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Ancient Pakistani Buddhists in Gandhara used to eat meat

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whoever said Pakistan is Least racist nation must not have visited PDF. You guys behave like real losers.
what is so racist about pointing out how Pakistanis and Indians look different?
He didn't put a value judgment on it. He didn't say "Pakistanis are better because we are lighter and Indians are worse because they are darker"

If you think what Desert Fighter said was racist, then that says more about your mentality and insecurities then his.
What Non sense ..they were all Hindu empires..or atleast Hindu kigdoms,..Whom did Alexander defeat ..on the banks Indus..it was not Mohammed.

Four religions have originated in this subcontinent of India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism...and those people were called Indians.
yes you are right it was not Muhammad who was beaten by Alexander but it was Raja Porus
I did not say exactly like Pakistanis, said a shade lighter or two.

Tell me Balaji wouldn't fit in this group.


Unless of course you don't consider the darker skinned Pakistanis as Pakistanis!

It's not about light or dark skin, it's about features. We differ substantially when it comes to features, how hard is that to understand? As Desert Fighter said, we can only pity you if you guys think we look like you, for we are not blind and are self respecting actually. And the Indian cricketers you posted all look distinctly Indian and if I saw them here in Australia, I would know straight away that they are Indians. And yes you can find similar people in both the countries, but when it comes to Potoharis and Baloch, I feel the features are grossly different, even more so in the case of Baloch, for we Potoharis look a bit like Jammu walay Indians, but not exactly like them.

Here are some common people from UP:

Here's a city of Potohar, Jhelum:

If you still think those UP walas look like those Potoharis, then I can only pity you and hope you develop some self-respect.

PS: Aur darr mat jaana. We are physically big people, which was one of the reasons why the Brits recruited us over the 5'2 Ganga-Bihar people. And during the 1857, we had no moral qualms over killing the mutineering Bihar and Bengal soldiers. It's always easier to kill foreigners.

@Jaggu : Check out the Jhelumi dialect of Potohari; which is mixed with central Majha punjabi to an extent.
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I think google images show the stereotypical pictures and most are results from anthro websites which highlight what a "base" ethnic group looks like. But we are all mixed quite a bit. I think a sports team is a pretty random group where looks has nothing to do with you being in a team, you would agree right?

Now look at the Indian cricket team, and look at the South Indian(Dravidians) cricketers, thats what an average South Indian looks like. They don't look anything like an African. Infact if they were a shade lighter or two, they could walk around in Pakistan and no one would blink twice. I know it, you know it, that Pakistanis and Indians don't look all that different, and the range of facial features and skin tones varies quite a bit.

Murali Vijay


Murali Karthik


Dinesh Karthik


Anil Kumble


Rahul Dravid




R Aswhin


L Balaji


You can't be serious, these brahmins/upper caste types look nothing like non-dalits punjabis. Not to forget gangid types are barely 5.2 feet tall most of the times. Even sindhi flood victims you posted look different then these.

watch this video and say these types look like north indian upper caste UP people? forget about rest of India

and I can post dozens of videos from punjab rural areas masjids, no need to post random flood victims to prove your point. I rest my case.
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And speaking of Taxila, here's a guy actually from Taxila; Rohail Hyatt of Coke studio and Vital Signs, who's from Wah which is right next to Taxila:

Yet this guy here is suggesting Taxila people are same race as UP-Bihari people. And notice how they aren't as keen to seek an association with Sri-Lankans and Bangladeshi people, despite the latter regions being geographically or genetically closer to them.
And speaking of Taxila, here's a guy actually from Taxila; Rohail Hyatt of Coke studio and Vital Signs, who's from Wah which is right next to Taxila:

Yet this guy here is suggesting Taxila people are same race as UP-Bihari people. And notice how they aren't as keen to seek an association with Sri-Lankans and Bangladeshi people, despite the latter regions being geographically or genetically closer to them.

Mate I have seen all the Pakistanis here in Australia, all different ethnicity, except for the Hazaras and the occasional Pashtuns rest all can pass for Indians. And I am pretty sure you too look like an Indian.

We don't wish to be associated with Pakistanis, who on earth would want that! :lol: Seriously, stating a fact doesn't mean we wish for something. You are a potohori right? Post your pic, lets see how "non Indian" you look. And please don't give me the bs about privacy issues and what not.

