Then the americans should be the last ones to do so since they believe in genocide (killing of 100 million american indians, starting 8 wars in the past 200 years, more than any other country), treachery (backing the overthrow of democratically elected Iranian government and replacing it with a king, paying Bin Laden to attack USSR then trying to wipe him out, abandoning South Vietnam, Pinochet in Chile) blackmail ( threatening to nuke us if we didn't stop to negotiate in Korea, "we will obliterate Iran") arrogance (Mission accomplished, Home Before Christmas) hypocrisy (George washington was a slave owner, backing out of signed military sales, bombing our embassy, killing our pilot, spying in our sovereign waters while crying for peace, support Israeli nukes but point fingers at North Korean ones then cry at the slightest backlash) and deception (Voice of America's fake news, so fake in fact that it's not even legal to broadcast in the US for fear of Americans rising up to overthrow the government, not even mention CNN).