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Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

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don't make a fool of your self..it's part of our common history.

no..its not india's or pakistan's or any one country's history...it is history of hinduism..history of humankind...no one can make a claim on it..
haha...you call yourself Islamic republic of Pakistan and you claim Indus valley civilization as start of Pakistan?????
nothing to analyze in that worthless post :D i mean for us Indians...you can analyze crap out of it and beat drums on it if it pleases you :)

The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations. It flourished in the vast river plains and adjacent regions in what are now Pakistan and western India.

Ancient Indus Civ is extinct and was definitely not Vedic --as claimed by some of the more jingoistic hindu nationalist walas here who have no clue what on earth they are talking bout. The point being made is that its part of Pakistan heritage like everything else in the Indus lands and valleys, and I dont know why you bharty knuckle-heads find it appropriate to derail such threads with ownership claims rather than contributing positively.

As brother T-Faz once argued, any person should be assured that educated Pakistani's have been since our birth recognised our pre Islamic history, it is designed on our currency notes, we learn about it in school and told of it throughout our lives to respect and educate our future generations on these civilisations.

on the other hand, I have also observed hindustanys who openly condemn all architecture in their country because it was made by Muslims who they say were invaders, even intelligent bharty students who dont consider any of the impact on culture and life to be of importance.

so cut the crap and see things how they are. We are very proud of our heritage and the amount of diversity in our motherland, our gift, Pakistan.
The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations. It flourished in the vast river plains and adjacent regions in what are now Pakistan and western India.

Ancient Indus Civ is extinct and was definitely not Vedic --as claimed by some of the more jingoistic hindu nationalist walas here who have no clue what on earth they are talking bout. The point being made is that its part of Pakistan heritage like everything else in the Indus lands and valleys, and I dont know why you bharty knuckle-heads find it appropriate to derail such threads with ownership claims rather than contributing positively.

As brother T-Faz once argued, any person should be assured that educated Pakistani's have been since our birth recognised our pre Islamic history, it is designed on our currency notes, we learn about it in school and told of it throughout our lives to respect and educate our future generations on these civilisations.

on the other hand, I have also observed hindustanys who openly condemn all architecture in their country because it was made by Muslims who they say were invaders, even intelligent bharty students who dont consider any of the impact on culture and life to be of importance.

so cut the crap and see things how they are. We are very proud of our heritage and the amount of diversity in our motherland, our gift, Pakistan.

swastikas found in IVS differ from whatever you claim..its good that you are proud that you have IVS in your country but dont start saying IVS as start of pakistan and pakistan existed before 1947...thats just funny and shameful for you guys only :D
The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations. It flourished in the vast river plains and adjacent regions in what are now Pakistan and western India.

Ancient Indus Civ is extinct and was definitely not Vedic --as claimed by some of the more jingoistic hindu nationalist walas here who have no clue what on earth they are talking bout. The point being made is that its part of Pakistan heritage like everything else in the Indus lands and valleys, and I dont know why you bharty knuckle-heads find it appropriate to derail such threads with ownership claims rather than contributing positively.

As brother T-Faz once argued, any person should be assured that educated Pakistani's have been since our birth recognised our pre Islamic history, it is designed on our currency notes, we learn about it in school and told of it throughout our lives to respect and educate our future generations on these civilisations.

on the other hand, I have also observed hindustanys who openly condemn all architecture in their country because it was made by Muslims who they say were invaders, even intelligent bharty students who dont consider any of the impact on culture and life to be of importance.

so cut the crap and see things how they are. We are very proud of our heritage and the amount of diversity in our motherland, our gift, Pakistan.

Could not agree more, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship - to paraphrase Casablanca LoL.
Pakistan as an idea existed and was referenced for quite some time. Officially, legally, it had no existence prior to 1947. But then again, neither did hindustan.
swastikas found in IVS differ from whatever you claim..its good that you are proud that you have IVS in your country but dont start saying IVS as start of pakistan and pakistan existed before 1947...thats just funny and shameful for you guys only :D

Ok it is part of French culture, :cheesy: people have something to bring to this discussion, you should bring silence.
The Harappan Civilization by Tarini J. Carr

Seals are one of the most commonly found objects in Harappan cities. They are decorated with animal motifs such as elephants, water buffalo, tigers, and most commonly unicorns. Some of these seals are inscribed with figures that are prototypes to later Hindu religious figures, some of which are seen today.

For example, seals have been recovered with the repeated motif of a man sitting in a yogic position surrounded by animals. This is very similar to the Hindu god of Shiva, who is known to have been the friend of the animals and sat in a yogic position. These seals are known as the Shiva seals. Other images of a male god have been found, thus indicating the beginnings of Shiva worship, which continues to be practiced today in India. (10)

Siva Linga - MS Wats 1940This is an interesting point because of the accepted notion of an Aryan invasion. If Aryan's had invaded the Indus Valley, conquered the people, and imposed their own culture and religion on them, as the theory goes, it would seem unlikely that there would a continuation of similar religious practices up to the present. There is evidence throughout Indian history to indicate that Shiva worship has continued for thousands of years without disruption. [cf. harappan cultural continuity]
We are the people of the Indus - it belongs to Pakistani's - we are proud that one of the oldest world civilizations was given birth to, in our land.

actually i am happy to see that you guys are keeping it preserved rather than destroying it like talibanis did with budha statues in afganistan just for religion's sake...
We are the people of the Indus - it belongs to Pakistani's - we are proud that one of the oldest world civilizations was given birth to, in our land.

The very concept of "Pakistan" was created to protect Muslims from majority Hindu rule - not on civilizational/cultural distinctness. Now on the piece of land you've got, you are free to accept the ancient history of the land, but don't claim it as yours. Its equivalent to Whites occupying the American's land and claiming the red indian's history as theirs.
Pakistan as an idea existed and was referenced for quite some time. Officially, legally, it had no existence prior to 1947. But then again, neither did hindustan.

Can you explain me how long the idea of Pakistan existed? Per my knowledge the idea got introduced with the Muslim league and we are talking of 2-3 decades at most. And can you care to explain why "Hindustan" wasnt existing. Please, we are talking about the concept/idea/identity and not stupid terminiology
The very concept of "Pakistan" was created to protect Muslims from majority Hindu rule - not on civilizational/cultural distinctness. Now on the piece of land you've got, you are free to accept the ancient history of the land, but don't claim it as yours. Its equivalent to Whites occupying the American's land and claiming the red indian's history as theirs.

Yeah but whites are not indigenous, we are, we have continuous occupancy of this land for thousand's of years, my ancestor fought with Porus against Alexander, you can't get more indigenous than that, can you.

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

Can you explain me how long the idea of Pakistan existed? Per my knowledge the idea got introduced with the Muslim league and we are talking of 2-3 decades at most. And can you care to explain why "Hindustan" wasnt existing. Please, we are talking about the concept/idea/identity and not stupid terminiology

There is was no nation state - as india, it is, and was an artificial construct of the Britishers.
I would love to read the intelligent responses to SRSRSR's above 2 posts!
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