Desert Fighter the true blue Baloch guy here looks like he is from Andhra Pradesh or something. Not even kidding.
Mate I have seen all the Pakistanis here in Australia, all different ethnicity, except for the Hazaras and the occasional Pashtuns rest all can pass for Indians. And I am pretty sure you too look like an Indian.

We don't wish to be associated with Pakistanis, who on earth would want that! :lol: Seriously, stating a fact doesn't mean we wish for something. You are a potohori right? Post your pic, lets see how "non Indian" you look. And please don't give me the bs about privacy issues and what not.

Desert Fighter the true blue Baloch guy here looks like he is from Andhra Pradesh or something. Not even kidding.

Chal theek hai. You post your picture, I'll post mine.
And speaking of Taxila, here's a guy actually from Taxila; Rohail Hyatt of Coke studio and Vital Signs, who's from Wah which is right next to Taxila:

Yet this guy here is suggesting Taxila people are same race as UP-Bihari people. And notice how they aren't as keen to seek an association with Sri-Lankans and Bangladeshi people, despite the latter regions being geographically or genetically closer to them.
I don't know why you potohari claim yourself as rajput blood in reality you are just mallecha or historically Buddhist and racially you are nowhere compared to North Indians

A jamwal Rajput from Himachal

vidyut-jamwal-1-080413130408173620 (1).jpg

And there is a reason why we consider you mallecha,you had no history thus during most of your history you were Buddhist,animist and now you are Muslim

A potohari


And did your rajput ancestors made any Haveli let alone a Big Fort like this

You can't be serious, these brahmins/upper caste types look nothing like non-dalits punjabis. Not to forget gangid types are barely 5.2 feet tall most of the times. Even sindhi flood victims you posted look different then these.

watch this video and say these types look like north indian upper caste UP people? forget about rest of India

and I can post dozens of videos from punjab rural areas masjids, no need to post random flood victims to prove your point. I rest my case.

Of the course the Central Asian influence is more prominent in Pakistanis, all am saying is that there is quite a bit of overlap between Indians and Pakistanis, and there would not be many Indians from the "mainland" who would stick out like a sore thumb in Pakistan.
Mate I have seen all the Pakistanis here in Australia, all different ethnicity, except for the Hazaras and the occasional Pashtuns rest all can pass for Indians. And I am pretty sure you too look like an Indian.

We don't wish to be associated with Pakistanis, who on earth would want that! :lol: Seriously, stating a fact doesn't mean we wish for something. You are a potohori right? Post your pic, lets see how "non Indian" you look. And please don't give me the bs about privacy issues and what not.

Are you not the same guy who pass Italians for Indian? Watch the posted video from Jhelum and North India and yet you are still in denial. Not cherry picked photos.

Of the course the Central Asian influence is more prominent in Pakistanis, all am saying is that there is quite a bit of overlap between Indians and Pakistanis, and there would not be many Indians from the "mainland" who would stick out like a sore thumb in Pakistan.

Call it what ever influence you want, the videos I posted are from Pak Punjab and not even west of indus. You are in denial, even upper caste brahmins/rajputs look basically gangid gracile according to british anthropologists.
Chal theek hai. You post your picture, I'll post mine.

I have posted mine here before, you post yours, and I ll dig that thread out for u
Are you not the same guy who pass Italians for Indian? Watch the posted video from Jhelum and North India and yet you are still in denial. Not cherry picked photos.

People confuse me for a lot of different nationalities, but when in India or at an Indian gathering , no one goes, what you an Indian?? No way! What does that tell you? There are a lot of phenotypes (I hope am using the right term) of the Indian and Pakistani "race", and majority of those phenotypes are found in both India and Pakistan.
you are all outsiders who settled in this region about 1500 years ago and as recently as during the british rule.
the people who are mentined in this article moved into present day india.

these guys are not the same as UP - bihari people/ the UP people were the original inhabitants and creators of the IVC , the above people were nomadic invader descendents.

And what evidence do you have for your claims?
Just because your guru said so, does not make it true.

And if you really want to get pedantic, we are all invaders of India, the original people of India were Austro-Asian people who look like this


and the evidence for that is the tribal people of India who still resemble the original owners of India.
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