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Anna Hazare released from jail after India-wide protests, begins fasting

Jan Lokapl Bill

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Even in this one, majority (5 out of 10) are politicians. The outcome will be still same.
See, this is exactly the problem with Anna's supporters. They have zilch understanding of the Constitution (one member here didn't know till yesterday that Parliament is the supreme Legislative body) and exactly zero understanding of Parliamentary affairs.

The previous claim was that 'the 9 members of the lokpal committee, 5 will be from government', and hence effectively under government control. Now that you know that Lokpal Committee will have no politician, your goal post has shifted to the Selection Committee. Even then, there will be 4 from the government (the PM, the Speaker, the Home Minister, the Cabinet Secretary) and 6 non-government members, enough to prevent government influence (wasn't that the whole complaint).

Yes there will be politicians. But they will be elected ones, and includes leader of opposition.
you are right..

only solution is to outsource some good people to make lokpal from some allian galaxy...

Yes, this is an excellent idea. But you forget one thing. India is the preferred destination for outsourcing for the whole world. Seems you do not understand the potential of Indians yet. Try to outsource the anti-corruption activities from government to a independent body once and see the result...

I' am 100% sure that they will be several thousand times better than these corrupted, incapable politically oriented, highly influenced and to incapable politicians and government officials.
Corruption must be stop in any country. But once I saw some advertisement about India's new 100 bank note on youtube, it's strange how they promote their new bank note.

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See, this is exactly the problem with Anna's supporters. They have zilch understanding of the Constitution (one member here didn't know till yesterday that Parliament is the supreme Legislative body) and exactly zero understanding of Parliamentary affairs.

The previous claim was that 'the 9 members of the lokpal committee, 5 will be from government', and hence effectively under government control. Now that you know that Lokpal Committee will have no politician, your goal post has shifted to the Selection Committee. Even then, there will be 4 from the government (the PM, the Speaker, the Home Minister, the Cabinet Secretary) and 6 non-government members, enough to prevent government influence (wasn't that the whole complaint).

Yes there will be politicians. But they will be elected ones, and includes leader of opposition.

Wait wait.. hold on your horses. Even if it is opposition leader, again they are politicians. Do not think that a politician will support all the anti corruption activity. Right now, opposition parties such as BJP or Communist parties never support the Jan Lokpal. Every party is corrupted and nobody can expect support from a politician irrespective of ruling or opposition parties, for the anti-corruption jan lokpal bill.
This is only possible before if all of us actually go out there and vote in the next gen elections! Unfortunately most of us dont want to "waste our time " waiting in the que outside a polling booth !
But whom will Indian Public bring to power.
From Corrupt Congress to Corrupt BJP.
While I have the deepest respect for Anna Hazare and I do believe that the Lok Pal is important; I am quite against the creation of a Super Structure overlooking everything else. Reminds me of the novel 1984.

What's to stop Lokpal becoming a pool of corruption with almost unlimited powers over everyone. It is tantamount to creating a politburo.
I am sure that hazares actions whilst in the in the short term will have negative and adverse effects whilst vested interests cause problems but in the long run it will benefit the Indian population
While I have the deepest respect for Anna Hazare and I do believe that the Lok Pal is important; I am quite against the creation of a Super Structure overlooking everything else. Reminds me of the novel 1984.

What's to stop Lokpal becoming a pool of corruption with almost unlimited powers over everyone. It is tantamount to creating a politburo.

I agree with u to some extent, I also have some reservations regarding Jan lokpal bill, But I am protesting against the GOI bills which is toothless and only government can bring any bill in parliament so it is government's duty to put the right bill which uproot the corruption. I am not whole heartedly supporting jan lokpal bill but I am whole heartedly against present bill. See from this perspective.
It starts, lets see if G o I can afford not to give in


NEW DELHI — A triumphant Anna Hazare walked out of jail on Friday morning and began slowly moving through a crowd toward a public ground where he promised to wage a hunger strike for his swelling anticorruption movement.

Emerging from Tihar Jail around 11:45 a.m., Mr. Hazare was greeted by huge cheers from the large crowd gathered at the prison gate. “Whether I live or not,” he told supporters in a short address, “corruption should not live.”

Mr. Hazare, 74, was expected by afternoon to reach Ramlila Maidan, a public space in the national capital where thousands of supporters are expected to join him in a mass demonstration during his hunger strike. Mr. Hazare has been fasting since Tuesday, taking only water, as part of a campaign to force India’s political leaders to push through legislation creating a tough, independent anticorruption agency.

His appearance outside the Tihar Jail was carried live across India on the country’s many all-news channels, and Mr. Hazare clearly had a flair for such a media moment. After his remarks outside the jail, aides helped him climb atop the back of a flatbed truck for a slow procession through streets lined with thousands of people.

“Victory to India!” Mr. Hazare shouted before he boarded the truck. “Victory to Mother India!”

Along his route, people waved national flags or had the flag painted on their faces. Some pressed toward the flatbed truck, trying to touch him, while others stood on rooftops or balconies, waving or shouting slogans. “Anna, you struggle, we are with you!” many people yelled.

One slogan written on a banner seemed to capture the delirium of Mr. Hazare’s followers. "You are Anna, I am Anna," it read. "Today, the whole country is Anna."

Some views from various Indians:

Top 10 surfer comments on Anna Hazare's fast

New Delhi: |We're asking you to share your take on Anna's protest and hunger strike. These are the Top 10 Surfer Comments right now.

Vishal Vinayak: Anna a 74 years old man doing for our kids, how can we sit at home or office.

