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Anti-Chinese USA—Racism & Discrimination from the Onset

Thai Chinese have no technology/military at their hand, and that makes you the prey in front of the West.

PRC was built by the Chinese scientist elites, we are different from you peddlers.
That is correct, friend. But you owe me the answer:

Which sentence of mine give you such inference? If you think you are wrongfully infer, please say so.
That is correct, friend. But you owe me the answer:

Which sentence of mine give you such inference? If you think you are wrongfully infer, please say so.

There must be a commonplace to bash CPC?

CPC has lifted billion Chinese peasants away from poverty because of their scientific knowledge, no regime in this planet has the merit to bash them.
There must be a commonplace to bash CPC?

CPC has lifted the poverty of billion Chinese peasants because of their scientific knowledge, no regime in this planet has the merit to bash them.

Which sentence of mine give you such inference?
You are looking down on me by saying I need white man seed!!
Which sentence of mine give you such inference?
You are looking down on me by saying I need white man seed!!

What makes you think that all Asian women are desperate to marry white men?

Most Mainland Chinese women in America still married their own compatriots.

If you are not a woman, then I can take my words back.
What makes you think that all Asian women are desperate to marry white men?

Most Mainland Chinese women in America still married their own compatriots.

If you are not a woman, then I can take my words back.

huh.. You need to fix your inference soon and fast. Go and study statistics.
The statistics given on previous post already shows that in USA, the big majority 80% choose Asian man for marriage.
But we are talking about minority of them. We are talking about Why majority of this minority choose white. You are in Canada, I don't know the situation. But the article on this topic is talking about U.S. That's why I say "in white man's land". I don't know why you attack me, when I am speaking the truth. We are a catch up race.

P.S. My wife is from mainland China. We have 2 kids. I have a home in China.

If you calm down a bit, you can tell me you want to take back your word. We are on the same front. Asian women for Asian men.
huh.. You need to fix your inference soon and fast. Go and study statistics.
The statistics given on previous post already shows that in USA, the big majority 80% choose Asian man for marriage.
But we are talking about minority of them. We are talking about Why majority of this minority choose white. You are in Canada, I don't know the situation. But the article on this topic is talking about U.S. That's why I say "in white man's land". I don't know why you attack me, when I am speaking the truth. We are a catch up race.

P.S. My wife is from mainland China. We have 2 kids. I have a home in China. Will you go against me now?

Alright, i will delete it, the gold diggers can exist in anywhere, it is a norm.

BTW, where is your wife from?
Alright, i will delete it, the gold diggers can exist in anywhere, it is a norm.

BTW, where is your wife from?
Sichuan, China. Im from Hakka ancestry. My kid can contribute to both country. Right now, from this year on,my kid does not need Visa to go to China. You married?
Sichuan, China. Im from Hakka ancestry. My kid can contribute to both country. Right now, from this year on,my kid does not need Visa to go to China. You married?

Not yet.

BTW, Sichuan girls have the prettiest face in China, but it only needs a hot body of the Northeast girl, then it will be a perfect combo.
No surprise.. ah..

Women find the strong/capable men for their survival.
White people invented western civilization. In U.S. is the white people's land, therefore, higher chance women will choose white. If you look at stereotype of Asian men in U.S, they are nerdy, while white has both nerdy and sporty. Naturally, women find the sporty type more attractive. This does not include TV shows that always give the main actor white person, and the joker Asian. Nothing you can do, its their land. At least their mating are fair in the sense that women choose their own husbands.

Having seen that, it is our right to reproduce more Asian women of the future, so that Asian pure type exists. This is
solely our right in our own land.
Plan the way to escape Communist suppression (in case of mainland China) which only allows 1 or 2 children and have more children. We are still inferior race, therefore, we need more baby for higher chance of catch up. ASEAN countries and North East Asia countries should have more children. Current 1.5 children / women is suicide. China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, these countries are on the course to extinction!. Muslim Countries in ASEAN and Philiphines are doing the right thing. Keep going.

The important thing is #number of children / mom. Not #number of children per male. Keep in mind. They are much different. So don't waste women by having 2nd wife.

Do it. Have atleast 3 children. OR extinct.
I don't believe Han is an inferior race. Perhaps other Asian are inferior but not us. We are the superior. It was only until the last 150 years that we totally put ourselves in the hole but we are back!
I think they are trying to promote black men to other races in order to dumb them down for the next generation. It's easier to control dumb people.

What? Please tell me more about this dumbing down conspiracy as My father is an Asian married to an East African woman. Surely I must an half retard and half normal to you. Funny thing is this thread is about racism against Asians and you respond with racism of your own kind. @Nihonjin1051.
Good for your wife.

BTW, the majority of the Chinese women who marry the westerners were usually deemed physically unattractive for the mainstream perception of beauty in the Chinese society.

I think the western men shouldn't waste their time with those fugly looking Chinese women, you all have much better looking western women waiting for you.

Now you are really rationalizing. The women I'm sure tip all sides of the scales. BTW If you think men pick the women to marry and not the other way around you are in for a rude awakening...especially as the average pay in China increases. When a woman has a decent job that easily pays her bills not only is the deck of cards stacked in her favor; she is basically holding the entire deck. The only thing not in her favor is she has a clock ticking. In China's Dating Scene, Women Get Pickier - Businessweek

This video is interesting in that it shows how attitudes can shift once you are holding the deck. The interviewer shows the disadvantage as he is trying to have them show their cards.

Maybe because of decades of experience of "card counting" out of necessity by white men with white women to better attract them a side effect is that some asian women also find this appealing.
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What? Please tell me more about this dumbing down conspiracy as My father is an Asian married to an East African woman. Surely I must an half retard and half normal to you. Funny thing is this thread is about racism against Asians and you respond with racism of your own kind. @Nihonjin1051.

Japanese are not our own kind.

The Japanese are primarily D haplogroup carriers, which are very closely related with the African E haplogroup anyway.

Now you are really rationalizing. The women I'm sure tip all sides of the scales. BTW If you think men pick the women to marry and not the other way around you are in for a rude awakening...especially as the average pay in China increases. When a woman has a decent job that easily pays her bills not only is the deck of cards stacked in her favor; she is basically holding the entire deck. The only thing not in her favor is she has a clock ticking.

This video is interesting in that it shows how attitudes can shift once you are holding the deck. The interviewer shows the disadvantage as he is trying to have them show their cards.

Maybe because of decades of experience of "card counting" out of necessity by white men with white women to better attract them a side effect is that some asian women also find this appealing.

Another stupid video, Southeast Asians have nothing to do with us.
Japanese are not our own kind.

The Japanese are primarily D haplogroup carriers, which are very closely related with the African E haplogroup anyway.

Another stupid video, Southeast Asians have nothing to do with us.

Since what I say apparently is meaningless in your view I have a simple solution.

Since you are in Canada why don't you just go up and ask the next young Chinese woman you see on the street who looks like a 1st gen what she thinks the story is.
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