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Ankara mulls cutting political ties with EU if chapter vetoed


Feb 22, 2013
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Turkey’s reaction against the European Union could be as harsh as completely suspending political dialogue with Brussels, if the opening of the “regional policies” chapter is vetoed by Germany and the Netherlands.

“If they reject the opening of the chapter, our relations with the EU will return to their 1997 level,” a senior Turkish diplomat told the Daily News on June 18.

Turkey suspended political dialogue with the EU in December 1997 after its candidacy for full membership was rejected at the Luxembourg Summit of the union. Turkey-EU ties hit a nadir from 1998 to 1999, where the two had almost no exchange of views on numerous political issues, including Cyprus and other foreign policy issues.

“Our agenda with the EU should be limited to economic issues, and implementation of the Customs Union. They should forget about foreign policy consultations with Turkey,” the diplomat stated. “But we still hope common sense will prevail and the [regional policies] chapter will not be blocked.”

If the chapter is opened during the upcoming June 26 intergovernmental conference, it will be the first chapter to be opened after three years.

The reservation issued by Germany and Netherlands is technical on paper, but many believe the main reason is political and originated as a reaction to the Turkish government’s undemocratic response to the Gezi Park demonstrations.

“There is still some time to overcome this obstacle,” a European diplomat said, underlining that there were intense deliberations within the EU on the opening of this chapter. “Some other member countries urged these two countries that blocking the opening of the chapter would hurt our ties severely. It would be a very bad message to send to Turkey and to the Turkish people.”

The Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) of the member states met yesterday and will hold another meeting today, before the EU ministers are expected to gather on June 24 to give the final decision on the opening of the chapter.

Ankara believes Germany’s veto is purely for domestic use of the government on the eve of parliamentary elections slated for Sept. 22. A draft part program of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) rejects Turkey’s full membership of the EU on the grounds that the candidate does not meet political criteria and would overburden the EU because of the size and structure of its economy.

However, the Turkish diplomatic source stressed that Turkey “would no longer remain silent in the face of attempts to use it as a tool in a pre-election campaign of any EU country.”

Relations between Turkey and the EU have recently been strained after the European Parliament issued a strongly worded statement against the Turkish government’s response to the Gezi Park demonstrations.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he “did not recognize” the European Parliament (EP) and its decisions, while accusing the EU of being “undemocratic.” His reaction was echoed by almost all top government officials, including President Abdullah Gül, leading to the postponement of an EP delegation’s visit to Turkey on June 18 and 19, as none of the top Turkish brass would give them appointments.

EU Minister Egemen Bağış criticized yesterday the veto decision of Germany and the Netherlands and said EU needs Turkey more than Turkey needs EU. "Even if they open a chapter or not, Turkey will continue growing, keep thriving, becoming transparent, developing,” Bağış said.

The EP’s report praised President Gül and Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç for their conciliatory stances in the face of demonstrations, but had some harsh things to say about Erdoğan and other officials. This is seen by many government supporters as a deliberate attempt to “meddle” in Turkey’s internal political situation.

Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin canceled his scheduled trip to Brussels, while the EU canceled a meeting of the Regions Committee, which had been slated for June 25 and 26. The joint parliamentary commission set for June 27-28 will also not be able to be realized if the regional policy chapter is blocked, the diplomatic source said.

Source: EUROPE - Ankara mulls cutting political ties with EU if chapter vetoed
Turks need to wake up and realize that foreign interests are trying to capitalize on internal Turkish dissent for their own selfish purposes. The EU is only one of them.
Germany and the Netherlands will be blocking it for politicial reason (i.e. how Gezi Park was handled), good on them.

I would completley understand if they have objections.
@Developereo, care to explain what you mean? Sounds like you don't know what the EU is from here.
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Germany and the Netherlands will be blocking it for politicial reason (i.e. how Gezi Park was handled), good on them.

I would completley understand if they have objections.
@Developereo, care to explain what you mean? Sounds like you don't know what the EU is from here.

If you think that Germany and Holland give a damn about the Turkish protesters, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
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It was always politic. It seems some people's ideological thoughts come before national interests. How easy people forget a 50-year European hipocrasy and think its related to Gezi... Good on Germany and Netherlands... Pathetic
If you think that Germany and Holland give a damn about the Turkish protesters, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

I live in Germany and believe it or not, people care and talk about it. Who are you to give me a lesson on Germany or the Netherlands?
I live in Germany and believe it or not, people care and talk about it. Who are you to give me a lesson on Germany or the Netherlands?

