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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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And I am EXTREMELY PROUD to proclaim that yesterday a friend (a 'gora' IT guy) send me an email, asking me about any non-Apple tablets for his mother who is quite an intelligent, educated, prominent and charismatic lady. I suggested to wait for something like Microsoft Surface or many of the Windows based tablets coming up.
My first significant personal dent against the mightiest corporation reigning the world these days.

PDF needs to start a 'Sticky' thread about boycotting Apple? We have probably tens of thousands of users every week and the 'message' should go to the world out there. NO to Apple.

Hey how are those windows tablets coming?

HP Scraps Windows RT Tablet Plans
HP Scraps Windows RT Tablet Plans | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Toshiba nixes Windows 8 'RT' tablet
Toshiba nixes Windows 8 'RT' tablet, HP doubtful | Microsoft - CNET News

Acer Wisely Shelves Windows RT Tablet Launch Until Q2 2013
Acer Wisely Shelves Windows RT Tablet Launch Until Q2 2013 | TechCrunch

Did you get windows 8 yet?

Yes, I have bought an Acer Iconia W510 with a keyboard dock and am loving it. I will write a review later. For now, may be watch this video:

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I despise Apple as a company, but when it comes to tablets and MP3 players they own the market for the average consumer.
I have posted my Review of the Acer W510 at Amazon and will start a new topic about my experience with W510; hopefully it will advance a debate about what tablets should be. Kids buying $500 toy-pads to play music and surf the web is excessive when same can be done by a $100 Android ones.
Hey how are those windows tablets coming?

HP Scraps Windows RT Tablet Plans
HP Scraps Windows RT Tablet Plans | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Toshiba nixes Windows 8 'RT' tablet
Toshiba nixes Windows 8 'RT' tablet, HP doubtful | Microsoft - CNET News

Acer Wisely Shelves Windows RT Tablet Launch Until Q2 2013
Acer Wisely Shelves Windows RT Tablet Launch Until Q2 2013 | TechCrunch

Did you get windows 8 yet?


Why do you ..AO, Widows 8 TR Tablets by Microsoft are selling you did not mention them, you did not mention Asus and Samsung Windows Tablets, You did not mention Archos and LG.

What is so big deal those companies are investing in Windows 8 Pro Tablets for winder audience. I know dozens and dozens of people who ordered Win TR Tabs it gives them more control the difference is you cannot use legacy applications and who care why would someone use 90's-pre 2005 Apps on Windows 8 RT. RT is for those who surf the internet,facebook-twitter other similar websites, upload their movies-videos-pictures, reading alot of stuff, youtube which serves its purpose even I tried certain editing software and works flawlessly. Crapple mini and big one are restricted platforms don't let me post the list of terrible things associated with them it has been discussed to death even for a simple music transfer i have to use stupid itunes compare it to windows TR awesome simple transfer.
I like Apple products but don't consider myself a hardcore Apple fan or fanatic, though I do like them but not everything about them. Some points Meengla made are valid about Apple. As for Samsung copying well its true Samsung has copied Apple products quite brazenly so, even to the software level for certain programs.

I've been using the iPhone for several years now, great smartphone has changed my life. Also have a MacBook which I really love.

One of the great benefits of an Apple computer over a windows computer is Apple computers have virtually no viruses and if one does suddenly arise Apple releases an update that can fix it right away. Apple OS I have found to be much more enjoyable than Windows Vista or 7 for that matter and by the looks of it 8. Apple OS are more user friendly than Windows, which have historically been full of bugs and glitches and constant harm from viruses.

Besides Apple computers are far more engineered superior to many Windows laptops and competitors which time and time again fall apart due to inferior building materials, malfunctioning parts, over heating, etc.

Though things I don't like about Apple is their marketing slogans but then again their market is working successfully so they are doing something right. It's when Apple compares their products functionality to "magic" and things like that...

Also Apple iPad mini I thought that was a bad product to release but the new CEO Cook has his own views.
You iSheeps really need to wake up and stop drinking the coolaid.
You want to talk about copying lets have a look at where Apple copied another companies design


The thing is, no one really cares if Apple did copy them, everyone copies, it is how humans have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years. Some guy found a way to make fire and the next guy copied him.
The problem is that the iSheeps think that everyone copies apple and apple never copies anyone. The first GUI was made by Xerox and they invited Jobs to see it. Jobs told them that it was useless, then he went home and made a replica of it. After he stole that idea he then tried to sue Microsoft for making their own GUI, he basically tried to stop Microsoft from doing what he himself did.

It's the same with the iPhones. Apple copied the idea of a touchscreen from LG Prada, the app store from Ubantu, the notification bar from Android, and the list goes on.

Apple is not a tech company, they are just a marketing company that sells over priced, but shiny objects that really attract certain type of people.

