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Another Bangladesh emerging from Bay of Bengal.

Just trolling :P Anyway it will take 100'd of years naturally to become good for habitation. Or the Chinese can be called..

But still BD is a low lying area. Flooding during Monsoon's can be a concern.o

All power to BD with new landmass. :tup:

Not exactly. People are already living in many newly formed areas. Till now Government allotted such lands to landless Bangladeshis. The technology used to protect such newly formed lands were taken from Netherlands which has experience in similar condition.

This made to the headlines recently because This time Govt has decided to give the lands to chinese investors.
Facts of these new land are well known and forestation going on in these area for many years now. What is not know is that if there is cross dam built according to study done by Dutch landmass could be easily grown almost half the size of Bangladesh and fairly quickly (10 years). These cross dam will serve as permanent protection against erosion. But what does indian subservient awami thugs do? wasting resource in sheikh mujib airport building road for indian transit.

But looks like nature went against indian wish " Bangladesh will go under water".
Flooding during Monsoon's can be a concern.

While flooding is a concern (can be solved by expensive dredging of waterways). The greater concern is withholding of water during lean season that affects crop growth and harvests.

This was India's prerogative sometime ago (Bangladesh being in the receiving end) but now (for Brahmaputra at least) it's China's prerogative.

However this has its solution too, being enthusiastically used nowadays in Northern Bangladesh in lean season. It's called a rubber dam.

This was India's prerogative sometime ago (Bangladesh being in the receiving end) but now (for Brahmaputra at least) it's China's prerogative.

Chinese dams are all run of the river and will have no significant pondage or diversion (similar to Baglihar dam on Chenab river that Pakistan took India to court about).

China has repeatedly assured India of this.

India on the other hand has not made such a promise to Bangladesh though the very size of Brahmaptura makes it quite unfeasible to hydrologically engineer on a large scale like has been proposed.
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. .
Facts of these new land are well known and forestation going on in these area for many years now. What is not know is that if there is cross dam built according to study done by Dutch landmass could be easily grown almost half the size of Bangladesh and fairly quickly (10 years). These cross dam will serve as permanent protection against erosion. But what does indian subservient awami thugs do? wasting resource in sheikh mujib airport building road for indian transit.

But looks like nature went against indian wish " Bangladesh will go under water".

Well, they are actually working on that, this is part of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. It's a very detailed masterplan based on our Climate Change adaptation strategy which has been acclaimed worldwide...

The only major issue with the plan is that the entire coordination of the project is managed by some foreign firms. Coordination of such a huge project must be under the direct government authority...
@Rain Man :

Your views please.

@Rain Man Its time we divert Ganga and Brahmaputra. What say :P. Since its the both rivers forming landmass in BD.

We are eveil ******** after all :devil:

Haha so this terminology of who includes internal waters and territorial waters in their calculation is the "stupidest post" you have ever seen.

The point stands that the land depositing converts from "internal water" mostly hence total area will not change that much....happy?

I knew the US ranks above China through the use of the sea area calculation so I thought this extends to everyone else (and it doesn't...ok good to know) but you will ignore the infinitely stupider posts that 99% of your compatriots make to target the mean Indian guy that shows Bangladesh to be the crap overpopulated basket case it is.

Must feel awkward for Bangladeshi to talk in terms of millions of sq km. when they dream about how tiny Tripura could have been theirs.


https://books.google.ca/books?id=Px-47xlwbYAC&pg=PT46&lpg=PT46&dq=The+term+"territorial+waters"+is+also+sometimes+used+informally+to+refer+to+any+area+of+water+over+which+a+state+has+jurisdiction,+including+internal+waters,+the+contiguous+zone,+the+exclusive+economic+zone+and+potentially+the+continental+shelf.&source=bl&ots=lr8w5T60d_&sig=_YSM7nWS43zxjG2-7i99D66W8Eg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3m76lwbzOAhXJORQKHa3uA_8Q6AEIJjAC#v=onepage&q=The term "territorial waters" is also sometimes used informally to refer to any area of water over which a state has jurisdiction, including internal waters, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and potentially the continental shelf.&f=false

The term "territorial waters" is also sometimes used informally to refer to any area of water over which a state has jurisdiction, including internal waters, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and potentially the continental shelf.