I have lived in Europe long enough to know how a lot people in France and Germany feel about Turkish membership.

If you live in Germany, then you know that 60% of Germans oppose Turkey's membership into the EU and Merkel has been a strong voice against Turkey.

This Gezi Park issue is just an excuse.
Like all those other excuses over the years.
Tomorrow, it will be some other excuse.
And the day after, something else.

Like I wrote, if you think Merkel is doing this out of love for Turkish protesters, you are dreaming.

P.S. Majority of Germans opposed to Turkey EU entry: Poll
It was always politic. It seems some people's ideological thoughts come before national interests. How easy people forget a 50-year European hipocrasy and think its related to Gezi... Good on Germany and Netherlands... Pathetic

exactly that word is very important i hope our turkish members can understand it nice comments from damm1t and Developereo
I have lived in Europe long enough to know how a lot people in France and Germany feel about Turkish membership.

If you live in Germany, then you know that 60% of Germans oppose Turkey's membership into the EU and Merkel has been a strong voice against Turkey.

This Gezi Park issue is just an excuse.
Like all those other excuses over the years.
Tomorrow, it will be some other excuse.
And the day after, something else.

Like I wrote, if you think Merkel is doing this out of love for Turkish protesters, you are dreaming.

P.S. Majority of Germans opposed to Turkey EU entry: Poll

Merkel never had a problem to say what problems need to be solved in order for Turkey to make it into the EU. Why should she hide now behind Gezi Park?

People might not want Turkey to join for whatever reasons but they care about Turkey and demonstrate and write letters to ambassadors and the media. Unlike most Muslim countries in the world they take a stance and call Erdogan out for what he's doing.
People might not want Turkey to join for whatever reasons but they care about Turkey

I am sure individual German citizens do care about Turkish protesters, but the German government is not raising this issue because it gives a damn about the welfare of Turks.

This is a gift on a silver platter for the anti-Turkish forces in European governments. They can play the human rights song to their sensitive electorate, while erecting yet more barriers to Turkish entry into the EU.

Like I wrote above, this is just the "excuse of the day".
Wait around and, tomorrow, there will be some more excuses against Turkey joining the EU.

Anyway, this is my personal opinion and, if you believe that the German government is raising this issue because it genuinely cares for the Turkish people, then that's fine.
I am sure individual German citizens do care about Turkish protesters, but the German government is not raising this issue because it gives a damn about the welfare of Turks.

Like I wrote above, this is just the "excuse of the day".
Wait around and, tomorrow, there will be some more excuses against Turkey joining the EU.

The German government (like for example) and the opposition parties all have condemned Erdogan for his acts. Hardly any party in Europe did not.

And on your other point, shame on Erdogan then because he made it possible for them to have an excuse.

This is the frontpage of Spiegel right know, it says "The stubborn man from Bosphorus"
And basically is about how Erdogan could have been the greatest leader in Turkish history since Atatürk but screwed it up.
The German government (like for example) and the opposition parties all have condemned Erdogan for his acts. Hardly any party in Europe did not.

And on your other point, shame on Erdogan then because he made it possible for them to have an excuse.

This is the frontpage of Spiegel right know, it says "The stubborn man from Bosphorus"
And basically is about how Erdogan could have been the greatest leader in Turkish history since Atatürk but screwed it up.

They dont want Turkey in the EU because they dont like Muslims/Turks are you blind Germany was always against Turkeys membership not because of gezi park.
You didnt read **** before commenting, am I right?
You didnt read **** before commenting, am I right?

Wenn du richtige Anti Türkei nachrichten lesen möchtest geh mal auf WELT das sind die größten Türkenhasser auf dem Planeten.
Wenn du richtige Anti Türkei nachrichten lesen möchtest geh mal auf WELT das sind die größten Türkenhasser auf dem Planeten.

Was hat das mit dem was ich gesagt habe zu tun? Ich habe versucht dem Idioten bei zu bringen, dass Merkel bis jetzt keine Probleme hatte zu sagen, warum die Türkei nicht in die EU kommen sollte. Dieser Depp behauptet, dass der Gezi Park nur ein neuer Vorwand sei. Ich habe lediglich versucht Ihm bei zu bringen, dass Sie das erstens nicht nötig hat (gibt genug andere Sachen um die Verhandlungen zu blocken) und zweitens, dass es ein guter Grund wäre zum blocken, das und dass sich die Öffentlichkeit tatsächlich um die Ereignisse sorgt.
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