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anti-China rally


Jun 28, 2010
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Fresh anti-China rally held in Japan
Fresh anti-China rally held in Japan | My Sinchew

TOKYO, Saturday 23 October 2010 (AFP) - Anti-China protesters rallied in western Japan on Saturday, the latest in a series of demonstrations against Beijing's claim to a disputed island chain that has been at the centre of a diplomatic row.

About 300 people gathered in the city of Takamatsu, 600 kilometres (370 miles) west of Tokyo, organisers said, marching through a shopping street waving "Rising Sun" national flags.

"We need to raise our grass root voice," Hisano Fujisawa, a housewife at the rally, said by phone. "We have fears that China has already been trying to intrude Japanese territory."

Protesters carried banners accusing Prime Minister Naoto Kan of "weak-kneed diplomacy" and placards asserting Japan's claim to the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

A spokesman for the North Takamatsu Police Department said he could not confirm the number of participants immediately, saying there were no arrests during the demonstration.

Asia's two biggest economies -- traditional rivals -- have been embroiled in the worst feud in years since Japan arrested a Chinese trawler captain near the disputed islands almost six weeks ago, although he was later released.

In China, thousands of mostly young protesters have taken to the streets of several cities to demonstrate against Japan.

Kan held a brief meeting with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Brussels early this month and officials in Tokyo say both countries are seeking to arrange a formal summit in later October.

The chain of islands lies between Japan's Okinawa island and Taiwan, in a part of the East China Sea with rich fishing grounds and thought to contain energy deposits.

Imperialism on the rise.
most of them must be unaware of the fact that their nation has border disputes with all neighboring countries.

Western Media and their own Japanese media hardly report bad behaviour by Japan on their neighbours so the average Japanese think that their country is a "Saint" or "a peaceful country".
These Asians have obsession with each other. A few weeks ago a Chinese member posted sample of anti-Japan drawings by Korean kids. Had it been something doing the same in Muslim world against Israel, USA or India we could hear all screams about extremism, religious terrorism, indoctrination, etc etc all over the media.

In a nutshell, the equation is sort of..Koreans & Chinese don't like Japanese, and Japanese dont like the both. Its a good thing Japan is all the way isolated island.
These Asians have obsession with each other. A few weeks ago a Chinese member posted sample of anti-Japan drawings by Korean kids. Had it been something doing the same in Muslim world against Israel, USA or India we could hear all screams about extremism, religious terrorism, indoctrination, etc etc all over the media.

In a nutshell, the equation is sort of..Koreans & Chinese don't like Japanese, and Japanese dont like the both. Its a good thing Japan is all the way isolated island.

Actually I think all three countries dislike one another. It is a mutual thing.
In a nutshell, the equation is sort of..Koreans & Chinese don't like Japanese, and Japanese dont like the both. Its a good thing Japan is all the way isolated island.
Lol, it does kind of seem that Japan became the Western colonial power in the Far East. I always found it odd that Japan isn't liked much by it's neighboring countries.

They do deserve some sympathies, since they have no friends in Asia nor the West. (USA isn't truly their ally.) Although, they did bring it onto them self, though.
These Asians have obsession with each other. A few weeks ago a Chinese member posted sample of anti-Japan drawings by Korean kids. Had it been something doing the same in Muslim world against Israel, USA or India we could hear all screams about extremism, religious terrorism, indoctrination, etc etc all over the media.

In a nutshell, the equation is sort of..Koreans & Chinese don't like Japanese, and Japanese dont like the both. Its a good thing Japan is all the way isolated island.

Japan and South Korea also don't like North Korea which in turn likes China. :lol:
China's dislike of Japan has a long history. China NEVER send any soldier to attack Japan, but Japan has been raiding Chinese land for the last ... 1000 years.
These Asians have obsession with each other. A few weeks ago a Chinese member posted sample of anti-Japan drawings by Korean kids. Had it been something doing the same in Muslim world against Israel, USA or India we could hear all screams about extremism, religious terrorism, indoctrination, etc etc all over the media.

In a nutshell, the equation is sort of..Koreans & Chinese don't like Japanese, and Japanese dont like the both. Its a good thing Japan is all the way isolated island.
nice prediction for japan mr.nostradamus :pop:
In a nutshell, the equation is sort of..Koreans & Chinese don't like Japanese, and Japanese dont like the both. Its a good thing Japan is all the way isolated island.

It seems they all dont like each other. My best friend is Korean, and his dad hates Japanese people.

If you go to some Youtube videos related to their history or some other forums. It seem like East Asians arguing like South Asians. Lmao!!
China's dislike of Japan has a long history. China NEVER send any soldier to attack Japan, but Japan has been raiding Chinese land for the last ... 1000 years.

China did tried to take Japan but that was under mongol rule.
But chinese were conscripted into the campaign against japan. Although the upper decision makers are mongol chinese military and political officials were involved.
Also yuan dynasty is recognised as part of chinese history, unless you want to say that there is a break in chinese cultural lineage.
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