you must talk of removing crime, capitalism, consumerism and callousness/apathy in your society instead of acting to kill cats.
and majority of crime is economic and social, so is removed automatically by bringing socialism.
and cats bring harmony to society.
i never claimed such a unclaimable thing.
i never bothered with questioning whether there is god or not and islam is the first movement to say "okay, there is a single and formless god, now don't get obsessed with worshiping god but instead get on with creating a justice and freedom based society in your material world".
what i meant was if we claim to be a muslim our claim must not be because of we praying five times a day on hard floor and getting a mark on the forehead... our claim must be because we understand the reasoning behind the revolution brought by the last prophet and also why he adored cats.
"erdogan of pakistan-2.0"?? are you referring to zia ul haq??
the difference of liking cats or liking dogs is not personal but something that affects society... i being in india know this more than most others.
look at iraq... the chaos after the 2003 invasion by western forces and the consequent regime-change also increased the population of dogs... the baghdad police shot thousands of the increased dogs because they were attacking people... so we can take this to mean that the increase in dog population is because there was something wrong in society and presence of dogs must be taken as a indicator of this.
a truly harmonious city would be a compromise between humans and cats, and no dogs.
please read that line again.