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Anti-Hefazat activists puts up 12-point demand

Good point. Yes actually quran has given all the message clearly and undoubtedly. There is no question about it.
It is compitable with modern science. It clears the thing, how the world is created. From Quran its created from Zero. And from science its Bang theory. So its same. And there are many many examples.
Most of the cases no problem. But you seem to be not introduced with Darwn's origin of species theory.Plz research more about it and what Muslims are telling of this.
According to the theory of this law of nature. All life created through evaluation. Its all started from a Protein cell. And life started on earth. Many species arose and devoloped their kinds.
After so many years from african apes ancient men came. Then men just improved itself to real men like us. Modern science accepts the theory. And all researches are based on it.
But what we know from Islam is, race of men starts from Adam Hawa. Whom used to live in heaven.So in this case Islam and science collide.
Yes we can avoid problems leaving aside science and religious life.

On the Origin of Species - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim scholars rejecting Darwin's theory of evolution as 'unproven' - Telegraph

Muslim students walking out of lectures on Darwinism because it 'clashes with the Koran' | Mail Online

The Big Lie of Evolution - Darwin's doctrine of delusion exposed!!

Darwin Was Completely Wrong - Genetics Contradicts Ape to Human Evolution

Ayats that deal with creation are open to interpretation (read my previous post #48). Theory of evolution doesn't state that human evolved from monkeys or apes rather it states that monkeys/apes and human beings had a common predecessor. Now you have to agree that at some point of time the line of common predecessors diverged into two (or perhaps more) lines. One line evolved into modern human. Can we call the oldest ancestor (or perhaps some member) of this line Adam??

The story of creation majority of us are familiar with includes a lot from Bible. For example, Quran doesn't mention the name Eve or Hawa and it doesn't say Hawa was created from a rib of Adam. Also many of the stories of different prophets we are familiar with are absent in Quran, rather these had been borrowed from the Bible (read Old Testament). So if one is going to give an opinion on some topic discussed/mentioned in Quran he must be able to distinguish between what is in Quran and what is foreign.
Good point. Yes actually quran has given all the message clearly and undoubtedly. There is no question about it.
It is compitable with modern science. It clears the thing, how the world is created. From Quran its created from Zero. And from science its Bang theory. So its same. And there are many many examples.
Most of the cases no problem. But you seem to be not introduced with Darwn's origin of species theory.Plz research more about it and what Muslims are telling of this.
According to the theory of this law of nature. All life created through evaluation. Its all started from a Protein cell. And life started on earth. Many species arose and devoloped their kinds.
After so many years from african apes ancient men came. Then men just improved itself to real men like us. Modern science accepts the theory. And all researches are based on it.
But what we know from Islam is, race of men starts from Adam Hawa. Whom used to live in heaven.So in this case Islam and science collide.
Yes we can avoid problems leaving aside science and religious life.

On the Origin of Species - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim scholars rejecting Darwin's theory of evolution as 'unproven' - Telegraph

Muslim students walking out of lectures on Darwinism because it 'clashes with the Koran' | Mail Online

The Big Lie of Evolution - Darwin's doctrine of delusion exposed!!

Darwin Was Completely Wrong - Genetics Contradicts Ape to Human Evolution

Again i am pointing it out, its been about 150 years that Darwin give his ape to human theory but still there are no proof. If monkeys are really our cousin than after two or three million years they should at least be able to use fire by now. The primates are still the same as they were millions of years ago.
Ayats that deal with creation are open to interpretation (read my previous post #48). Theory of evolution doesn't state that human evolved from monkeys or apes rather it states that monkeys/apes and human beings had a common predecessor. Now you have to agree that at some point of time the line of common predecessors diverged into two (or perhaps more) lines. One line evolved into modern human. Can we call the oldest ancestor (or perhaps some member) of this line Adam??

The story of creation majority of us are familiar with includes a lot from Bible. For example, Quran doesn't mention the name Eve or Hawa and it doesn't say Hawa was created from a rib of Adam. Also many of the stories of different prophets we are familiar with are absent in Quran, rather these had been borrowed from the Bible (read Old Testament). So if one is going to give an opinion on some topic discussed/mentioned in Quran he must be able to distinguish between what is in Quran and what is foreign.

Quran clearly states that Adam was created from clay. Adam was the first of our kind he was not born but created. Stop try to make Darwin's theory compatible with Quran. A million Darwin's theory means nothing against Quran if you are Muslim.
It's stupid to try to logically explain religion, it's rather a matter of belief. If you try to explain religion with facts and logic there's just so many holes one can make into it.

Again i am pointing it out, its been about 150 years that Darwin give his ape to human theory but still there are no proof. If monkeys are really our cousin than after two or three million years they should at least be able to use fire by now. The primates are still the same as they were millions of years ago.
If god made us according to his image, why do we need our appendix removed?

And there's plenty of proofs of evolution and mutation, new only needs to read.
It's stupid to try to logically explain religion, it's rather a matter of belief. If you try to explain religion with facts and logic there's just so many holes one can make into it.

