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‘Antarctica glacier melt irreversible ‘

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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‘Antarctica glacier melt irreversible ‘


A melting glacier in West Antarctica

A set of West Antarctic glaciers has now entered terminal melt.

Two studies reveal that the glaciers are on an irreversible path to liquefying and stand to raise global sea levels by around 4 meters in coming centuries, ww.sciencenews.org reports.

Using two decades of satellite observations of six glaciers in West Antarctica, researchers led by Eric Rignot of the University of California, found unstoppable melting that will probably accelerate in coming centuries.

The study appeared May 12 in Geophysical Research Letters. In a press conference the same day, researchers noted that the disintegration of the six glaciers could raise sea level by 1.2 meters.

Further alarm bells were sounded in a May 16 Science paper by researchers led by Ian Joughin of the University of Washington in Seattle, who used simulations to show that the Thwaites and Haynes Glaciers in the same region may collapse rapidly in the next 200 to 900 years. Once gone, the glaciers could raise sea levels by 0.6 meters and spur the melt of the rest of the continent’s ice sheet, which could add another 3 to 4 meters to the oceans.

Both studies link climate change and warming ocean waters to the glaciers’ irreversible demise.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is particularly vulnerable to ocean warming-induced collapse. The Thwaites Glacier of West Antarctica is one of the largest WAIS regional contributors to sea level rise, and has been considered to be potentially unstable for many years.

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