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'Anti-Sharia' law is back

If state applies family planning and one child or two child policy, will it mean denying Muslims right to have kids ?

Islam may supersede all man made laws for Muslims, but for rest of us, we don't accept Islamic laws. Why should we ? Its about what our state decides. Secularism means policies without interference of religion.

I wonder what Muslims said in China over one-child policy ?

Secularism also requires the state respecting all religions and the right of every citizen to practice his or her religion without unnecessary interference or inhibition by the state. Do you really believe that this Bill meets the tenement of secularism ?

If state applies family planning and one child or two child policy, will it mean denying Muslims right to have kids ?

Islam may supersede all man made laws for Muslims, but for rest of us, we don't accept Islamic laws. Why should we ? Its about what our state decides. Secularism means policies without interference of religion.

I wonder what Muslims said in China over one-child policy ?

I am already sick of many laws present in India. Yesterday a person was saying that what's wrong in having too many children ? I mean seriously they don't think about nation.

Ps. China is not a secular state
Islam supersedes man made laws. Secularism simply means superiority of man made laws over religious laws. This makes sense in cases where religion is indeed failed to provide justice and have been tempered with like christianity. But islam is different and encomposes all aspects of life and nation-state. That is what we muslims believe.

yes you can keep believing that sitting in your Islamic republic and monarchies. US is not the place for that.

But now even if we argue on the basis of secularism i.e no religion in state affairs.

SO how does no religion in state affairs/judiciary hold good by having religion specific laws ?

U jelly dum dum ?

Secularism also requires the state respecting all religions and the right of every citizen to practice his or her religion without unnecessary interference or inhibition by the state. Do you really believe that this Bill meets the tenement of secularism ?

Simply put secularism is no religion in executive, legislature and judiciary.

This bill does not fail in the criteria, in the sense it is a bill against religion in judiciary and hence it is only augmenting secularism and not undermining it.

Plus, no is really fan of those 7 th century laws in US.
Luffy are you too thick to understand something simple.

No one gives a crap about whether Islam is man made or God made.

When in US, you are going to follow the laws made by the United States of America, laws enshrined in the Constitution of USA. Muslim or Jewish communities will not be allowed to base their personal laws on their faiths.

If you donot agree, donot go and live in the USA. Simple.
Why not? If both the men and the women agree. Its not effecting the state is it? The state is dictating people about not following religion in personal life. U seculars always say "religion should be personal". Then why this hypocrisy.

Also marriage and divorce will also be effected by this law. Not the mention inheretnce law. Though I think US never allowed such law to begin with. Now the question comes why US passes a law against "religious family law" when it doesn't even existed in US justice system. Correct me if I am wrong.

your law said kill if some one leaves Islam ! so USA should allow it ?

if family agree to kill daughter who left islam , it becomes personal matter ? .

if some Muslim women agreed to stoned death USA should allow it ?

If some man and women wants to do suicide it's personal matter and Law should neglect it ?

one man can marry one women ! that's it's same for "all religion" including islam.

"""""""""same treatment to all religion is secularism""""""""""""""""""""""
Islam supersedes man made laws. Secularism simply means superiority of man made laws over religious laws. This makes sense in cases where religion is indeed failed to provide justice and have been tempered with like christianity. But islam is different and encomposes all aspects of life and nation-state. That is what we muslims believe.

But now even if we argue on the basis of secularism i.e no religion in state affairs. How the hell does is make sense by the state on infringing upon family affair of a religous group. It goes against the concept of US secularism and violates freedom of religion barring the baseless logic of islamophobia as your post clearly demosstrates with words like "can stay in their native shitholes" Its not about secularism or law by hatred against muslim & islam. Orthodox jews are also feeling the pinch.

In a secular state,The law of the land supersedes everything else,even the so called divine laws.Get that in to your head.US constitution enshrines freedom of religion.In the First amendment of the US constitution it clearly states,"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".Further,Section one of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits discrimination, including on the basis of religion, by securing "the equal protection of the laws" for every person:

I don't know what this bill wishes to achieve,U.S. courts already recognize and enforce Shariah law in everything from commercial contracts to divorce settlements, wills and estates for Muslims.when there's a conflict, U.S. law always wins. For example, when Orthodox Jews have asked judges to enforce their laws on divorce, the courts have refused to do it; they won't be involved in interpreting religion. In the same way, the government won't enforce Kosher food standards because it would violate the separation of church and state.That's how secularism works.US Courts will always honor agreements made under religious law, but not if they're grossly unfair.These are features that are inbuilt in US constitution.
yes you can keep believing that sitting in your Islamic republic and monarchies. US is not the place for that.

SO how does no religion in state affairs/judiciary hold good by having religion specific laws ?