Here are a bunch of Samsung phones pre iPhone. iSheep propaganda would never tell you this tho.


Charging dongle, okay I give you that Samsung copied it.

30 pin connector? nope, Motorola invented that.

Mic as a mic? Seriously, it's an old school mic representing a mic, what is the big deal? is Apple going to go back in time and sue the makers of those old mics now?

How did Samsung copy a laptop? Last I checked Apple did not invent the laptop.


This isn't really copying, this is like derivative or more like inspiration. Copying is like verbatum which is what Samsung did.
One of the great benefits of an Apple computer over a windows computer is Apple computers have virtually no viruses and if one does suddenly arise Apple releases an update that can fix it right away. Apple OS I have found to be much more enjoyable than Windows Vista or 7 for that matter and by the looks of it 8. Apple OS are more user friendly than Windows, which have historically been full of bugs and glitches and constant harm from viruses.

Besides Apple computers are far more engineered superior to many Windows laptops and competitors which time and time again fall apart due to inferior building materials, malfunctioning parts, over heating, etc. It's when Apple compares their products functionality to "magic" and things like that...

Nope Apple has viruses I will not list them Google them yourself.

OSX has no Advantage over Windows, Windows is the King and will remain the King. Why do you think US Defense and Pentagon has contracts with Microsoft and Dell. Why do you think apple could not increase the % of customers for OSX beyond 10% because 89-90% world is using Windows-Windows machines.

Apple OSX is the most ridiculous spinoff Unix-Linux OS with limited customizations it is sort of I'll lock you in the bedroom what you have be satisfied with it. Enjoyable hardly perhaps the best place to visit is youtube and what people are doing with Windows XP-Vista-7-8 you will be dazzed and amazed that is the reason Windows is the most powerful OS on earth.

There is nothing magic or superior engineering about Apple products, Why do you think apple switched to Intel based processors because Apple could not produce better processor. Again i will not list them go Google them the poor quality workmanship of macbooks-pros with glues and what not i remember my brother had a macbook which had the same problem and i had to send it back to Apple for him for exchange. The notion inferior is wrong, Windows Machines are made to be cheaper in price and affordable. Why should people buy 1000 dollars macbook air when you can get a better Windows machine for $499.00 with better specs.

You will never win this discussion because it has been discussed to death and proven Apple is failure in many ways.
Nope Apple has viruses I will not list them Google them yourself.

OSX has no Advantage over Windows, Windows is the King and will remain the King. Why do you think US Defense and Pentagon has contracts with Microsoft and Dell. Why do you think apple could not increase the % of customers for OSX beyond 10% because 89-90% world is using Windows-Windows machines.

Apple OSX is the most ridiculous spinoff Unix-Linux OS with limited customizations it is sort of I'll lock you in the bedroom what you have be satisfied with it. Enjoyable hardly perhaps the best place to visit is youtube and what people are doing with Windows XP-Vista-7-8 you will be dazzed and amazed that is the reason Windows is the most powerful OS on earth.

There is nothing magic or superior engineering about Apple products, Why do you think apple switched to Intel based processors because Apple could not produce better processor. Again i will not list them go Google them the poor quality workmanship of macbooks-pros with glues and what not i remember my brother had a macbook which had the same problem and i had to send it back to Apple for him for exchange. The notion inferior is wrong, Windows Machines are made to be cheaper in price and affordable. Why should people buy 1000 dollars macbook air when you can get a better Windows machine for $499.00 with better specs.

You will never win this discussion because it has been discussed to death and proven Apple is failure in many ways.

I've used both and was a Windows user for years, I personally dislike Windows and think it's a inferior OS. Though yes with Windows you can customize the OS a lot more than you can with OS X, which you probably have to considering how bad it can be in the first place.

Why do you think US Defense and Pentagon has contracts with Microsoft and Dell. Why do you think apple could not increase the % of customers for OSX beyond 10% because 89-90% world is using Windows-Windows machines.

Such a naive fellow you are, don't you know Microsoft is in cahoots with the Pentagon, they are basically a front for the Pentagon. They provide information to the Pentagon as well. Windows OS are more wide-spread because Windows OS are compatible on most computers and machines, as Apple only has their OS on Apple made devices-smart move, gives their OS exclusivity. Not to mention Windows is a cheaper OS so more customers can afford it, and Mircosoft became more wide spread before Apple did in the 90's.

youtube and what people are doing with Windows XP-Vista-7-8 you will be dazzed and amazed that is the reason Windows is the most powerful OS on earth.

I have and a lot of them are doing videos on how to make Windows look more like a Mac OS or trying to install Mac OS on a Windows PC. Besides that they're are kids modifying the Windows theme, adding gadgets, silly crap like that which no professional user cares about. People like myself appreciate elegance and that is what OS X offers.