If god made us according to his image, why do we need our appendix removed?

And there's plenty of proofs of evolution and mutation, new only needs to read.

Its in the Bible that says god made us in his image, so you should ask a Cristian.

Be careful you are reading way too much Qur'an & Hadis these days. If you by any chance became Muslim, a lot of PDF members will have a heart attack. So, for sake of their health please stop :cry:.
Its in the Bible that says god made us in his image, so you should ask a Cristian.

Be careful you are reading way too much Qur'an & Hadis these days. If you by any chance became Muslim, a lot of PDF members will have a heart attack. So, for sake of their health please stop :cry:.

What does quran say about creation of man. Don't worry about me, it's easy to convert someone who believes one version of fairy tail to another. Not so easy to make a sceptic to be believer. ;-)
Punish atheists, Hefajat
Demand Islamists at mammoth Ctg rally


A massive rally of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at, an organisation based on Sunni Muslim ideology, on Lal Dighi Maidan in Chittagong city yesterday. It demanded the capital punishment for “atheist bloggers” and leaders of Hefajat-e Islam.

Ahle SunnatW al Jama’at yesterday demanded capital punishment to “atheist bloggers” and leaders of Hefajat-e Islam.
“Atheist bloggers” are encouraging atheism through their write-ups in blogs and Hefajat leaders are demeaning Islam and the Prophet (pbuh) in their publications, it said.
At a massive rally at Laldighi Maidan in the port city, the organisation also announced it would hold a grand rally in the capital on May 25.

Thousands of people from different upazilas of Chittagong and adjacent districts gathered at the rally venue since afternoon. Some were holding placards bearing the slogan “Ban Jamaat-e-Islami”. The area stretching from Anderkilla to Kotwali and Jail Gate to the Shaheed Minar turned into a human sea.
Speakers at the rally said Hafajat is practising extremism. It was inciting militancy at the Qawmi madrasas it runs to project the country to the international community as a militant one like Afghanistan.
The children from poor families there are being trained in militant activities, they said.
Unveiling a 12-point demand at the rally, Ahle Sunnat asked the government to bring all Qawmi madrasas under its authority and run them under a single madrasa education policy.
The speakers condemned the violence perpetrated by the Jamaat-e-Islami and Hefajat across the country.


Some supporters with placards reading, “Transform Qawmi madrasas, strongholds of militants, into hospitals” and “Ban Jamaat-e-Islami”. Photo: Star

They said Hefajat’s attacks on people and their property proved it does not stand for Islam. Hefajat leaders have been misleading people by wrongly interpreting Islam.
The rally was chaired by Moulana MA Matin, chief coordinator of Ahle Sunnat.
Addressing the rally, Tarikat Federation President Syed Najibul Basar Maijbandari urged the government to stop the “militant activities by Qawmis, Wahabis and followers of Moududi”.
Sunni Muslims constitute the majority of the Muslims in the country and they all love peace, he added.
Principal Moulana Abul Farah Md Farid Uddin read out the 12-point demand and announced grand rallies also in Narayanganj and Habiganj on May 11 and April 27.
Claiming themselves to be non-political, Moulana Matin urged the government to stop activities of the organisations involved in terrorism in the name of Islam.
Referring to different publications, Moulana Jalauddin Al Kadri said that like Abul Ala Moududi, leaders of Hefajat, including Moulana Ahmed Shafi, had defamed the Prophet (pbuh) in their write-ups, for which they should be punished.
The other demands of the Ahle Sunnat include restoring the phrase “Absolute trust and faith in Almighty Allah” in the constitution, bailing the country out of the present crisis through dialogue among political parties, enacting a law to ban hartal, dropping the National Women Policy provisions that contradict the Quran and Sunnah, and bringing the Tabligh Jamaat movement under government watch.
Others who spoke at the rally included Moulana Nurul Islam Hashemi, Mufti Idris Rajbhi, Obaedul Haque Noimi, Peyar Mohammad, chairman of Gawsia Committee Bangladesh, and Mosaheb Uddin Bakhtiar, member-secretary of Ahle Sunnat.

Punish atheists, Hefajat | The Daily Star

Ahle Sunnat Grand Rally In Chittagong Saturday-Tazakhobor.Com


Anti-Hefazat activists puts up 12-point demand - Click Ittefaq | Click Ittefaq

????????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ???


True muslim rise with valid demands :)

Who are these.. first I thot they are Hifazat.. a good look reveiled something else..
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Quran clearly states that Adam was created from clay. Adam was the first of our kind he was not born but created. Stop try to make Darwin's theory compatible with Quran. A million Darwin's theory means nothing against Quran if you are Muslim.

In a sense every human being is made of clay, so Adam must have been made from clay.

15.26 . We created the human being from stinking, smooth, (and wet) clay.

By the way, what's wrong in looking for the compatibility of evolution with Quran? Theory of evolution is a well-founded hypothesis, so it’s only natural for a believer to look for its compatibility within his belief system.

