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Anti State Propganda

Sine Nomine

Nov 19, 2014
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Anti state propaganda is on height,after government has some how controlled Print Media and Tele Media enemies have shifted there propaganda warfare unit to online social media.Day by day number of Pakistanis using online media like facebook,twitter,google+ etc is increasing.These online pages are poising minds of young peoples and common folks very rapidly.Trying there best to malign image of Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Army and Islam.Those person's who have joined these groups and liked these pages are continuously brainwashed and poisoned about there own country they are trying there best to create chaos and ethnic division.
We can not forget this fact that majority of peoples being recruited for ISIS are recruited online using this form of media it looks like that authorities have turned blind eye on these activities...........

Cover Photo of One of the pages"Justice for Pashtuns"


Cover Photos - Justice for Pashtuns | Facebook
According to that page all Pashtuns have died because of Punjabi's and PA....

روشنی Roshni



‫روشنی Roshni | Facebook‬
This page is dedicated to spit on Army and Islam most of Time.......




"Welcome to the Pak Army Hotline .. For Real Estate press 1; for Banking Services press 2; for Construction and Civil Contractor Services press 3; for Logistics press 4; for Agricultural Services press 5; for Retail Services press 6; for Consumer goods press 7; for Bakery Goods press 8; for Restaurant and Wedding Hall Services including Army bands for hire and Bridal Joras press 9; for Security Services and in case of enemy attack please hold on ... (And to the tune of Madam Noor Jehan's 'Mere Dhol Sipaya'): You are in a Queue but your call will be answered soon by 'Brinks' ..."
Bhensa - Education | Facebook

These are some of the pages there is a long list,there language is not different from language of enemies of state.24/7 they do propaganda against Pakistan and security forces and Islam.PTA has banned these pages but a new pops up next day it is need of time to arrest those who are running these pages.Simply banning them is not solution,catching and punishing those who are behind this all is true solution...
@Horus @Oscar @Manticore @Bratva @Gufi @TankMan @SpArK @syedali73 @Zarvan @Pomegranate @Akheilos @Color_Less_Sky @batmannow @BATMAN @TOPGUN @MastanKhan @Windjammer @Stealth
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Anti state propaganda is on height,after government has some how controlled Print Media and Tele Media enemies have shifted there propaganda warfare unit to online social media.Day by day number of Pakistanis using online media like facebook,twitter,google+ etc is increasing.These online pages are poising minds of young peoples and common folks very rapidly.Trying there best to malign image of Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Army and Islam.Those person's who have joined these groups and liked these pages are continuously brainwashed and poisoned about there own country they are trying there best to create chaos and ethnic division.
We can not forget this fact that majority of peoples being recruited for ISIS are recruited online using this form of media it looks like that authorities have turned blind eye on these activities...........

Cover Photo of One of the pages"Justice for Pashtuns"


Cover Photos - Justice for Pashtuns | Facebook
According to that page all Pashtuns have died because of Punjabi's and PA....

روشنی Roshni



‫روشنی Roshni | Facebook‬
This page is dedicated to spit on Army and Islam most of Time.......




"Welcome to the Pak Army Hotline .. For Real Estate press 1; for Banking Services press 2; for Construction and Civil Contractor Services press 3; for Logistics press 4; for Agricultural Services press 5; for Retail Services press 6; for Consumer goods press 7; for Bakery Goods press 8; for Restaurant and Wedding Hall Services including Army bands for hire and Bridal Joras press 9; for Security Services and in case of enemy attack please hold on ... (And to the tune of Madam Noor Jehan's 'Mere Dhol Sipaya'): You are in a Queue but your call will be answered soon by 'Brinks' ..."
Bhensa - Education | Facebook

These are some of the pages there is a long list,there language is not different from language of enemies of state.24/7 they do propaganda against Pakistan and security forces and Islam..........
@Horus @Oscar @Manticore @Bratva @Gufi @TankMan @SpArK @syedali73 @Zarvan @Pomegranate @Akheilos @Color_Less_Sky @batmannow @BATMAN @TOPGUN @MastanKhan @Windjammer @Stealth
Most pages are being run by liberal terrorists retards who work on order of there daddy USA and INDIA
Anti state propaganda is on height,after government has some how controlled Print Media and Tele Media enemies have shifted there propaganda warfare unit to online social media.Day by day number of Pakistanis using online media like facebook,twitter,google+ etc is increasing.These online pages are poising minds of young peoples and common folks very rapidly.Trying there best to malign image of Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Army and Islam.Those person's who have joined these groups and liked these pages are continuously brainwashed and poisoned about there own country they are trying there best to create chaos and ethnic division.
We can not forget this fact that majority of peoples being recruited for ISIS are recruited online using this form of media it looks like that authorities have turned blind eye on these activities...........

