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Ancient Pyramids in China

lol, this guy finally showed his true color. Pretend innocently and ask stupid questions, with idiotic purpose to steal Chinese culture.

It seems that the original article was trying to make a connection between Chinese pyramids, Uyghur cave and Turkic people in order to claim pyramids made by Turks.

But the reality is even Uyghur cave has no relation with Turkic culture.

Google the images first, you can see: in Uyghur cave paintings - religion is Buddhism, people dress in old Chinese style, people plough land and cultivation, donkey carrying goods. Most importantly, the painting is also in Chinese style. I can not see any trace of Turkic culture in it.

If anything, this Uyghur cave is a solid evidence of Chinese presence in that area.

BTW, today's Uyghur people has no relation with the ancient Uyghur empire. Just google it or use wiki.
Turkic pyramides Xian Pyramids in China

Turkish Pyramids in China (Documentary Part 1)

Turkish Pyramids in China (Documentary Part 2)

I am uploading UK documentaries.

lol, the pyramid is the tomb of the Great Chinese Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the guy just slaughtered million of Xiongnu, now you call this the "Turkish Pyramids". :lol:
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At least some people didn't accuse China of "copying" Egypt or the Mayans, or "reverse engineering" the pyramid blueprints that were "illegally" obtained by hacking the Pharaoh's computers. Oh wait, they didn't have computers back in those days, damn.
This one is huge,


Btw there is one in Bosnia too:

Turkish clowns dont know what they are trying to prove here,might as well make claims to every country that has a pyramid originated from turkey.Seriously, do u even share a border with China to make such tall claims?Historically you're just known as barbaric invaders.


Most of the Chinese pyramids are found in Shanxi county which is in the state of "Xian" and yes uyghurs are migrants,now pack and leave before the tanks starts rolling.
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Turkish clowns dont know what they are trying to prove here,might as well make claims to every country that has a pyramid originated from turkey.Seriously, do u even share a border with China to make such tall claims?Historically you're just known as barbaric invaders.

Most of the Chinese pyramids are found in Shanxi county which is in the state of "Xian" and yes uyghurs are migrants,
Interesting, I did not know any Chinese pyramids before.
now pack and leave before the tanks starts rolling.
LOL China and Turkey do not share a common border. How do you want to reach them?
Interesting, I did not know any Chinese pyramids before.

LOL China and Turkey do not share a common border. How do you want to reach them?

China had no border with India for thousands of years, until the 1950s. Just give it time.
LOL China and Turkey do not share a common border. How do you want to reach them?

LOL at you! it's ok if you fail to comprehend,did i not typed "ugyhur immigant" no? They ughyhur are a group of ethnic minorities concentrated in Xinjinag,to my eyes they are separatist and extremist something like a version of Russian chechnya terorist but to a lesser extent in which probably was the intention of the poster of this thread,an ugyhur imposter on a foreign land or maybe just a pure clown trying to distort the truth of the pyramids in China.Hell! while his at it why not claim the pyramid in Los Vegas,which i'm pretty sure it's not some fancy casino if it has turkic history in it.
To all Turkish posters:

No offence here. Turkic tribes were first known in Chinese literature from the 5th-6th century. If you were direct decendents or related to another Altay orginated tribes the Huns, then your history could be told from 300BC in Chinese literature.

Chinese pyramids were derived from Dongyi tribes that created pig dragon symbols, phoenix, and the pyramids. The first pyramid structure was found 4000 - 5000 years ago. If you are calling this turkic pyramids it'd be rediculous. You should at least call the turkic pyramids Chinese influenced pyramids because your ancester tribes were unknown then and thousands miles away even several centuries later. The turkic tribes left no trace of pyramids in mongolian plateou where they lived at their early ages.

Do you think the turkic ancesters preferred to teach Chinese to build pyramids while not to build pyramids for themselves? Or did the turkic people learn to build pyramids from China not Egypt?

Pls leave the Urghurs out of this. They are documented to settle down in present Xinjiang in 9th century. They are not genetically related to earlier native settlers in the region 4000 years ago.
Turkish pyramids in China? What are some of these Turks trying to prove that they taught Chinese how to build pyramids or that they had occupied China and influenced Chinese culture/history? No wonder they refused to admit the Armenian genocide same with Japanese. Go check the map where Turkey and China is before teaching us with fake stuff.
Turkey and Tujue have as much relationship as one between Native Americans and China. A funny notion that can only boost some people's nationalist ego. Armenia, Azerbaijan, all those central Asian nations are more closely related to Tujue in history.

How can some people even believe that a country in Asia minor is somehow more closely related to ancient people in Mongolia Plateau than Greece or Arab nations? Did aliens just lift them and drop them? If there was some migration of tribes, that relationship has been so thinly spread. You might say we are all from Africa.
Those so called pyramids are just 陵墓, emperors' tombs. I am sure they should be guarded for fear of being looted, tarnished, etc. Plus, they are somehow our holy lands. We are secular people that believe in ancestral lineage.
I have read this guy's book. I never knew that China had pyramids. I want to ask some questions.
only my words "Why top-secret? And off-limits area? Chiness friends, can u explain? Thank you."

others Historican Prof Dr Kazim Mirsan
look Historican Prof Dr Kazim Mirsan thesis - Historum - History Forums

Sorry to reply to you so late.

Turkic tribes appeared in Altai/Mongolia region earliest in the 7th century, while the "Chinese pyramids" were found in Hongshan culture, present day inner mongolia, north eastern China, thousands years ago. The pyramids shown in the thread were from 200BC to 800AD. Your historians cited wrong facts to make the story, period.
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Interesting, I did not know any Chinese pyramids before.

LOL China and Turkey do not share a common border. How do you want to reach them?

It's the Chicoms genocidal idea of creating an pure Han nation. They wish the destruction of Altaic peoples like the Yamoto (Japanese), Koreans, Mongols and Turks.
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