The land that is being created naturally is also a low land, and not a hedge against the impending fate of Bangladesh due to global warming.

In 50 years our north-eastern states will have easy access to Bay of Bengal, added bonus would be their pristine white sand beaches for promoting tourism.
But still BD is a low lying area. Flooding during Monsoon's can be a concern.

There was no land in today's Bd area when the Indian land mass kept on moving towards Asian mainland after it broke away from Australia. The process started many hundred million years before.

By the precipitation and melting of Himalayan ice/snowfall many rivers were formed after the Himalaya built itself gradually to a height by this process. The water started to flow to the sea thru the low lying areas.

The sea, what we call BoB, started to be filled with silts out of Himalaya and mainland India. Concisely, this is how the area compassing BD, west Bengal and other areas started to rise from the sea that created today's land mass. The process of rain fall and ice melting will continue indefinitely and it will contribute to build up more masses of land in BD and BoB.

This is where we stand today. This process of abrasion of Indian soil will continue indefinitely, and BD will keep on getting Indian soil and India will keep on losing its precious soil.
The land that is being created naturally is also a low land, and not a hedge against the impending fate of Bangladesh due to global warming.

In 50 years our north-eastern states will have easy access to Bay of Bengal, added bonus would be their pristine white sand beaches for promoting tourism.

Funny! If Bangladesh ever submerges, before that West Bengal will already become West Bay of Bengal and Nepal will no longer be a landlocked country.
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Its Indian Land's sediment that is making these new lands..

Hand it over to the true owner or face consequences. :devil::devil:
This is where we stand today. This process of abrasion of Indian soil will continue indefinitely, and BD will keep on getting Indian soil and India will keep on losing its precious soil.

The report also says a major earthquake in Assam in last century helped to increase the rate of new land formation
Its Indian Land's sediment that is making these new lands..

Hand it over to the true owner or face consequences. :devil::devil:

That's a technically infallible argument, I think we should raise our demand. :)
Funny! If Bangladesh ever submerges, before that West Bengal will already become West Bay of Bengal and Nepal will no longer be a landlocked country.
True,at least we got billion tons of river sediment,which we can use to cross dam the sea if situation ever compel us.But west Bengal got nothing.It is as low lying as Bangladesh.So if ever sea level rise threatened coastal areas,it will be West Bengal submerge first including @Rain Man 's home in kolkata. Kolkata is at the same level as Khulna,a southern city in Bangladesh.:P
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That's a technically infallible argument, I think we should raise our demand.
Sorry to make @griffin and @Rain Man unhappy. But, we will get help from nature that will force India to pay us with its soil and also our due share of river water. Dam is not really good for soft clayee areas because such constructions cause upstream accumulation of silt and clay, specially at the back of a dam.

So, the dams India has so far built will clogg with all the dirt carried from upstream, as a consequence of which the dams will collapse, today or tomorrow. How about nature starts this event with the destruction of Farakka.

No human Court will give you back the soil the Court of nature has so fondly endowed BD from your country. But, pray to God for salvation after death because Indians did too much harm to BD. So, keep on praying.
True,at least we got billion tons of river sediment,which we can use to cross dam the sea if situation ever compel us.But west Bengal got nothing.It is as low lying as Bangladesh.So if ever sea level rise threatened coastal areas,it will be West Bengal submerge first including @Rain Man 's home in kolkata.Kolkata is at the same level as Khulna,a southern city in Bangladesh.:P

Kolkata will be the first to submerge before entire West Bengal goes down. But I think the water in the area will be highly contaminated and won't be conducive for fish resources.

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