U jelly dum dum ?

Simply put secularism is no religion in executive, legislature and judiciary.

This bill does not fail in the criteria, in the sense it is a bill against religion in judiciary and hence it is only augmenting secularism and not undermining it.

Plus, no is really fan of those 7 th century laws in US.

Sorry bro, it is a bill against religious laws being considered in any judgments of the family courts. The bill undermines Shariah. Muslims are citizens of the USA. It deprives the Muslim communities in the USA the right to practice their religion. In my view it is unconstitutional
Luffy are you too thick to understand something simple.

No one gives a crap about whether Islam is man made or God made.

When in US, you are going to follow the laws made by the United States of America, laws enshrined in the Constitution of USA. Muslim or Jewish communities will not be allowed to base their personal laws on their faiths.

If you donot agree, donot go and live in the USA. Simple.

Yes . And the constitution enshrines the right or freedom to practice your religion. It is a contract between the government of the USA and its citizens, including the Muslim citizens of the USA
... Islam may supersede all man made laws for Muslims, but for rest of us, we don't accept Islamic laws. Why should we ? Its about what our state decides. Secularism means policies without interference of religion.

Only Muslims can be judged according to Islamic law.

Non-Muslims are have the right to, and entitled, to be judged based on whichever laws they choose to follow. They can choose to be judged based on shari'ah though (R.Davis being an example).

Plus, most Islamic nations don't even implement Shari'ah code for courts. It's mostly for reference in family cases.
Do you expect government recognition of the marriages?

Isn't marriage, divorce, inheretence a personal thing? Does it concern the state? Btw US never allowed religious family law if I am not mistaken. But still they bothered passing such a law. Its about fear mongering & islamophobia nothing else.
In a secular state,The law of the land supersedes everything else,even the so called divine laws.Get that in to your head.US constitution enshrines freedom of religion.In the First amendment of the US constitution it clearly states,"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".Further,Section one of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits discrimination, including on the basis of religion, by securing "the equal protection of the laws" for every person:

I don't know what this bill wishes to achieve,U.S. courts already recognize and enforce Shariah law in everything from commercial contracts to divorce settlements, wills and estates for Muslims.when there's a conflict, U.S. law always wins. For example, when Orthodox Jews have asked judges to enforce their laws on divorce, the courts have refused to do it; they won't be involved in interpreting religion. In the same way, the government won't enforce Kosher food standards because it would violate the separation of church and state.That's how secularism works.US Courts will always honor agreements made under religious law, but not if they're grossly unfair.These are features that are inbuilt in US constitution.

"Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion..". See, that's my concern right there relating to this law
well Law is only one national , you can follow religion as you wish but you can not bring parallel "laws" to system.

such case you have many "laws" in your religion about "kuffurs" kill them convert them . to marry 14 wives is not allowed , to tech christen and Jews are pigs is according to your religion but not allowed .

if some one have problem he can live in stone age of middle east.

well Islam itself anti-secular religion , allowing it is big heart of secularism.

Then why do so many pigs live happily in the ME and Indians emigrate by the millions to stone age of middle east
Isn't marriage, divorce, inheretence a personal thing? Does it concern the state? Btw US never allowed religious family law if I am not mistaken. But still they bothered passing such a law. Its about fear mongering & islamophobia nothing else.

Lol. It does concern the state. Especially when there are disputes between the parties and the matter goes to court. That's why I believe that this law maybe unconstitutional
@KRAIT @Contrarian Time to take inspiration and pass the darned uniform civil code in our own nation for once and for all- rendering all personal laws based on religion null and void. Any idea how deep this issue has been buried by all the Political parties so as to not damage their poll chances?

The Americans got it right and they've got as cumbersome process as any in the world when it comes to passing laws and yet we're sitting on our hands and doing nothing..
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Sorry bro, it is a bill against religious laws being considered in any judgments of the family courts. The bill undermines Shariah. Muslims are citizens of the USA. It deprives the Muslim communities in the USA the right to practice their religion. In my view it is unconstitutional

No it does not.

That religious laws are used in a supposedly secular state (as in India) is one of the biggest idiocacies. A secular country by definition is one in which the executive, legislature and judiciary are blind to religion. How can then a secular state have different laws for different groups of people living there ? A secular state is one which does not discriminate its citizens based on religion. But these religion specific laws do exactly that. They discriminate the citizens based on their faith and hold them onto differing standards of law.

The right to practise one's religion is limited by the four walls set by the US constitution and it is the same for all religions..not just Muslims.

Today the muslims will seek sharia for family issues, tomorrow it will extend to sharia in criminal cases. Sorry dude thats not how a secular state works.

Religion must be limited to ones temples, churches and mosques..not in court rooms.
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