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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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but my friend, the interpretation of islam as a violent force turns these moderates into extremists. even in Hinduism we can see it , but very miniscule compared to islam. if you see the reactionary bombing of that indo-pak train and of a couple of mosques, point to that. but fortunately its not mentioned in Hinduism to do this so it may not be that virulent due to lack of religious sanction.
Everybody has its own interpretation of Islam.. Don't worry, Moderate people will use interpretation for the betterment of people unlike typical illiterate mullah .
Nigeria has difficulties with it's own Islamic insurgency. Maybe they could share some tips on how to suppress extremists to Angola.
Or alternatively, if Nigeria banned Islam long ago, maybe it wouldn't have an insurgency problem right now.

Sudan can't start a war, South Sudan would attack it.

Angola won't care if ties with Muslim world are cut off. They have enough business elsewhere.
Lol, I wish the muslim countries cut off ties with china who cleanse the uighurs
okay Quran's message is all copied from Christianity and juwism, which itself are copied from pagan religions.
these are wrong assumptions. you need to learn more about Islam(from non apologist sources obviously).
Listen, if you want to heat things up continue in the same direction i am not interested. Pakistan and India already have no relations like i said you're more baised and intolerant than those you blame. Pakistan has a list of long allegations as well but the so called "super power in the making" has already learnt the attitude of a super power if not acquired the status yet and that is to ask questions, demand answers and hold their breath while the other expects the same.

Very few muslim nations give rights to their minorities.Muslims are very lucky they have rights and are pampered in india despite having been a fifth column in the nation.
Everybody has its own interpretation of Islam.. Don't worry, Moderate people will use interpretation for the betterment of people unlike typical illiterate mullah .
I hope so too.. moderate muslims can be fun. there are millions in india.
revise your kurans, it has extremist verses which terrorists blabber while brainwashing... iam no lying
See India protects its minorities and Pak has failed to do that. in fact Pak minorities have been consumed by the majority. Pak only has allegations so that they can continue causing mayhem in india. not one of their allegations has got any traction outside of ISI , PA and Pak awam.

Amazing Pakistan has only allegations and you're are equivalent to scriptures that no one can doubt please if you want to troll then find someone else i am up for a healthy discussion but not with people not grown up enough to accept their mistakes as well those who act like bigots.
Just because all three have a few similarities doesn't mean they copy each other. There are already dozens of articles on internet who have comprehensively rebutted all these lies. You can search on internet for them.
ok its cloned from older to newer.. Al-la itself is a pagan god.
boss, see the connection between holy trinity between pagan religion and Christianity. and see the similarity between Ju, Christian and islam. its a natural evolution process. and all concepts have eben freely adopted into the newer religion - not that its wrong , and twists given to suit their needs.

Lol similarity doesn't prove anything. Yes there are similarities. May be because they all have the same source. Prophet Abraham(AS). That doesn't prove they copied each other.

ok its cloned from older to newer.. Al-la itself is a pagan god.

This has been rebutted as well. :)
Amazing Pakistan has only allegations and you're are equivalent to scriptures that no one can doubt please if you want to troll then find someone else i am up for a healthy discussion but not with people not grown up enough to accept their mistakes as well those who act like bigots.
Pakistan simply makes noise and sends terrorists to india. not one name has been given by pak to india.
Very few muslim nations give rights to their minorities.Muslims are very lucky they have rights and are pampered in india despite having been a fifth column in the nation.

You can keep believing that if you like to but please don't give me that.
Lol similarity doesn't prove anything. Yes there are similarities. May be because they all have the same source. Prophet Abraham(AS). That doesn't prove they copied each other.

This has been rebutted as well. :)
anything in religion can be rebutted because there is no proof. only faith. that's why logic cannot fly in that space.
In that event you might see very large use of biological and chemical weapons for mass genocide against muslim populations.You have seen Russian court ruling for removal of extremist quotes in Quran and ban on quran translation. Angola bans islam.

Remove racist quotes against kafirs in quran for torture,killing and murder.You need reformation of islam like bahai or ahmaddiya islam fast. or the world will be fast at war with you.

Not going to happen. And no. No one can bomb muslims with biological and chemical weapons.
Pakistan simply makes noise and sends terrorists to india. not one name has been given by pak to india.

So what if i say even India only makes noise and similar stuff. I told you i am not going to troll like you so either you can have a healthy discussion where you don't act like a bigot or i am not interested.
anything in religion can be rebutted because there is no proof. only faith. that's why logic cannot fly in that space.

Well we are perfectly satisfied with whatever we believe in. We have all the logic for it. Can't say about you. You might be confused about your religion.
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