C S Padmanabhan: Anna is now in Ramlila Grounds. What's next? We need a respectable mediator to convince Govt to remove the drawbacks in their bill and also convince Anna Team to compromise without diluting the Bill.

R S P Pai: Corruption has reached at its peak in India during present times. Anna Hazare carry on we are all with you in your mission to rid India of this malaise.

Amarjit Singh: Anna has a great service to the country by awakening the country especially the youth against corruption. But I feel that that Lokpal is not the whole solution. Anna should widen his movement to tackle corruption.

Shuchit Mangal: I have to convey one message to Mr. Anna, I thought you are the best way to do this. Mr Anna I support your thought but not your way, being the citizen of this nation I would be really happy if corruption free India can be made. I think before asking the government or rather forcing them we have to 1st get prepared for that kind of India, I mean where there will be no corruption one has to follow the proper Channel.

Alok Kumar Shukla: I respect parliament but the question is that MPs are sitting in the parliament who are selected by the common people and when common people is asking for such a bill then what is the issue of not accepting it.

S Sheoran: Anna has best intentions as most Indians have against corruptions but his draft is impractical and system which he expect to be created will fail before it even starts.I read both drafts (Govt as well as Jan Lokpal Bill of Anna). Annas proposal says Any one can be interrogated for anything from corruption to grievances including Defence Personals. It will simply flood the system with complains and it will takes years after years even a file can be opened for inspection.

S Kannan: Every government representative wants to take the line that Anna and his team should take up the matter with the standing committee. The team has pursued the matter in the joint drafting committee and has also met with the standing committee. It appears very clear that the government through these representative bodies want to ignore and reject these ideas without any rationale or convincing arguments. That is the precise reason why the matter has come to the present state

Badal Kumar Mandal: Salute to Anna Hazare's mode of protest against corruption. After 65 years of Indian Independence he dares to auction his life for eradication of corruption from our society. Although MLAs and MPs are elected by us they should think about us, but not for themselves.

Dr P S Mahadevan: At 73 years of age, I have grown with bribes and corruption. I try to keep myself clean but I have never hoped for things to change. Seeing Hazare's response I feel heartened.

I wish we Pakistanis had a nationwide fight against corruption the same way.
well govt. is limiting his hunger strike to 15 days....most people can easily survive that long without food.....as long as he gets water
im sure he'll be more succesful than Ali-G was!

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Wait wait.. hold on your horses. Even if it is opposition leader, again they are politicians. Do not think that a politician will support all the anti corruption activity. Right now, opposition parties such as BJP or Communist parties never support the Jan Lokpal. Every party is corrupted and nobody can expect support from a politician irrespective of ruling or opposition parties, for the anti-corruption jan lokpal bill.

Err.. what do you want then? Shall we send all the politicians home & run the government with self appointed "honest" people? Lets also stop appointing Judges & maybe leave the whole exercise to Prashanth Bhushan. Since he also claims that most of the ills of corruption are due to our liberalised policies, lets also make him or any other of "the equal distribution of poverty" brigade as Finance Minister. Everybody can be poor & there will be no corruption. Why have this facade of democracy, since according to you, they are all corrupt & should have no role to play. We can appoint anyone suggested by M/s.Arvind Kejriwal & Prashanth Bhus:hitwall:han as leader for life.
Congress plans virtual attack against Anna Hazare, explores cyber space

Published: Friday, Aug 19, 2011, 9:00 IST | Updated: Friday, Aug 19, 2011, 1:23 IST
By Vineeta Pandey | Place: New Delhi | Agency: DNA

Congress plans virtual attack against Anna Hazare, explores cyber space - India - DNA

After having lost its battle against Anna Hazare on ground, the Congress now plans to counter him and his campaign in the cyber space.

However, utmost care is being taken that all this happen without directly attacking Anna. Sources said that after the Manish Tewari fiasco, the party is focused on destablising the campaign — not Anna — and punching a hole in the movement’s legality.

Sources in the Congress told DNA the party is preparing to launch campaigns on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and all possible ways, including through SMS, to reach out to masses with the government’s position and explain how unjustified Anna is in his campaign to push for “his Jan Lokpal Bill”.

One SMS doing the round reads: “I am strongly against corruption but I am NOT Anna! I am NOT a dictator saying MY BILL OR NO BILL.’ I believe in the democratic process through Parliament. I do NOT belong to any opportunist political party who have selfish concern in not letting the Parliament function. I am proud India and would like to do my bit by being honest. YOU DECIDE WHETHER U WANT TO BE ANNA OR A PROUD INDIA! Forward this message and let your friends decide who they want to be. We are the ppl of 21st century and we can think.”

It seems that by projecting Anna as ‘My Way or Highway Man’, the party is now trying to punch a hole in his movement. It may be recalled that just after the joint drafting committee was formed, the government had started a smear campaign to defame the civil society representatives on the panel.
Err.. what do you want then? Shall we send all the politicians home & run the government with self appointed "honest" people? Lets also stop appointing Judges & maybe leave the whole exercise to Prashanth Bhushan. Since he also claims that most of the ills of corruption are due to our liberalised policies, lets also make him or any other of "the equal distribution of poverty" brigade as Finance Minister. Everybody can be poor & there will be no corruption. Why have this facade of democracy, since according to you, they are all corrupt & should have no role to play. We can appoint anyone suggested by M/s.Arvind Kejriwal & Prashanth Bhus:hitwall:han as leader for life.

Well if there is stronger law, people with corruption atleast stay away from running gov. Right now only corrupt people are running gov. Do you think we will not have couple of 1000 people better than our corrupt politicians out of 1.2 billion people.
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