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Anglo Indians of Pakistan and India

If you are from Karachi, it is strange that you claim yourself as Anglo-Indian rather than Anglo-Pakistani. It reflects where your loyalities are.
It's a community name. If Gujarati Muslim in Pak calls himself ethically Gujarati, would you question his loyalty?
A- Anglo pakistani for people who live in Pakistan

B- I don't know why they describe themselves by the fact that some British guy knocked someone in thier family decades ago and now thier identity revolves around this fact, as a official mutt race we have many people from somewhere else mixed up
No one calls themselves uzbeko -Pakistani, tajiko -Pakistani , irano -Pakistani, kurdo -Pakistani, it's literally just a secret family ancestry story they have that they tell to close friends
Than what's up with this anglo shit? Why are they only doing it? - cherry on top is they brutalized our people and you're a constant reminder of that brutality against people of this nation

Be a Sindhi, muhajir, Punjabi, Pashtun - whatever you want to be , but stop this anglo nonsense and intergerate fully into your local Cristian cammunity

I am not a fan of this anglo whatever

I know this half pakistani and half Irish girl, my god she is hot! usually south asian mixes with europeans really come out beautiful
They basically become white people, it's a race killing mix, don't know why anyone would want it
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I am from Pakistan, Anglo Indian, born and raised in Karachi. It is strange to hear that some of your relatives had to convert to Islam. Never heard of this among the Angli Indian community. Only time this would happen if a Muslim man married a Christian girl (whether AI or other Christian) This must have been a rare case, and certainly didn't happen in my time.
Indians writing about pakistan...

What else were you expecting? Lol 😂, if Indians had their way, they'd say pakistanis are forcefully converting dogs and stray animals

I don't give a crap about their opinions anymore
B- I don't know why they describe themselves by the fact that some British guy knocked someone in thier family decades ago and now thier identity revolves around this fact, as a official mutt race we have many people from somewhere else mixed up
No one calls themselves uzbeko -Pakistani, tajiko -Pakistani , irano -Pakistani, kurdo -Pakistani, it's literally just a secret family ancestry story they have that they tell to close friends
Than what's up with this anglo shit? - cherry on top is they brutalized our people and you're a constant reminder of that brutality against people of this nation

Be a Sindhi, muhajir, Punjabi, Pashtun - whatever you want to be , but stop this anglo nonsense and intergerate fully into your local Cristian cammunity

Don't know about Pakistan, but religious differences with other Christians could be a reason for maintaining the old ethnonym. In India the Anglo-Indians took on the religion of their ancestors, i.e. Protest Christianity, whereas vast majority of Indian Christians are either Catholics or Orthodox.

Moreover, communities which are tiny tend to be more protective of their identity than others. I do not believe that a separate identification has causes any separatist tendencies. Most such communities are so tiny that they are hardly a threat. OTOH, dominant communities can be a pain in the butt.

When I was younger, I used to think that Anglo Indians, and even Portuguese descended Goans are snooty and consider themselves superior. I found this behaviour among descendants of Nawabi families too. But over time I have grown to accept their need to maintain their separate identity, if not their snootiness. Some snootiness is also a result of disapproval of the chaotic ways of the rest of the country. Smaller, formerly well to do communities which were close to the colonial administrations tend to be better educated, less prone to corrupt practices and in general follow the law.
I am from Pakistan, Anglo Indian, born and raised in Karachi. It is strange to hear that some of your relatives had to convert to Islam. Never heard of this among the Angli Indian community. Only time this would happen if a Muslim man married a Christian girl (whether AI or other Christian) This must have been a rare case, and certainly didn't happen in my time.
Sunita marshall (my crush 🥰) married a Muslim man but she followed Cristian traditions for marriage though
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