Why do you think apple could not increase the % of customers for OSX beyond 10% because 89-90% world is using Windows-Windows machines.

First of all, not everyone can readily afford Apple products because they are more expensive and marketed towards a more up scale customer, not so much the middle class or lower lot which Windows goes after. Apple doesn't want to expand it's market share to the point of 89-90% because Apple is focused on a particular niche in the market and that is a more up scale customer who appreciate elegance and superior technology.

The notion inferior is wrong, Windows Machines are made to be cheaper in price and affordable. Why should people buy 1000 dollars macbook air when you can get a better Windows machine for $499.00 with better specs.

Guarantee you my Mac will kick your Windows laptop's ***.. So honestly post your Windows PC laptop's spec. Most Mac's have better graphics card, better processor, better battery life, etc than Windows PCs...
Guarantee you my Mac will kick your Windows laptop's ***.. So honestly post your Windows PC laptop's spec. Most Mac's have better graphics card, better processor, better battery life, etc than Windows PCs...

Don't all these specs like processor, graphics card etc depend upon the maker of the laptop and not the operating system?

Dell, HP, Sony, Asus, Lenovo etc, all make different lappies, but with the same OS.
Don't all these specs like processor, graphics card etc depend upon the maker of the laptop and not the operating system?

Dell, HP, Sony, Asus, Lenovo etc, all make different lappies, but with the same OS.

Yes, but Luft is the one to bring up hardware specs, he was saying...

Why should people buy 1000 dollars macbook air when you can get a better Windows machine for $499.00 with better specs.

Claiming a $499 "Windows machine" has better specs than a $1,000 Macbook air, he is comparing a $499 Windows machine to the Macbook air because the Macbook air is suppose to be Apple ultra-book so it has less features than the Macbook Pro, which I would like to see him compare a $499 Windows machine or a $1,000 Windows machine.

As for differences between the OS, I gave my view on that. Windows OS is highly prone to viruses, bugs, glitches, slow-downs, etc on a monthly basis. Apple computers virtually have no viruses, if so very rare. Apple OS is more secure from viruses too, and has better security in the OS to prevent malware. Also as I said before the Apple OS is a far smoother, more elegant, sleek, better user-interface IMO, and overall enjoyable OS to use than a hideous looking Windows OS be it 7, or the latest hideous version they came out with Windows 8.

Apple OS also features the Apple store a great way to find hundreds of thousands of Apps that can do almost anything, programs can be downloaded quickly without worrying about virus scanning or malware alerts like Windows users face. See with Windows their support for their customers end after purchasing the product, with Apple their support for their customers is continuous, so another good thing about Apple is excellent customer support.

This isn't really copying, this is like derivative or more like inspiration. Copying is like verbatum which is what Samsung did.

Are you kidding me?
Apple's whole argument is that Samsung copied Apple's design language.
Well guess what? Apple copied Braun's design language.
Just look at the two, they are almost identical.

And really? Samsung copied Apple 100%?

If you think these two are 100% identical then you need your eyes checked


Are you kidding me?
Apple's whole argument is that Samsung copied Apple's design language.
Well guess what? Apple copied Braun's design language.
Just look at the two, they are almost identical.

And really? Samsung copied Apple 100%?

If you think these two are 100% identical then you need your eyes checked



Apple's whole argument is that Samsung copied Apple's design language.
Well guess what? Apple copied Braun's design language.
Just look at the two, they are almost identical.

Apple may have received some influences from Braun but it isn't copying, Braun didn't go and make an iPhone or a laptop, the similarities are subtle. Also Braun company doesn't seem to mind.

If you think these two are 100% identical then you need your eyes checked

Don't worry thanks to my iGlasses I can see better, thanks to Apple...lol
Apple may have received some influences from Braun but it isn't copying, Braun didn't go and make an iPhone or a laptop, the similarities are subtle. Also Braun company doesn't seem to mind.

Seriously man, give it a rest.
You can't win.
Apple is playing so many double games here that it just looks silly.
It's okay for apple to copy but not others?
The real world does not work that way.
And so what if Braun didn't make what ever, the point is design language.
Apple thinks it can copy other people's design language and then sue other for doing the same.

And are you saying that No one in the history of humanity has a right to make a tablet or a phone because Apple made a popular one?
See, this is what happens when you follow the cult of Apple, you start believing in silly things.

oh and this is a Samsung product from around 2005

now according to your own logic, Apple should not be allowed to make an ipad or even an iphone.
Did you guys noticed that Apple lost case (read settled out side court) to Nokia and agreed to pay approx 900M$ and will pay 1Euro per mobile phone they sell in market.

So muse (rat) kha ke billi huz ko chali!!
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