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Another proof hitler & holocaust was just a way to create Israel

Just another way to sell his book... ITS ALL BUSINESS.

The world isn't short of conspiracy theories. Add one more to the list.

One wonders why all conspiracy theories involve jews and America and are all surfaced by some American historians and journalists themselves . Dumbs like Indians here would call even the revelations of men like snowden as conspiracy theories and an attempt for fame after few years
This is always a conspiracy
and conspiracy always has some real history
The fallen of WTC
IRAQ war
Afghanistan war
every plan is accompanying a conspiracy on which if think u will find it logical
these are big game which we cannot totally understand
the comments in this post clearly shows the tunneled vision of some members here
the comments are totally away from logics and are the reactions like phadday baaz mohally ke aurtein
Its always surprising to see Indian coming to the rescue of Israel . This article didnt mention hinduism or India and was posted in arab defence , why you had to Jump in . Looks you guys havnt got out of that slave mentality yet .

You stole my words :) :)
IRAQ war
Afghanistan war
every plan is accompanying a conspiracy on which if think u will find it logical
these are big game which we cannot totally understand
the comments in this post clearly shows the tunneled vision of some members here
the comments are totally away from logics and are the reactions like phadday baaz mohally ke aurtein

After some years when we will raise the issue that no WMD were found in Iraq , an excuse which got thousands of innocent iraqi got killed and depleted that nations billions of dollars worth oil reserves over the years,it would all be termed as another conspiracy theory .There was no al-qaida in iraq before 2003 but now there is , there were never any car bomb blasts there before 2003 now there are dozens every month .

Indians here will make threads about some so called Islamist killing a british soldier calling Islam barbaric and what not but when US killed thousands in Iraq without any reason they found ways to justify it what we call it slavery to white master nothing else or may be they just unite together in their hatred against muslims.

Did you ever see any indian condemning such heinous crimes against muslims ? No never as I said they see everything done by their white masters as absolutely right .
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