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APML | Parvez Musharraf's Political Desk

Insha'Allah Nawaz Sharif will be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time. Is this a horrible slap on President Pervez Musharraf's face?

Today, people are celebrating on the streets of Pakistan for Nawaz Sharif like once they were celebrating against him on October 12, 1999.

People are celebrating all over Pakistan while Pervez Musharraf is locked up in a jail.

Has the Prime Minister got his revenge against the President/General?
Insha'Allah Nawaz Sharif will be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time. Is this a horrible slap on President Pervez Musharraf's face?

Today, people are celebrating on the streets of Pakistan for Nawaz Sharif like once they were celebrating against him on October 12, 1999.

People are celebrating all over Pakistan while Pervez Musharraf is locked up in a jail.

Has the Prime Minister got his revenge against the President/General?

Locked in Jail Or jail Been Locked Up In Chak Shezad?lol
Still Better Thn Ganjaa Been Sent To landhi Jail?
Let Him Try If He want The Revenge back? It Will Be Good for Army To Kick Him Out Once Again 3 Rd Time? What He Is Going to Do? Thn Execpt Calling King of Saudi? Bt Surly This time Will be No More Prince To Save Him, Just Wait & See?
Just ChecK How ganjaa supporters Are going Home By Home, Taking Out Crying Tuta Balla Supporters In Lahore & Beating Hell Out Of Them, What A Celebrayion It Is, Genrl Dont !ind It Anyway ! He Told You Guys ThAt You Will Nevrrbe able To Win! He proven Right! Lol
Run Beta Run, They Will Come after You Too?
Bahi jaan @batmannow, don't be naraz with everyone in Pakistan. Both the balla and the shayr are in government (together at the same time) but the eagle is missing (in fact it has been captured) !

There's a lot to do in Pakistan and Nawaz Sharif taking over the Premiership slot for the third time will yield many good results in the coming days Insha'Allah.

Even though the counting of the ballot papers is nowhere near finished, world leaders including all of Pakistan's four neighbours started congratulating Nawaz Sharif as soon as he gave his victory speech. This is the sign of a true leader with huge public support. Pakistan has not had such a popular Prime Minister since Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

Please note, today Pakistan is not under Western sanctions like it was in the 1990s but instead it is trying to get out of President Pervez Musharraf's war.

Pakistan Zindabad

Separately, how come APML has won a seat in Chitral when it had boycotted the elections?
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Bahi jaan @batmannow, don't be naraz with everyone in Pakistan. Both the balla and the shayr are in government (together at the same time) but the eagle is missing (in fact it has been captured) !

There's a lot to do in Pakistan and Nawaz Sharif taking over the Premiership slot for the third time will yield many good results in the coming days Insha'Allah.

Even though the counting of the ballot papers is nowhere near finished, world leaders including all of Pakistan's four neighbours started congratulating Nawaz Sharif as soon as he gave his victory speech. This is the sign of a true leader with huge people backing. Pakistan has not had such a popular Prime Minister since Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

Please note, today Pakistan is not under Western sanctions like it was in the 1990s but instead it is trying to get out of President Pervez Musharraf's war.

Pakistan Zindabad

Separately, how come APML has won a seat in Chitral when it had boycotted the elections.
Frist Of All, I Am Nt Bound To Give Answers To A Guy ! Who Changes His Idealogy Within 48 hours, it Just Shows ! How Unmatured This Person Is, Or How Disturbed His Mind is? You Know Who We Ta
King here? Yes Suparco!
You Cant See Eagle flyin, cause you Cant See The Hights?
Remember, The game Of Power Isnt Nt What You Think Is Damocrazy?
Let Him Noora League, Run The Country If They Do Good Its Good Bt If They Dont? Thn Surly They Deserve Again A Boot !& For That There Is No Stopping At All? From No Where? No One To Stop ! Just A Single Oder From GHQ, & It Will Be All Over?
Go Back To Elections Day Thread & See Hard Core PTI Calling For Army,s Marshallaw To Impose, Just Because They Think , They Hvnt Losted It Was Dhandli Which, Made them Lost? Its The state Of Mind Of every PTI supporter For Now? They Are In Total Disbelive? No Its Called Shock, So I Take All Of Your Tails To That Production Of Shock?lol
I dont Know about winning A Seat From Chitral, Will Ask High command, If Had chance To?
Well, Nice To See You Now Supportinh Noora League, Plz Put Thier Flag Ax Your Avtar, So At Least Can achive A Record Of Changing Parties, & Idealogies In Most Quickst Of Times On PDF?
Well I Nevet Become, Angry On Others Its AllwYs Othrrs getting Pissed Off?lol
Take care
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Frist Of All, I Am Nt Bound To Give Answers To A Guy ! Who Changes His Idealogy Within 48 hours, it Just Shows ! How Unmatured This Person Is, Or How Disturbed His Mind is? You Know Who We Ta
King here? Yes Suparco!
You Cant See Eagle flyin, cause you Cant See The Hights?
Remember, The game Of Power Isnt Nt What You Think Is Damocrazy?
Let Him Noora League, Run The Country If They Do Good Its Good Bt If They Dont? Thn Surly They Deserve Again A Boot !& For That There Is No Stopping At All? From No Where? No One To Stop ! Just A Single Oder From GHQ, & It Will Be All Over?
Go Back To Elections Day Thread & See Hard Core PTI Calling For Army,s Marshallaw To Impose, Just Because They Think , They Hvnt Losted It Was Dhandli Which, Made them Lost? Its The state Of Mind Of every PTI supporter For Now? They Are In Total Disbelive? No Its Called Shock, So I Take All Of Your Tails To That Production Of Shock?lol
I dont Know about winning A Seat From Chitral, Will Ask High command, If Had chance To?
Well, Nice To See You Now Supportinh Noora League, Plz Put Thier Flag Ax Your Avtar, So At Least Can achive A Record Of Changing Parties, & Idealogies In Most Quickst Of Times On PDF?
Well I Nevet Become, Angry On Others Its AllwYs Othrrs getting Pissed Off?lol
Take care

Yaar, I can't stop loving Pakistan, can't help it.

I have too much respect for our leaders and on top of that I have a habit of making Duas for Muslim Pakistan instead of making bad-Duas.

Musharraf’s party wins seats in Chitral despite boycott | DAWN.COM
Judiciary vs. Musharraf

the blacksheep, looks like and an Indian implant.
@batmannow, you are getting paranoid. I will report each and every post of yours as I did earlier where you unnecessarily bring in IK and PTI and get into verbal and personal assaults on political figure, may it be nawaz sharif. You did not even spare your APML Thread and brought in PTI/IK again.

Don't reply to me this is a message I don't like to reply to paranoid illogical people.
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@batmannow, you are getting paranoid. I will report each and every post of yours as I did earlier where you unnecessarily bring in IK and PTI and get into verbal and personal assaults on political figure, may it be nawaz sharif. You did not even spare your APML Thread and brought in PTI/IK again.

Don't reply to me this is a message I don't like to reply to paranoid illogical people.
I Will Critisize Whoever & whenever I Want, You Are Reported Off Topic & Forcing! @WebMaster For Your Eyes Only, How I Am Been Targeted & Forced To Follow A PTI Member,s Wish!
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