with regards to its nuclear policy making.

Heck how much you wanna bet AQK would end up being kidnapped... In all probability he'd be handed over. I was expecting the Army to intervene and overrule this decision but that would've resulted in a coup... The stooges are playing a very dangerous game and our army's hands are tied because of our public's support and jubilations.

Thats a huge assessment and without any bases i might say. Reason is first its not the GOP that made the decision, its the high court and Law has taken its own course, second GOP will still provide foolproof security to him so no chance of him being kidnapped. Moreover if he is indeed kidnapped then its a slap right on the fact of our security agencies who couldn't protect him from getting abducted by the CIA or mossad or perhaps RAW.
Not really. Its because he was the face of Pakistan's nuclear program, responsible for smuggling crucial tech into Pakistan.

India is not really concerned about N.Korean or Iranian nukes - except perhaps when it comes to the official position.

Exactly Dr. AQ Khan is hardly a reason for India to hate him - his side business did not directly affect India in any way

But his URENCO antic did give him a new middlename here in India :D
you want india to believe in your investigation agencies and judicial system, at the same time freeing a known prolifirator for the lack of evidence. evidence against A Q khan is more stronger and widely accepted then 'mumbai' attacks. so, there is no reason for india or any other country to believe that pakistan can deliver justice while failing to do so in another instance.
they are both related since pakistan has tried to cover the culprits in both cases.

pakistan havent signed NPT so wat legal action are u talkin about......
And by involving this guy you'd be giving them all the excuse that they need.

Pakistanis are always short sighted. This jubilation won't really last... Some of our present leaders are the biggest American stooges of all time. This guys release would further expose Pakistan's nukes to western influence than protect it. These guys are making one blunder after the other and I doubt these are just simple mistakes.

Heck how much you wanna bet AQK would end up being kidnapped... In all probability he'd be handed over. I was expecting the Army to intervene and overrule this decision but that would've resulted in a coup... The stooges are playing a very dangerous game and our army's hands are tied because of our public's support and jubilations.

i wanna bet over this...... ISI and army will never let this happen... they know how much it can cost them
Pakistan provided centrifuges to North Korea in a shipment supervised by the army under President Pervez Musharraf.

North Korean plane landed at an airport and people are saying that army had no knowledge of it?

If thats true then India might fly in without being noticed too.

I guess you are forgetfull they tried that recently and then whimpered back like little babies by the way you seem to have so much detail on the incedent can you please quote the source.
same thing wat have been sayin. he was not the only one but he was the one leadin the crew... no one is sayin other scientist should not be recognised even AQ Khan said he was not the only one... now if someone doesnt do that, that shouldnt be made a basis of hating AQ Khan..... u r only portrayin urself as a stupid person by callin him stupid..... and the army u r talkin about is only something coz of the nuclear weapons they have got in their pockets...
also i will really appreciate if u dont use words lik barking etc...
Bro if you believe that i stupid by calling him stupid then feel free. :smitten: All i know is this I love Pakistan and I don't want anyone to hurt it. AQ Khan is hurting Pakistan by opening his mouth. He words will put Pakistan's army and ISI accountable for everything! I had respect for him but he would off been hero if he kept his mouth shut.... He didn't do anything for free he got Paid big money so what!!! He earned respect! But what happened! he lost it all! Did you see news of today? One more time doubts about Pakistan's nuclear programed.... All Pakistanis have paid for this powerful defense not him instead he got paid to do that but we just gave out the money so don't tell me that i have no rite to say anything
This is very bad news for Pak they should left him to fry he is brought us nothing but bad news! and i dont mean in this in the sense of wat he has done for us but with his other dealings with rough states! this is really bad news GOD help us.
indians dont hate him, but the world abhors such 'nuke peddlers'.
why specific mention of indians?

btw, I think, he duped iran as well, because if the blueprints that he sold had been any good then iran would have been very close to making the bomb.

Those blueprint helped us to build IR-2 centrifuges which is far more sophisticated than P-2 versions. BTW how do you know Iran is not in the possession of Nuclear bomb? We have already more than 30 Nuclear facility and most of them are located underground (85-200 meter). But unlike North Korea we have no interest in isolation, However we wont forget kindness of our Pakistani brothers.

Yes. Your best ally's citizens. Double face aren't they. Watch and learn. :woot:

Some brothers are not happy that we might have our own nuclear arsenal! :D
Saying that because every time Pakistan making an achievement, We are very happy for them!!

And BTW brother Topgun please define "Rogue states"!! Every country which want to stand on its own feet is a rogue state?! Axis of Evil or other ..... that dumbass Bush calling it?
AQ Khan is a national Hero, no one can persecute him in Pakistan. If the people don't want it, wont happened.
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