Like any belief system Quran appeals first to the intellect of an individual. Whether the individual is going to accept it or not depends on his interpretation of its message and claims. Interpretations are subjective- you may accept or reject one, no one is going to force his down your throat.
Muslim should not worship graves and any living or dead human beings. Period. By Muslim lifestyle there should be no graves at all.let alone mazar.period. any Muslim who thinks he can ask a dead or living PIR to give him shafayat,is doing shirk.period. goinng to a certain grave,giving flowers,crying beside the grave,shirk.be that your father or nations father.period. any body going against the book and calling it human Rights, sentiment, love,is doing shirk.period.

Our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said : My Ummah will not commit shirk. Source : Sahih Bukhari , Kitab al Manaqib , Hadees Number : 1317 / 3. Period .
Muslims believe what our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told, Not Half-literates like you.
Please learn the definition of Shirk . Period .
talk with source young man . . . . .

Source : Sahih Bukhari , Vol: 2, Hadees No. 474. If you read this Hadees, you will find that, In 1st Century ( Hijri Calender ), during the Taba'Een's period , (Those who saw Sahaba ), a part of wall of the Holy Prophet's ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ) Grave fell down . Point 1: Wall will be there , only if there is some structure upon it. In that grave, two more Khalifa's i.e, Abu bakar r.a. and Umar r.a. are also burried there . That part of the wall was again reconstructed.
You might say that our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's House was made His Grave. Then, Why Hazrat Abu Bakar r.a. told in his Will, to bury him in the Holy Prophet's Grave. if making some structures upon graves was haraam ? Point 2: If building graves was haraam, why the wall was again reconstructed ?
Our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said : My Ummah will not commit shirk. Source : Sahih Bukhari , Kitab al Manaqib , Hadees Number : 1317 / 3. Period .
Muslims believe what our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told, Not Half-literates like you.
Please learn the definition of Shirk . Period .

Is it possible that he was referring to the Ummah as a whole? Indeed individuals commit apostasy. We even heard of some Muslims professing Hinduism. Did they not commit shirk?
Source : Sahih Bukhari , Vol: 2, Hadees No. 474. If you read this Hadees, you will find that, In 1st Century ( Hijri Calender ), during the Taba'Een's period , (Those who saw Sahaba ), a part of wall of the Holy Prophet's ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ) Grave fell down . Point 1: Wall will be there , only if there is some structure upon it. In that grave, two more Khalifa's i.e, Abu bakar r.a. and Umar r.a. are also burried there . That part of the wall was again reconstructed.
You might say that our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's House was made His Grave. Then, Why Hazrat Abu Bakar r.a. told in his Will, to bury him in the Holy Prophet's Grave. if making some structures upon graves was haraam ? Point 2: If building graves was haraam, why the wall was again reconstructed ?

do not make things complicated, i said nothing against grave , i said against grave worshipping. people bow to graves here, some believe they cant ask things from Allah directly, they need a pir/saint t.o do that for them. this is cancerous to ummah...
Our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said : My Ummah will not commit shirk. Source : Sahih Bukhari , Kitab al Manaqib , Hadees Number : 1317 / 3. Period .
Muslims believe what our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told, Not Half-literates like you.
Please learn the definition of Shirk . Period .
I did learn about shirk before I wrote that statement. You on the other hand wrote the same thing forming different words.I am currently going through bangla Koran(finished English).our prophet (s)told his ummah will not commit shirk.true.but if you look closely in this sub continent it is largely practiced by Muslim.
Source : Sahih Bukhari , Vol: 2, Hadees No. 474. If you read this Hadees, you will find that, In 1st Century ( Hijri Calender ), during the Taba'Een's period , (Those who saw Sahaba ), a part of wall of the Holy Prophet's ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ) Grave fell down . Point 1: Wall will be there , only if there is some structure upon it. In that grave, two more Khalifa's i.e, Abu bakar r.a. and Umar r.a. are also burried there . That part of the wall was again reconstructed.
You might say that our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's House was made His Grave. Then, Why Hazrat Abu Bakar r.a. told in his Will, to bury him in the Holy Prophet's Grave. if making some structures upon graves was haraam ? Point 2: If building graves was haraam, why the wall was again reconstructed ?

Hazrat Abu Bakar r.a. and Hazrat umaar r.a both share same structure with prophet Muhammad (s).not in the same grave.three graves are side by side divided by partition. Prophet Muhammad (s) grave was made structurally sound to guard it from grave robbers(which was attempted twice)not to worship it.guards inside Medina Sharif do not let ppl stand,touch or kiss the structure. Two raqat nafal namaz is allowed towards kibla.
Is it possible that he was referring to the Ummah as a whole? Indeed individuals commit apostasy. We even heard of some Muslims professing Hinduism. Did they not commit shirk?

Yes. Whole Ummah is meant in this Hadees. In other ahadees, with same meaning ,the word Ummah is also used.
A Muslim after converting to Hinduism ( which is very rare , may be 0.001% of Muslim population per year. ), does not remain a Muslim. In that Hadees, it is meant that, As a whole, Ummah will not commit shirk. A few individual cases are possible.
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