Cover Photo of One of the pages"Justice for Pashtuns"


Cover Photos - Justice for Pashtuns | Facebook
According to that page all Pashtuns have died because of Punjabi's and PA....

روشنی Roshni



‫روشنی Roshni | Facebook‬
This page is dedicated to spit on Army and Islam most of Time.......




"Welcome to the Pak Army Hotline .. For Real Estate press 1; for Banking Services press 2; for Construction and Civil Contractor Services press 3; for Logistics press 4; for Agricultural Services press 5; for Retail Services press 6; for Consumer goods press 7; for Bakery Goods press 8; for Restaurant and Wedding Hall Services including Army bands for hire and Bridal Joras press 9; for Security Services and in case of enemy attack please hold on ... (And to the tune of Madam Noor Jehan's 'Mere Dhol Sipaya'): You are in a Queue but your call will be answered soon by 'Brinks' ..."
Bhensa - Education | Facebook

These are some of the pages there is a long list,there language is not different from language of enemies of state.24/7 they do propaganda against Pakistan and security forces and Islam..........
@Horus @Oscar @Manticore @Bratva @Gufi @TankMan @SpArK @syedali73 @Zarvan @Pomegranate @Akheilos @Color_Less_Sky @batmannow @BATMAN @TOPGUN @MastanKhan @Windjammer @Stealth

Justice for the Pasthuns? HA! Pasthuns are probably the most patriotic ethnic group in Pakistan.
The ethnic propaganda is the worst - fortunately, the Pakistan Army is full of people from all ethnic groups so it shouldn't be hard to debunk that nonsense.

But yes, the more dangerous propaganda should be dealt with in the same way Mullah hate speech should be; both are equally dangerous, only the latter has a wider reach.

The one about Op. Zarb-e-Azb is a perfect example of the sheer ignorance or blatant lies (or both) that are being peddled as ''roshni'' by such foolish propagandists.
The security forces are trying to clean up Karachi - If MQM is a hurdle, they will deal with it. If it isn't, they won't bother. MQM should stop being a problem.

Zarb-e-Azb is successful - no innocents died because the targeted areas were evacuated first. Anyone who was still hanging around there was either a terrorist or a terrorist supporter.

Hundreds of terrorist attacks were (and continue to be) stopped but only those that aren't stopped get the headline media coverage. Recent examples:
Karachi averts catastrophe as 3 cylinder bombs disposed | Pakistan | Dunya News
Two terror bids for Pakistan Day foiled in Baluchistan
Islamabad police foil terror attack planned for Pakistan Day - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Terror bid foiled in Peshawar | ARY NEWS

You'll always see some little column in the corner of a newspaper reporting things like the above examples. It is safe to say that for every attack, nine others are stopped (if not more).

Propaganda should be challenged wherever encountered.
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Its nothing new, rented Mullahs to ignorant liberals all are an ill of our society.

This propaganda is not new previously it was Radio that made people of Swat believe Pakistan army are infidels. And when people saw our soldiers praying and reciting the Holy Quran with their own eyes, they were shocked.

Problem, lack of education, accountability, justice, and keeping commoners unaware of their enemies and treating everything as secret and confusing people. Result exploitation of confused people by extremists, terrorists and libtards for their individual causes. It was after December 2014 incident that we started to see faces of who these Na Maloom Afrad are.

And our Armed forces need to make their retired holly cows accountable for their actions.
Our authorities should take action against it and these pages must be banned.
Libtards are gonna say now,since liberals are talking against Pakistan,All mullah's and their Families should be killed..**** logic..:lol:
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