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Angelina Jolie In Pakistan


Jun 2, 2010
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Angelina Jolie In Pakistan

The United Nations says actress Angelina Jolie is visiting Pakistan to meet victims of the floods and highlight the need for international help.

Jolie was in the country Tuesday in her role as a "goodwill ambassador" for the U.N.'s refugee agency.

International relief agencies sometimes enlist celebrities to draw attention to their work and get more funds.

The U.N. gave no details of Jolie's itinerary.
Ange In Dash For Pakistan Flood Aid


ANGELINA JOLIE last night jetted to Pakistan on a mercy mission for the thousands of homeless flood victims.

The Oscar-winning actress and United Nations goodwill ambassador flew to Islamabad via Heathrow to start emergency fundraising for the devastated region.

Angelina, backed by partner BRAD PITT, 46, will film fresh appeals for cash to help the 20 million people affected by the disaster.

The mum of six, 35, has already donated £65,000 of her own money to the cause, a year after giving £650,000 to help Pakistanis displaced by warring Taliban militants.

A source said: "She's been in tears over the devastation and wants to do whatever she can to help. Brad is just as passionate about it and has spoken about going over too.

"They may be Hollywood stars but they are genuine humanitarians."
Strange. When did that happen?

An old joke i remember....

A politician was asked to attend a ceremony as chief guest...

He inquired his secretary that "will there be a camera crew of National TV".

Secretary replied NO.

The politician said I have other important meetings to attend. Cancel this one.

The secretary then said but the news papers reporters will be there to cover the ceremony.

The Politician said . Oh well, spending 5 minutes there wont kill anybody.

I hope you got the point....She is not a politician.
An old joke i remember....

A politician was asked to attend a ceremony as chief guest...

He inquired his secretary that "will there be a camera crew of National TV".

Secretary replied NO.

The politician said I have other important meetings to attend. Cancel this one.

The secretary then said but the news papers reporters will be there to cover the ceremony.

The Politician said . Oh well, spending 5 minutes there wont kill anybody.

I hope you got the point....She is not a politician.

Yup I got it. Nobody is as "selfless" as our politicians. :disagree:
She is more of a daughter of Pakistan than terrorist Afia Siddiqi for whom the right wing keeps on crying for.

angelina jolie is nothing more than an entertainer. an entertainer's job is to provide entertainment thru their antics.
I love Angelina Jolie....I am willing to die for her :smitten:
angelina jolie is nothing more than an entertainer. an entertainer's job is to provide entertainment thru their antics.

Hope you are following the news, she is busy helping flood victims in pakistan.
She is more of a daughter of Pakistan than terrorist Afia Siddiqi for whom the right wing keeps on crying for.

Your right but its shameful how a Pakistani woman is being kept in another country and some .......s try to justify it!

If she deserves it ... then she could serve the same sentence in her own country rather then US!

How would u feel if ur daughter was kept in a third country and she complains of imoral treatment?(even if she is guilty?)..
Its very bloody easy to come on a forum n talk about such things with ease n be all tht cocky n sarcastic but it is much harder in real life.

My intellectual American frnd of PAKISTANI origin.
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angelina jolie is nothing more than an entertainer. an entertainer's job is to provide entertainment thru their antics.
Yeah exactly...... she is nothing more than an entertainer..... when she entertains the public by donating $100,000 from her own pocket where your President who happens to be among the richest peoples of South Asia donated far less than that.

She also entertained the african childrens in past by donating big money out of her pocket and not to forget 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Whatever she earns, mostly she donates peoples all around the world. I wish i was such also a entertainer like her
Yeah exactly...... she is nothing more than an entertainer..... when she entertains the public by donating $100,000 from her own pocket where your President who happens to be amongst the richest peoples of South Asia donated far less than that.

She also entertained the african childrens in past by donating big money out of her pocket and not to forget 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Whatever she earns, mostly she donates peoples all around the world. I wish i was such also a entertainer like her

its good that she is helping the flood victims. but she is only doing her job. if she doesn't do her job, the UN will sack her from her position and replace her with somebody else. its that simple. she is only doing her job.

and yes i agree, this President is not an angel, but like Americans who defend war criminal Bush and British who defend war criminal Blair, i do not take a stance against this President until Americans take a stance against Bush and bring him to tribunal for his war crimes.

but the fact is: Angeline Jolie is just doing her job. white ppl are very racist in their thoughts. its the way they are brought up. they cannot be trusted.
its good that she is helping the flood victims. but she is only doing her job. if she doesn't do her job, the UN will sack her from her position and replace her with somebody else. its that simple. she is only doing her job.

and yes i agree, this President is not an angel, but like Americans who defend war criminal Bush and British who defend war criminal Blair, i do not take a stance against this President until Americans take a stance against Bush and bring him to tribunal for his war crimes.

but the fact is: Angeline Jolie is just doing her job. white ppl are very racist in their thoughts. its the way they are brought up. they cannot be trusted.
Doing her job by Paying from her OWN POCKET.........

I'll never apply for such job .....would you?
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