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Another "fake encounter"


Nov 28, 2006
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Muslim MPs protest in Delhi demanding Gujarat government's dismissal
The Indian Supreme Court has given two weeks to Gujarat state police to submit a final report into the investigation of a Muslim couple's killing.
Sohrabuddin Sheikh was killed in 2005 Police said he was a militant plotting to assassinate the state chief minister, Narendra Modi.

But in March they admitted that he was killed in a staged gun-battle.

On Monday, the government told the court that his missing wife, Kausar Bi, was also killed and her body was burnt.

Last week, three top policemen were charged with Mr Sheikh's murder and on Monday, Gujarat government's lawyer, KTS Tulsi, submitted a sealed interim report to the Supreme Court on the case.

The court said it would "pass an appropriate order" after the final investigation report has been submitted in two weeks.

The killings have been widely condemned by civil society groups and human rights activists.

The issue also generated heated debate in Parliament with several Muslim MPs alleging that Muslims were being treated unfairly in Gujarat.


Kausar Bi was travelling with her husband by bus when they were taken away by the Gujarat police.

She has not been seen since her husband was killed.

The police admission that Kausar Bi was also killed came after Mr Sheikh's brother, Rubabbudin Sheikh, filed a petition in the court demanding an inquiry into the killings by India's federal police, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

He also asked the judge to direct the Gujarat government to produce Kausar Bi in court.

Gujarat has been heavily criticised for the treatment of its religious minorities.

According to official figures, more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, were killed during the riots that broke out after nearly 60 Hindus were killed when a train was set on fire in Godhra town, allegedly by a Muslim mob, five years ago.

The state administration was accused of not doing enough to stop the riots.

Security forces in India have on occasion admitted to extra-judicial killings - described by the local media as "fake encounters" - in which they had at first said they had killed militants after coming under gunfire.
Gujarati Hindus would give them a medal. Nothing happened when they killed 2000, what's one more?
But can I just butt in a point, I hate to support Gujarat, But the highest officers(IPS, DIG Level) of the state (not some, some scapegoat constable;SI) has been caught; I do think their rule in the state is going to end, from the various reports I am hearing on the news, Modi's and his brand of politics is taking a nose dive in approval ratings.(refer; today's karan Thapar interview in CNBC)
I do believe this time BJP couldnt support their own; and their downfall is eminent. Atleast then I hope these idiotic politicans will forget their petty differences, and take Modi in for grave negligence of duty.
It have become a practice, police would kill innocent Muslim and label them as terrorists, that is the easiest way to get away with murder of Muslim. And this is what is creating more unrest in Muslim youth, anytime they can be termed as terrorists and killd!
yeah very true.
But then why is that 99% of the terrorists are muslims?
I dont agree Neo, that is a western propaganda. It is how it is.
Dont play the victim card here;
If you call exploding Bombs in market places, then yes I would call it terrorism, if you hijack an aircraft, i would call it terrorism. Most Terrorist do exactly that, So cant buy your arguement. Maybe it is a culture Issue, but we prefer Rules of Engagement when it comes to war, most terrorist organizations are not capable of doing that. I have heard that America and its policies made a OBL, in the same breath I could say extremist made a Bush. Palestinians caused more harm to their cause than the Israeil's. Stop protecting Terrorists, You should be condeming OBL and his types more than me, But you are not; therefore most muslims are seen as Terrorist. . That is how the west view, to some extent that is how i view it. Moderate Muslims freaking scared to stand up against the Extremists or are in tacit silent agreement with their policies . if you dont take care of the wierdo's in your fold, dont expect the world to understand.


Gujarat is crazy state, Its the Mississipi of India. I hope they catch the guility and give him what he deserves
I dont agree Neo, that is a western propaganda. It is how it is.

Pardon my French but that plain BS!
Whats stats have you got if any at all to suport your claim??
Look at all the attacks around the world, except for LTTE, all the attacks on civilian targets were conducted by some group allied to allah or islam.
Stats; Look at your Newspaper tommmrow morning, You see a Bomb blast, look at the details. you will know what I mean. I have shown several times, when i have had the capacity to criticize as well as blame my own countrymen and religious folk. Now if you do the same or not is your decision. In a wierd way Islam is facing, what Christians faced during the Dark Ages. Islam is facing a horde of problems, and it is caused by their folks.
500 Terror Attacks in EU in 2006 - But Only 1 by Islamists

There were almost 500 acts of terrorism across the European Union in 2006 -- but only one, the foiled suitcase bomb plot in Germany, was related to Islamist terror, a new EU report reveals.

The failed suitcase bomb plot in Germany was the only Islamist terrorist attack in the EU in 2006, according to the Europol study.

Almost all the terrorist attacks in the European Union in 2006 were unrelated to Islamist terror, a new report reveals -- but the potential impact of an attack aimed at mass casualties made Islamist terrorism a top priority for European investigators nonetheless.

According to a report released Tuesday by Europol, the European Union's law enforcement organization, 498 attacks were carried out in the EU in 2006. Of them, only one -- the failed suitcase bomb attacks in Germany -- was perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.

The vast majority of terrorist attacks were carried out by separatist terror groups targeting France and Spain.

Half of the 706 terrorism-related arrests made in 2006 were related to Islamist terrorism, with France, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands having the highest number of arrests of Islamist terrorist suspects.

A small number of attacks by left-wing and anarchist terror groups were also carried out in Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. The report concluded that France, Spain and the UK are the EU member states "most severely affected" by terrorism.

Link Please, what were the 500 acts of terrorism,?

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